Cat in Trouble {Update!}


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Update 1/22/2018: Thanks to the money I was able to raise, I got Angel the treatment he needed and he has been all better! No blood and he has been spraying much less.

I'm super sorry for the late update but I thought it'd be best to update now rather than never, just in case someone comes to this blog. XD

Have an Angel messing with a set for my Photography class lol

I feel guilty for doing this here, especially since I haven't been very active, but I need all of the help I can get and I've realized that I can't afford to be afraid to ask for help wherever and however I can.

My cat Snow Angel has a very serious problem. I made a journal on Deviantart about it here earlier. I'm relieved that he seems better than earlier but I'm still scared for him, especially since I only have $185 in my Paypal due to the emergency vet trip today wiping out most of my money. I'm extremely worried about raising enough money to get him any future help he might need. I deeply appreciate all of the wonderful people who have spread the word on DA and it would mean the world to me if I could receive more help for him

Thank you

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Evern's picture

Wish you the best of luck..

Wish you the best of luck.. ♥ His disease sounds awful.
Raw foods can sometimes help improve cat health btw, we're feeding our elderly/sickly cat meat and it really boosts his wellbeing.

Aivilo's picture

@Evern - He needs a very

@Evern - He needs a very specificly balanced diet right now in order to dissolve stones, and may need a specific diet for the rest of his life in order to prevent future crystals. Follow the vet's recommendation. Raw diets should also be used with caution as they can cause just as much trouble as you're trying to avoid with them; there is a potential of bacteria causing illness (just like if you were to eat raw meat - there are some freeze-dried raw diets on the market that are safer, however), and if you are making it yourself you need to get a recipe from a veterinary nutritionist. It's not as easy as putting some chicken in a bowl - you have to make sure the nutrients are balanced or you can literally cause your kitty to go blind or into heart failure.
As you've seen, if he is ever straining and not producing urine, he needs to go to the vet immediately. It's considered a medical emergency and will cause the kidneys to shut down if the blockage is not relieved.

Wishing you and your kitty the best.

Thank you both very much for

Thank you both very much for your feedback, it means a lot

Yesterday, I took him to the vet and the vet did drain his bladder and he also conversed with my mom and I about the food he'll need to be eating from now on; they were even kind enough to give us a big thing of special food for him. They gave us medicine for him, too. My fears lay in the fact that since my mother only has enough money each week to care for my siblings and nana, I had to pay for everything and now have very little money due to the emergency vet trip.

And then, the vet discussed that there are two kinds of stones: the kind that can dissolve with the help and the kind that require surgery. The issue is, the results of having his urine tested haven't come yet and they don't know what exactly IS wrong with him.

All they know is that he struggles to pee and that he pees a lot of blood and they gave us as much help as they could with the information they were able to get yesterday. We won't know more in a little while and I pray whatever is wrong with him won't require surgery. If it did, I wouldn't be able to come close to affording it, and that is the biggest fear I have right now.

I'm barely even able to pay for another vet trip with the amount I have at the moment...

My current relief is in that now we know more about cat food and what kinds of cat foods have what effect on cats and how Angel has more energy than he did yesterday.

Evern's picture

My cats have the exact same

My cats have the exact same thing, it can be awful. They both struggle with it. I found one of the two, poor thing, almost moaning in agony in his pet bed once, insisted we take him to the vet immediatly (don't have a driving liscense.) He was peeing blood, poor thing. The good news is that our specialized food helps so much, they rarely have that much pain anymore, only sometimes peeing. It just costs a lot which is a bummer. It will take them a while to get fully used to the new food but once they're on a steady diet of it, the kidney stones should be significantly better! They've never needed surgery, if that's a comfort to you. Good luck! ♥
Also Aiv, I only reccomended she /look into/ the raw food diet. I know exactly how to prepare one (dog is on a raw food diet, does her wonders) and I don't think anyone just throw meat at an animal without knowing if it can handle it lol. Research is key.

Aivilo's picture

^I work in a vet clinic and

^I work in a vet clinic and you would be shocked how many people think "oh they just need meat" and literally just give their dog chicken beast only. I only brought it up because I literally see it every day, not to drag on you or suggest you hadn't done your own research.

@Evern} Ohhh your poor

@Evern} Ohhh your poor babies, that really does sound frightening. But thank you for telling me all of this, it was incredibly comforting to know how they've never needed surgery.
Thank you! Best of luck to your fluff babies as well!

@Aivilo} Oh wow. Thankfully, the vet did discuss with us what kind of food we should really consider keeping Angel on and why which didn't include any "raw meat only" diet. I can definitely understand your point though and why you made it.
Evern's picture

Ohh that's ridiculous, the

Ohh that's ridiculous, the diet has to be very specific. We decided to try to on my dog since she was vomiting any other food, and it's been wonderful. But you need to prepare it properly and know what the animal needs.

Nope, never needed surgery thankfully- at least in our case, since they never bled from their private areas it may never have been that severe. If you need to know anything about their experience you can contact me. c:

Your poor furbaby! That

Your poor furbaby! That sounds like quite the ordeal, both for you and Snow Angel. Hopefully the vet care he's received so far will be enough.
Consider this not only a bump, but also I'll have to see about giving you a hand once I get paid.

@ Evern } Awww...and yeah,

@ Evern } Awww...and yeah, the scary part is that Angel has indeed been bleeding through his penis whenever he attempts to pee. Luckily ever since the vet trip, pee has been coming out, but it's still worrisome that there's blood. Even the vet was surprised and concerned about how much blood came out when he drained Angel's bladder.

@ FishBiscuit } Aaaaa thank you so so so much, you're such a sweetheart! TTwTT