Helios Archives

March 24th, 2016
Out of forest with Dale alongside his mother and younger half-siblings.

Human form is weird, trying not to freak out x.x

March 19th, 2016
Wtf are updates?

Kinda cooled off since he found out about his mothers instigating of Damien. Kinda..torn because while he thinks his mother was WAY OUTTA FUCKING LINE, still feels that Damien could have been the bigger man, but still ultimately thinks his mother was in the wrong to begin with.

Basically keeping his eye on his mother so she doesnt do something stupid and just in case Damien wants some retaliation. Kinda also on the lookout for Voxiox (because gdi you're so freaking awesome Blue).

Loved on Italia because that what he do. Cool

And then Mom got all uppity because of a predator near by (who apparently was chasing a young fawn named Viola earlier). After a while was asked to check the den, and did so but only after changing into his armor. JUST IN CASE these preds get aggressive. Rubbed the trees with his scent before going back to his mother. From there, Mom lead the kids back home (with italia), but was asked to stay with a small fawn (Yvaine) who had been lead over by her earlier on to the fawn pile. The fawn seemed intent on staying by a tree so stayed with AND THEN GOT NUZZLED AND OMG CHILD PLZ NOW I WANT KIDS MORE u.u

March 9th, 2016
The shit I have to deal with.

[6:18:12 PM] Bladeh: helios standing there like 8/
[6:18:30 PM] EASY BAKE HUSBAND (Soli): Helios is pissed too. His feathers all all ruffled (litterally.)
[6:18:34 PM] I Bake Males (Sen): lol
[6:19:16 PM] EASY BAKE HUSBAND (Soli): hes literally an agry cockatoo
[6:19:20 PM] I Bake Males (Sen): XDDDDD
[6:19:35 PM] I Bake Males (Sen): I HAVE A VID FOR THIS:

March 8th, 2016
Long story short, shit went down with Mom and Damien. Was pretty much only trying to keep Damien (and at the time assumed Morioch was trying to attack mom too) from hitting his mother, getting some nice gashes along his sides in the process. AFTER Damien broke away, was ready to lock tines with Moro but...the Mnemonist was actually HELPING his mother. Kinda just...turned into a broken record (Soli was even all O.O wtf RL GG HRAE). Literally couldn't believe it. Also Umay was in there somewhere I THINK ++++ for you Ooms.

Then when Adayti showed up, told her to watch his mother while he went back to his siblings (But SOli got a bit turned around which alerted a Rojan) and got in a minor scuffle with the lion, mostly consisted in Helios being all "DUDE BRO WTF MAN" >:| (But that was because Rojan thought Helios was going after Damien again so Helios and Player can't exactly blame him so it's totally cool ♥ )

Noted Akos there, still too stunned to thank the boy for RUNNING INTO THE FRAY AND SORTA WANTINg TO WRING HIS LITTLE NECK BECAUSE OMG CHILD WHY DID U DO THAT BUT I LOVE YOU KIDDO. Rajani was there as well, and did notice Halla and her son Quay near by but kinda was too distracted by a nearby Moro whom Akos approached. Kinda stared at the Mnemonist, REALLY FUCKING TORN between wanting to thank but also still REALLY INSECURE because uhm...you killed my mom in the past :/ (Player really cannot even THANKS AGAIN HRAE fliherguirhdugghdl)

And then just sorta plopped down to tend to his wounds, later on his mom and Adayti returning after the White Oryx tended to his mothers wounds.

And then later had to fetch Theo because the little monster followed Rose and her fawns to her home. And then Adayti went to collect Alina from Akos and just gdi I need rest.

(Player has to say yesterday was a huge WTF but goddamn i love these chars)

March 7th, 2016
- Got some awesome gifts from Adayti which included: a crystal pendant and a tiny sheathed sword that had anti-venom inside of it.
- Walked around the forest with siblings to Zaf who was at the playground.
- Zaf talked to Elliot (who apparently wasn't too happy with her or something? He doesn't actually know what was said, only that Dale got the conversation to stop.)
- His siblings are making him want kids more and more :<
- Mom took Colette and Thierri to play with the kids from the other day (Aly and Mehki this time)
- SLeeps.

March 4th, 2016
Since he spoke to Voxiox, hasn't been sleeping all that great. Eternally worried about this Varg who he believes to be someone who would do something so...horrible to a child. It was horrible enough to do to an adult, but to a child? Has been keeping the magic helm near by, ready to throw it on and charge into battle like the knight he thinks is.

Otherwise, has been sorta internalizing his past, recalling situations he was in, the outcomes, the emotions that came with them. Knows he had grown up alot during his few years of life. Starting to feel a bit of jealously towards his younger siblings. Not...at them, but jealous to have his own? Unfortunately has no...like....attraction towards others yet. Much too busy sitting with family to get any lady or man friends. (Even player has no idea which way he swings, although player and Dales player joke about Dalios on a near daily basis huehuehue.

Sorta can't wait for the next rut, hoping maybe he will find someone to love, and find someone to love him in return.

During the day, stood guard on the den when his mother brought his siblings over to a new litter of fawns pretty close buy. Could see the young ones playing in the distance, and was relieved that the kids could make new friends. After Icarus died, it was very hard to get the kids to play, as they still seemed shaken up at the ordeal.

The playtime didn't last too long, even from the distance could see some disturbance within the other family had happened, though he didn't question what had happened. The kids seemed a bit disturbed by whatever had happened, but judging on Coletted backwards looks in particular she seemed more interested to keep playing than to dwell on whatever had happened. Oh well, they could try again tomorrow.

Somewhere during the day, Adayti returned. She seemed a bit shy so quickly gave her some love and was like "please sit auntie :D". Happy the white oryx had returned from wherever she had gone.

And then was used as a playground by his little sister and :I darnit Colette his antlers aren't monkey bars! And then Dale was being humorous as he always is and just RELIEVED to have another male in the family like jfc.

February 29th, 2016
Mostly just sat with family, because Helios is a lazy log. Also kinda still disheartened after finding out Icarus died. The little fawn had so much life ahead of him...
Otherwise, enjoying his relationship with his younger siblings, although inwardly kinda disheartened that he is more of a father figure to them than a brother. Starting to realize that he's young, strong, and he hasn't really been looking at ladies (or the mens because idk Helios' orientation. WTB a rut plz so I can learn him).
But those thoughts left when a Devy came around. Approached her cautiously, because didn't want her to run off but also wanted to give her love :< Let me love you Devy plz. DId manage to show and get the love. Yas. Beckoned her closer to the tree and sat down (but then the Soli was notified that Italia was there too and Soli screeched because shes blind af.)
Got up to get Italia, and gave her nuzzles but the female got up and plowed into him. YAS. Kinda just went a bit crazy with his sister with the pushing and shoving and nuzzling. Grew up with her roughness and grew to love it. Would not have it any other way. Lead her over to the tree and loved the nuzzled. YAS.

Later in the night, when his sisters had left, Dale came around. The male had a strange mask on, a bag around his neck among some other things, but also a stick of sorts sticking out of his shoulder. Was given armor, which apparently was magical. The kids were given cinnamon sticks (which Theo horded xD), and mused at Colette rolling around the furs. Talked about Dale's injury, and was told to gather some things by his mother so ran off to do so. Upon his return, took note of what his mother did before and after the Oryx removed the stick (which was actually an arrow). With Dale patched up, got into a conversation about travelling, and was sorta kinda elated that they might actually travel someday, when the kids are older. GROW UP CHILDREN HELIOS WANNA ADVENTURE.

February 24th, 2016
Chilling with his mother, and taking note of ALL THE PEOPLE NEAR BY. Apparently we are popular today. KINDA INWARDLY HYPERVENTILATING BECAUSE HE HOPES EVERYTHING STAYS CHILL.

Yvette, Isiel, Isabeau, Voxiox, Komir, Ixo, Magnhild, Icarus, Colette, Theo, Alina, and of course Dale sitting behind. Rather content though, happy that his siblings are making friends, and that its relatively calm.

January 20th, 2016
(Soli is at work)

Currently sleeping curled up around his siblings with his family.

January 19th, 2016
Den was crowded today. Unsure why suddenly their home had become so popular but didn't really MIND IT because they weren't wolves or anything. So just sorta left it be. Mom didn't like it though. UNDERSTANDS BUT PLZ MOM. probably looked like he was trying to dance/court his mother because he kept trying to get in her way and shoving his face into her own and getting shoved back because MOM WAS PIZZED.

And then a cat (Kuwaka). Sensed his mothers distress, but he wasn't able to stop her charge (to try to get Ku to leave). And then some others (Cole and nightfall pelt whos name I forget x.x) got into it, then Draven, then Sadiki. Kinda ignored the others, focusing on trying to get Ku to gtfo his moms back Sad (And Cole was trying to help but didn't really notice because he was all MOM PLZ)

After Vox, Niki, Shard, and Ross entered the fray, the group was split, Thais bringing her group away, and Niki and Shard sticking around with Vox. Thanked the trio, appreciative for their assistance.

Then a little while later after the babies sorta calmed down, and other deer (Flaxx?). They seemed to enjoy riling his mother up, kinda just kept his mother back and sneered at the other who thought it was so hilarious. But they soon left. Grumbled. Sat with his mother and family, and grumble more.

Kinda felt bad about everything that had happened, figuring he should talk to the group that had entered the fight against the lion, at least to sort some stuff out before his mother got apprehensive again.

And then LATER, Dale appeared. Was a LITTLE apprehensive but seeing as had apparently given Zaf and the kids gifts that he had gotten over his upset a few weeks back. (KINDA DOESNT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BUT ITS OK).

Then watched in pure amusement as Dale ran off to get flowers and dump them near (and on) the kids. Busted out laughing when this continued and mom had question marks and the babies had question marks and Colette sat there with a flower on her face confused and just omg hilarity.

And then kinda dozed off, only to wake up and find that his mother and Dale peacocked him :I


And then ended up inducing playtime with his mom, Colette, Theo, Dale, and 'Joe' (I forgot your picto name but it looked like an 8, and you were a cool dude!) who had been chilling with them.

Dale also managed to get Alina to come out of the den and join the play. Laughing out loud

And then a little bit later, the kiddo's got all tuckered out and went to curl up by the tree. Glad the events from earlier in the day didn't seem to have any adverse affects on the kids.

January 16th, 2016
Colette is sick. With a cold. All hell breaks lose. Que overprotective brother mode.

January 15th, 2016
Keeping tabs on the new family nearby (Nad and fam), though not too concerned. Will probably have to have a talk with them at some point, at least before his mother does anything e_e Definitely would rather make friends than more enemies...

January 10th, 2016
Lazy day with family, consisting of Mom, Italia, Devani, Thierri, Colette, Alina and Chael. I lub my family <3

January 9th, 2016
- Lots of children.
- Omg Adayti is my aunt
- Ouro is crazy but I feel bad for her.
- God damnit Sen plz.
- Okay removing myself from the situation, you all got it covered (Nik, Shard, Umay, Sen, Ouro, and I think some otherssss?)
- Ohai mom.

January 8th, 2016
Seems mother was well enough to bring the kids on an exploration adventure. Mostly just followed to make sure that everything was okay. GLAD HE WAS BECAUSE A GREI. 8| Glad that the kids seemed okay despite the minor confrontation. Kinda just rumbled his displeasure at the creature as it walked off.

Then Mom lead the kids back off, and while walking, a little fawn cried out. Colette and Alina answered back. it wasn't long until a little fawn (Icarus!) cam bounding over and initiated play. Relieved that his two siblings joined in, but keeping an eye on the fawns supposed father (Ram) in the distance. Sat down to make himself less imposing. DID NOT WANT A HEADACHE x_x Glad however, that they were able to play unhindered.

Smiled to himself, finding the other fawns antics hysterical with overflowing energy. But there where moments when it seemed like the little male was distressed, but knew better than to try to figure out what was wrong; that was his parents job.

When the little fawn ran off to his father, another deer came over (Filorah) and sat close. Did try to greet her, but chose to sit with his family rather than dance (even though it was tempting B] )

A little while later, Colette fell asleep and he and his mother decided to bring the kids back home. Picked up the sleeping fawn and brought her to the den before falling asleep himself.


Later that day, was awakened to a very familiar scent...ITALIA! Totally lost his shit, charging her to just nuzzle her and love her and just omg happy happy.

Nuzzles, headbutts, all the good things. She was just as he remembered her. Even more happy that she and the little ones seemed to have taken to each other quite well. Watched them hop for a short while, before they all gathered near the tree to rest. Promptly sat on his sister because HE CAN, and further amused that Colette and Alina joined in their fluff.

January 6th, 2016
Over the past few days, moved the kids again and finally settled by his fathers grave again. Glad to be back and that his siblings seem to have taken to it. Spending his time sleeping and recovering, the times he is awake stretching his neck to eat grass around the tree because yolo.

January 3rd, 2016
Keeping himself by the den. Wondering when would be the best time to confront the wolves near the old den. At the very least, could possibly work out an agreement of sorts. Willing to put his life on the line for the wolf family if they do the same for his own. Unsure if that would fly over well at all, but it's what's on his mind.

January 2nd, 2016
Long story short because Soli is lazy:
-Went on a hunt to find a new home for the babies.
-Soet is at the Blue Bowl, so that's out.
-getting stalked by a doe (Adayti)
-Found a new tree.
-Moved the Babies.
-Snapped at Adayti
-Apologized to Adayti

January 1st, 2016
Keeping himself still and eating near the den, hoping since he's fat he'll recover quickly. Keeping a close eye on the babies when he is conscious. Kinda just squinty at Adayti but at the same time really curious about her because she reminds him of his mother and it's all weird. wtfareyou.

December 30th, 2015
Gifs because it works.

Had a wonderful day.

But then came back home to mom being all...fekked up. And the babies. And Devy was there but being elusive as ever.

Then saw a bunch of mutts in the distance.


Umay you're off his shit list.


Pretty much just standing over his mother and siblings looking imposing but not as if he will run anyone off...for now. Pretty much in a 'don't fuck with me' mode. But at least he's civil.

And then a familiar face he hadn't seen in a long time, Aurik. ITS BEEN SO LONG. Kinda relaxed a bit, nodding to show that it was okay. Regardless if Aurik wanted to get closer or not, trusted the male. But then he spoke up and engaged in a conversation with him.

After the brief conversation, watched Aurik walk off a ways to settle down. Incredibly thankful for an extra hoof should the mutts return. Hoping that when his mother wakes up, Aurik would still be there. Knows it would do her some good to see her adopted son. continued to stand defensively, well aware of the little ones crying from their trauma but too distracted to really offer much comfort at the moment.

Much, much later, discovered Dale sitting there. Had a very short conversation when his mother finally roused, but Dale exploded into...well, anger. Something about his family leaving because of his mother. Mom tried to talk to him about it, but Dale was far too gone. Even Helios himself tried to get Dale to see reason. But mom told Helios to stay back with the babies so she can talk to him... but...no. When the male attacked, lunged in between to try to deflect the blows onto him instead. Wouldn't of course just take the beating, but also wouldn't purposefully hurt the other male. All attacks were made to specifically lock antlers, desperately trying to wear the other male out or get him to see sense. Helios had nothing against him, and he was sure considering what his mother said, she didn't either. Something had happened that caused Dale to snap, and Helios vowed not to hold it against him. If anything, the male needed an ear to hear his pain.

Traded blows, trying hard not to hurt Dale but sure he must have nicked him a few times and felt incredibly guilty for doing so. Got a few nice gashes on his shoulders, chest and even his muzzle. Doesn't exactly feel the pain right now because of the adrenaline and concern for his family. When Dale backed off a bit, a small, smoky like doe got in between them. Immediately backed off as well, especially when the doe shook her head at him. Wanted to apologize but couldn't think straight. Tried motioning to Dale that what he was doing wasn't right, but he wanted to talk about it. But Dale ran off, and soon after the little doe did too. Feeling really horrible.

Turned around when the duo were out of sight, hearing Dale screech in the distance, moving to check on his mother. Deflated at how abused she looked. Was about to sit but noticed...Alina was gone. Freaked the FUCK OUT. Heard her call however, and immediately located her within the tall grass. Rubbed her cheek with his nose to reassure her it was alright, then lead her back to the den. Collapsed next to the den and sighed. He needed to get poppies, as he knew how to make the medicine, but he was so fucking tired...

Forced himself to rise, giving comforting licks to his siblings. Told his mother he was going to get medicine to help the pain. Ran away like a bat out of hell, afraid Dale might return, afraid the dogs might return. AFRAID OF EVERYTHING. Gathered the poppies and blueberries, unable to carry water so doing the next best thing by rinsing off his wounds and then soaking his neck fur with water and running back to the den dripping wet.

Upon sitting down, spotted another feline creature nearby (DEVY INCOGNITO!). It seemed to keep its distance, and something about it felt vaguely familiar, but he couldn't put his hoof on what. At the moment though, couldn't deal with it, so ignored it for the most part to focus on making the healing salve. But soon after it ran off anyway.

Worked feverishly, ignoring his little siblings stares as he did so. With the blueberries mashed with the poppies mixed with some water from his fur, he began to smooth the substance on his mothers wounds. He had only really made enough to cover her wounds, but he proceeded to use some on his siblings. There wasn't enough to cover his wounds, but he rubbed what he could on his chest, ignoring the gash on his muzzle.

Proceeded to have a conversation with his mother that started with her trying to tend to the injury to his face. Reminded his mother not to attack first, to let the others be aggressive first, because the forest seemed to favor those who attack when they are attacked. And then Greitei came. And then the panther. And then Soet. How has Helios NOT had a heart attack today?

Grei started trying to eat babies. Soet made Alina run off. Grei ran after Alina. No Zaf. No helios. OMG.

Shitstorm of chasing Grei, babies getting chased, and then stood over Alina when she finally settled. Heard his mother and sister calling from a distance, unsure what was going on, but nervous as all hell because his mother was still injured.

LOTS OF RUNNING AROUND. Exhausted like hell. Colette was no where in the den. Freaking out majorly, but doesn't think Grei got her. Hoping she was just hiding, considering he could hear her scream every so often.

Omg just so much. I can't even. HELIOS CAN"T EVEN



I can update again because I can awake.

Colette was taken by a black jaguar (Devy) through the middle of it, which was understood when she was returned by said jaguar. TRIED TO THANK BUT IT RAN AWAY. Soet was there too. Didn't put the pieces together because Helios is smert.

Kinda just finally was able to slump against his beaten mother, his siblings completely batshit terrified. Sorta REALLY praying to the gods they get some peace.

December 28th, 2015
Suddenly siblings everywhere. Thierri, Colette, Chael and Alina. Happy tears. Much big brother puffing.

And then Haakon and mom duke jfc.

Then Umay. Haakon left with his munchins (where were really cute but Haakon plz). THANK YOU PURDY LIONESS!

December 24th, 2015
Returned to the forest with his mother as per her wishes. Happy to be home.

Sometime in Late May, 2014

(Note: This took place during a time when Italia had gone back to the Forest)
Almost a month had past since Helios left the forest. There, the calf looked for Thorir, but it proved to be a challenge he could not complete, even with his sister there. His fur was even thickening to compensate for being in the tundra. While Italia sometimes went back to the portal to return home to check up on things, the feathered child was not yet ready to return. Thanks to the medicine Thorir had given him, Helios recovered his physical wounds, but the mental scars were still sore from his loss, and there was no way he could go back to see the den without his mother perched outside.
He had, after a couple of weeks, given up trying to find his father. Instead, some other stags had caught his attention. He followed the group closely, learning their mannerisms as they trudged through the snow. They knew he was there and wasn't a threat, but they ignored him as they had business to attend to and caring for children was the females job, and that didn't really bother the small caribou. During the time of watching, Helios learned a bit about himself. He was a coward. There were many a time where he turned tail and fled...until before his mother died. He remembered the rage and anger pounding every inch of his body as he turned on the two quillbacks, ignoring their painful blows and fighting with every intention to do harm unto them and protect his mother. Ultimately, he failed.
But he realized that he was no longer a coward.
He watched the group of stags often turn on each other suddenly, slamming their giant antlers in a thunderous clatter as they honed their skills. The boy could see their muscles rippling under their fur, ferocity burning in their eyes. Though they seemed intent on doing real harm, he could hear their deep chuckles, praising and encouraging each other. They had to keep strong for their duties, so Helios overheard. He wanted so much to be like them. He could not protect his mother, but perhaps he could learn to protect his siblings just as Italia had done, just like his mother protected him. His own antlers were growing rapidly, their constant itch coupled with the even more irritating constant itch of his remaining feathers getting on his nerves; they were curlier than ever.
Days passed, and it wasn't until a very alarmed bellow coming from the stag herd that Helio's knew something was wrong. The stags turned towards the trees, ears alert and vigilant. Unbeknownst to him, this group of stags were merely a patrol for Thorir's kingdom, and this was exactly what they had been watching out for. The wolves that silently slipped around thick tree trunks were huge, almost as tall as each of those mighty stags themselves, and could tower over Helios himself. Helios had seen wolf-like creatures like these in the forest, but these seemed so much different. They didn't give off the air that they could be potentially friendly, and they radiated with intent to kill. Without warning, both parties launched at each other.
Hunkering down in the snow, covered in the large wolf pelt left by his father, Helios watched wide-eyed. Jaws and claws tore into stags. Antlers and hooves tore into wolves. Blood quickly soaked the ground, though Helios couldn't tell if it was from the wolves, stags, or both. The small battle was terrifying, but exciting at the same time. If only he had this must strength that they had, then he could have possibly defeated the quillback duo...
His daydream was cut short when a wolf and stag got a bit too close. Helios could easily smell the metallic tang of blood, and to his horror he realized the stag was losing. The male had taken a very awful bite to the leg and couldn't put pressure on it, and the wolf was using this disability to his advantage. Helios looked to the others, but they were still fighting their own wolves, and it looked like the wolves down below were losing. One wolf had been driven away, bleeding heavily from a gash in his side. The stag that had driven his quarry away turned to help one of the other stags nearby. No one seemed to have noticed the stag near Helios. The boy stayed put, they were a few yards away and he could see the stag faltering more and more. His giant antlers did well to shield himself from the wolf’s attacks, but he was wearing out. And suddenly, the wolf lunged and knocked the stag down, his leg giving way. The wolf let out a triumphant howl before positioning himself behind the stag. A quick bite to the neck would be all he would need to do to end the battle with the stag. But just before he could even open his jaws, something small and hard rocketed into his side.
The wolf staggered to the side, turning with a ferocious growl. Before him was...a small wolf. He paused, for he used his eyes before his nose. That pause was enough time for the wolf to be scooped up in passive antlers and slammed down only to be crushed to death. The small wolf stepped back when the grey stag turned to him. The sound of hooves clamored up behind the other stag who turned to look at them as they helped up their fallen brother.
“Do you wish yourself dead, child.” The tall stag asked in his rumbling voice. The small wolf shook his head, flinging back the wolf head skin.
“No.” He said, tensing up. “Had to help because you were all busy.”
“Insolence-” The lead stag growled, but a white and black stag moved over.
“Agnar, this child gave you enough time to save Ingvar.” The male said calmly, turning his head to look back at the black male who had fallen. “Surely that means something.”
“Means nothing. Suckling calves should be home with their mothers.” Helios tensed up, and it took everything he had not to burst into tears.
“I am not a suckling calf and my mother was murdered!” He shouted, puffing up his chest and pulling back his ears.
“He’s emotional.” Agnar turned away and went to inspect the dead wolf. There were two more dead wolves down below. “We can use them.” He said, turning back to the others, then looking to Helios.
“Go back where you belong. You don’t belong here.” He then looked to a black and grey male. “Ragnar, bring this wolf to the next lookout,” then looked to a pair of white and grey males, “Aemond and Gudrik, get the two down below and we’ll move off.” The other stags were moving, a black and a white helping Ingvar along. Agnar turned to look at Helios as he began to follow. “Are you blind and deaf too?”
“I want to learn how to be a big stag like you. Like my father.”
“You are not one of us. And as such, you will not be like us.” Agnar turned and started to walk away. Helios crept after him.
“I don’t care. At least I will try.”
“Go home child.”
“No.” At the very forceful no, the stag paused, slamming a forehoof into the ground. Without warning, he whirled around and charged at the small caribou. He skidded to a halt with his antlers lowered in front of the boy, huffing out air from his nose that shot out on a cloud before him. And suddenly, he felt his left antler being pressed upon. Raising his head slightly, he saw Helios pushing against the stag with his nubs with all his might. Though there were tears in the boys eyes, he pushed and huffed fearlessly. Pushing the boy away, Agnar rose to shake himself and turned away again. Helios stood there, watching.
“Well if you’re going to come, boy, hurry up.” The stag said as he trotted down the hill. His eyes lighting up, Helios ran after him.

The Seventh of May, 2014

Days went by, and the small buck fell deeper and deeper into sadness.
His mother was gone.
His father was gone.
His sisters were here and there, but it wasn't the same. Life just wasn't the same without the familiar warmth of his parents.
What was a little buck to do all alone, curled up against a grave?
He had seen Thorir's gifts, and he had plans for them. Plans for his sisters and brother. He had stashed away a few chains, feathers and rings in his wolf pelt Thorir had given him months ago, when he was smaller. But he was getting bigger, and the pelt was no good for a coat. So he used it as a sort of bag to store these treasures. He even put his crumpled flower in there that he received a year ago.
But these small moments of reminiscing and hope were broken by the overwhelming sense of sadness and loneliness. He had no playful intentions, prefering to cling to the den. But this wasn't a life. A life alone when there was still so much growing to do. He couldn't even bring himself to go to Herla or Neela and explain what had happened; he felt he failed them too.
When it all seemed bleak, the small caribou got a wild and crazy idea. Maybe the icy wasteland wasn't that bad after all. He had made some friends there. The forest was, at the moment, too cruel, too unforgiving. He could go there, be with his father. He could come back when he grew up a little, when his antlers were bigger. Yes, then he could protect his sisters and brother. He'd get big and strong!
With a renewed sense of vigor, Helios stood and started gathering the necessary belongings. It wasn't much.
He made sure to somehow wedge one of his mothers feathers into his tail fur, giving it a few good flicks to ensure it was secured. Then he grabbed one of the large pelts left by his father, a warm black wolf pelt. This one would last him a while, it was quite large. He turned away from the den, casting it one last glance. He saw where Thorir's portal had been, and faintly remembered it when they had gone through the first time. He would have told his sisters, but they would probably insist on coming too or something.
Though that sorta failed. Just as he went to leave, Italia came trotting up behind him. Forced to explain what he was doing, surprised to find that she insisted on going with him. Tried to tell her that he had to go by himself so that he can learn how to be a big stag. Got headbutted. Agreed, and while irritated, thankful that he would have someone to help him find their father.
Took the last few steps before disappearing through the portal, along with his sister.

The Fifth of May, 2014

Lazy, depressing day. Lay next to his mother and fathers grave, moping. Even though he was free to go eat, drink and bath, couldn't bring himself to do so. Can't bring himself to move from the graves.

Did move, however, when he heard Asya's call in the distance. May have ignored it if it wasn't couples with other calls. He felt like he was doused in ice. Got up and charged in her direction to find her locked in battle with an unknown deer. There were others there, Shahla, her fawns, Lilu, Shfits and Nikhil. Tried to call her out of it. Did not want to lose anymore family.

After the fight, was lead to his birthplace. Ate some berries there and laid there for a bit until the deer came back. Asya was off again. Got up and yelled for her, then placed himself closer to Shahla. Kinda wanted to see the babies in the midst of the fight. But she soon came back.

Told her his feelings about the fighting, assured she was alright. Was told to rest, said he was hungry. Pretty much collapsed where he was and started eating the grass.

Had a discussion regarding his needs, which led into the discovery that his sister was pregnant. Couldn't believe it, but knew she was magicked older. From there was lead to the crying idol to bath, eat and drink.

Somewhere, in the midst of all this, was approached by Thorir. Told he would be leaving. Was apologized to. For everything. Couldn't really come to grips with what was happening at first, but soon realized that it was better for Thorir to go back to his homeworld anyway. Helios remembered the snowy place and he still had the small wolf fur that Thorir had given him for the journey. It was a cruel world, a world while beautiful and mysterious, was not for a creature such as himself. He wanted to tell Thorir he would go with him, but he couldn't bring himself to leave his mother. He accepted the stags words. They said their final goodbyes, giving his stepfather an embrace that could rival all father son relationships...

"Goodbye, father."

The Fourth of May, 2014

(Note: Subject to change. Still need to complete RP with Galene.)

Very aware of Kettu curled around him. Honestly not sure where this attention came from. Cannot for the life of him remember playing with her all that much. Perhaps she's like Neela. He recently got closer to the little blue doe as well. Not that he is complaining of course, quite the contrary. Kettu's persistence presence is nothing short of comforting. At least someone else cares. Shahla, Galene, Kettu...three who had shown they remotely cared. If only others had as well.

Joined by Thorir.

Rested for a while. Aware that Umay and a fawn that had come around him a few times was with her. Kept an eye on them, his amethyst eyes slits. Truly dislikes the feline, and somewhat pleased she was limping past. Rose when she got too close. When she was out of range, promptly spat at her. Sat back down and curled back up next to Kettu.

But suddenly noticed that someone was close by. Practically on top of him. Got up immediately. Remembered the doe was not fond of him at all when he was younger, but couldn't remember exactly why. Bristled and on the defensive from these internal red flags, but relaxed when he saw that she brought flowers. Purple ones, red ones, yellow ones. He recognized all three scattered about the forest. Maybe these deer really weren't bad after all. He had never really had any issues with the grey doe since he was tiny. She kept her distance for the most part, though she didn't help when his mother was being murdered either. Mixed emotions. Still, couldn't find it in his heart to ignore this. Acknowledgement was acknowledgement. Flowers were a sign that she regretted the loss, at least that was how it appeared to Helios. Her sympathies were welcome to his ears. Someone else cared. What surprised him was when she turned to go, but instead came to give him a small nuzzle on the cheek. He would have returned the nuzzle, thankful for the motherly comfort, but she was gone. He remembered that she herself had her own fawns. Thanked her retreating form. Sat back down with Kettu. Mental noted to put Halla on the radar as a more positive light. Perhaps things could be mended, whatever had been broken before.

Dozed off for a short period of time, then a familiar scent hit his nose. Turned to see Devasha sitting close by. Holy crap! Hasn't seen his younger sister in a while, got up and limped over to sniff her to see how she was. Then sat next to her.

Later that night, it was decided they would bury his mother. Joined his sisters and father to dig the grave for Zafeiri. Italia placed a flower inside and Devasha gave a crown a poppies. Pulled out one of his own feathers and placed it inside, telling her that it would be how he would be with her there as well.

Now that her body had been moved, and Asya taking her jewelry, went and picked up all the feathers that had fallen from his mothers crest. Went and stored them in the den. Plopped himself outside the den, feeling sick. Hunger and thirst was starting to become obvious. He would need nourishment, but at the moment didn't think he could stomach anything. Stayed by the den.

The Third of May, 2014 - Afternoon

Had become aware of Kettu's presence, which was why he initially awakened. Didn't have the heart to let her know he was somewhat awake. Wanted to sort of cherish her closeness and not shoo her away from whimpering over his injuries. Had fallen back to sleep, only to wake up and realize she was gone, her scent still lingering. A twitch of the ears signified she was indeed still there, but by the other tree (tulip). Grateful for her presence. Made a mental note to give her something for being the only outsider who truly seemed to care recently. Also made a note to go tell Neela, Herla and Gehirn what happened. They had a right to know after all they had done to help his family. Still feeling indebted to them. Unsure how he would ever pay them back for their troubles.

Unsure about anything, other than keeping close to his mothers body. Knows very well they will have to bury her today. Cried himself back to sleep at the thought.

Awakened to movement. Saw his father Thorir. Didn't move from Zaf's body, but gave his father a sad, guilty look. He couldn't protect his mother. He couldn't protect her long enough to give his father time to get the medicine and help from his world. Why was this forest filled with such horrid creatures? He nuzzled into his mothers fur, keeping close to her, and feeling safe with the giant stag nearby.

(I really should have kept this updated throughout the day. I can't remember CRAP ;; )

Sleep and stuff.

Approached by Shahla. First the tigress paid respects to Zaf by bringing flowers. Even gave him and his sister Asya a nuzzle. Was a little apprehensive at first, but seeing the tiger doe cry made him realize that whatever the past entailed no longer mattered. She was here for his mother. She obviously cared. Was thankful, but sat back down and curled back up to his mother.

But she came back, with little leaf bundles of medicine. Knew then and there that his mother would have appreciated it. The past...it was just the past. Things should be forgotten. Not was the time to move on. Was given the medicine by his older sister with a little fuss. Shahla went to leave, but asked her name. She seemed nervous, though finally got it. Thanked her. Tried to assure her that he wouldn't hold anything against her that may have been from the past. Told her that his mother would have wanted to see her fawns, having smelt the familiar scent of milk on her. After she left, decided she was someone else he would be indebted to. Curled back up against his mother with his sister near, and fell asleep.

(RP in progress with Galene. Will update when it is finished.)

The Third of May, 2014 - Early Morning

Approached by Asya. Had a short chat with her. Felt uneasy. Knew her, but didn't know her.
Found out that the quillbacks not only murdered their biological mother, but also attacked Asya's secondary one; the one who took her in long ago. Took sadistic comfort that Asya had injured the stags, or at least told she did, with the hopes that they would die.
They deserved it.
Spoke with her about how she got big. Deals. Osias. Over the head it went. Though the temptation was still there. Very much so.

During all of this, Erlantz showed up and started licking Helios' ears. It was comforting, the attention and that his brother was there while he felt distance with his older sister.

The three formed a familial bond as well, though Helios still felt a little odd and shy in Asya's presence. Perhaps even jealousy.

Suggested they bury his mother with his biological father...(or rather, his and Asya's biological father. Erl your daddy Hyperion is cray cray mmk? <3) Despite his sisters warnings not to, tried anyway with the support of Erl. Though eventually succumbed to fatigue and pain. Erl began to groom him while Asya took watch. Fell asleep curled up against his mother, brother Erl, and with sister Asya close by.

The First of May into the Second and Third of May, 2014

(Note: Sorry for the delay on updating. I had to sort out a few things before I made a post here. Please remember this is all IC. Helios is irrational -- his mother was just murdered -- so any 'shaming' is purely Helios' perspective on things. If you really have a problem, please just email me... But none of this should be taken as OOC jabs. My wee baby is going through alot Sad )

Day started like any other.

Found his mother and father at De Drinkplaats. Refused to go in. Does not really like the magic in the area. Stayed by a tree nearby. Had overheard Thorir tell his mother that he was returning to his world to get medicine from the healers there.

No sooner had he left, and a strange wolf (Asylin?) and small fawn(Sloane) entered. Wasn't sure what they were there for, just watched.

But even sooner, Thane and Morioch were there. Bristled from the tree. Considered just trying to hide, but that didn't last long. Charged by both. Darted into the magical barrier of De Drinkplaats. Stayed by his mother, though paced around her as he watched the two. Heart pounded.

Felt safe for a short while, but Thane came out of no where and barreled into him. Had the breath knocked out of him but gathered to his hooves and ran. Ran and screamed all over the forest only to have absolutely no aid.

Lungs burned, hindquarters slashed. Jumped into the deep end of the pond in the end. Knew from past experiences with his brother Erl that they can turn into frogs. Found this to be a safe haven, though had to cling to a lilypad to keep from drowning. Then they left...only to go after his mother who had been calling him.

Ran out and jumped into the fray. Xylona came around and joined too. Did not want her there. Did not want her to see this. But too caught up in getting his ass kicked by Morioch.

And still no help. Had two voyeurs (Umay and Pandora). Couldn't fathom why they just stood there watching his mother get attacked. Ran up to them and screamed in their faces for help despite knowing they weren't helpful towards his mother anyway. only to have Fletcher come by. Helios felt he was being absolutely no help either. Couldn't understand why the giant stag would not help his mother and try to keep him out of it. "Just go away then!"

But in the end failed to protect himself, his sister, and especially his mother. Zafeiri collapsed outside of the den (which the gods turned into giant flowers). Screamed. Cried. Wanted to hurt everyone around him but instead went to his mothers side and collapsed next to her. Was at least thankfully glad the crowd that had appeared seemed to keep the two stags who had attacked his mother at bay.

Pretty injured at this point. Spoke to his mother as she quite literally died besides him. At least got to hear her last words... Felt a piece of him die with her...

Kettu had joined him at some points. Couldn't bring himself to even thank the fox for being welcome comfort. Probably the only comfort he had.

Italia stopped by and curled around them both. And even Erl stopped by. Still didn't move. Can't move. Finds himself wanting to go to wherever his mother went.

Kettu has kept a close distance almost the whole time. Still doesn't know her that well, but the very fact she has offered comfort at all is enough to tell the broken caribou calf that there are those who do care...no matter how few and far between they may be.

Not sure what he is going to do. Unable to really move to go get Herla and Neela's help. Unlikely to for a time...does not want to piss Gehirn off. (scurrydeerwithgiantantlersaahhhhh)

Has not moved from her side. Injures are still severe but have stopped bleeding, thankfully due to how healthy he is. But injuries are still susceptible to becoming infected.

The Last Few of Days of April, 2014

Had gone to get Neela and Herla to help his mother. The first night had both does help, and learned quite a few things about medicine. Was up all night with the medicine doe. Felt forever indebted to. Thankful at least someone cares his mother had been beaten and collapsed in the Oak.
Gehirn came the second day. Scared the bloody daylights out of Helios too. Scared of, but fully respected. DO NOT PISS OFF MODE -- ENGAGED.

Indebted to all three. Will make it up to them, someday.

At some point, met Lueur, the daughter of Thane. Spoke about what happened and learned she wasn't like the others. In no way considers her an ally just yet, but certainly does not consider her an enemy.

The 25th of April, 2014

Night was restless. Stayed curled up next to his injured mother, fearing the worst.
Got up to go fix his pelt, but on the way back was approached by a tiny fawn. At first did not want to bother with playing, feeling too sad, but warmed up to the young one and obliged in some play. After a while settled down to rest, and fell asleep. This happened a few times. Had his pelt fixed by the fawn. Soon enough he sensed he needed to see his mother. The fawn followed. Began to groom Mama.

The 24th of April, 2014

Woke up curled up next to a fox creature (Kettu). Thanked the sleeping creature and gave a few nuzzles. Went to fix his pelt, then immediately went to find Mama. Was gathered up by her with italia and went off.
Ended up by some logs. The metallic tang of blood was in the air. Italia stayed by a further off Log, and Mama sat by a tree. Went to inspect what was making the smell. Recognized the antlered doe from the other day. She looked really, really hurt. Completely freaked out. Darted off before going to sit next to Mama again.
Fell asleep.
Awoke to his mothers moving. Sensed others, and saw that two deer he barely recognized where watching them. Too close. Got very nervous, especially when Mama told him to walk to the Oak slowly. At first refused because she and Italia were there, but obeyed.
Was followed immediately. Tried to take it easy until panic set in. Ran into the oak, and a fight broke loose between the 4 older deer.
Lots of being chased and running and hiding occurred. And no help to be seen.
At one point, fear turned to anger. Charged into the fray to try and land attacks, however unlikely. Ended up getting scuffed up himself. Barely noticed the onlookers. Lots of panting and wheezing. A few times it seemed like Moro was trying to get him to follow him. Yelled "no" at him. More running.
Finally crashed in the blue bowl. Did not care he was injured nor did he care he had unintentionally done his favorite thing; crush blueberries. Laid on his side trying to catch his breath.
Moro came back. After being herded a short time, darted off and was left alone. Went back to the blue bowl until it seemed like Moro and Thane would not come back.
Walked all the way to the big rocks to find Italia on her side. Sobbed into her fur and tried to groom her best he could. But then got up to leave her alone and find Mama. Mama was in a bad state too. Did the same to her until she passed out.
Went back to Italia and curled up against her.

The 21st-22nd of April, 2014

Awoke at some point after sensing footsteps walking away. Saw that it was his mother. Got up and darted after her. The scent of blood was thick in the air. Found himself unnerved. There was an obvious fight in the distance, unable to tell who was there, but sure he saw the pig. Stayed close to his mother, especially when she went after a wounded black doe (Galene) and a antlered doe (Lee). Seemed like the two does were part of the fight, though did not get a look at their injuries. Followed them to a tree where they stood. Sniffed both, tried to greet them too. Italia charged over as well, looking defensive. Anxiety grew.
Lots of confusion for a bit, then went to collect a hiding Neela who was wedged between two rocks not too far from the fight. Coaxed the younger fawn to follow him to his mother. There was some peace for a moment, until Thane charged out of no where. Went into panic mode and ran around the area for a bit. He was after Galene. Was told to bring Neela to the den. Told her to follow, and heard Xylona calling. Tried to get both younger fawns to hide in the den, but Xy didn't want to get too close. Unsure why. With Neela stowed inside, went to sit by Xy.
Mama came back, and ended up dozing with the two fawns for a while. Xy left.
Awoke to see a newcomer, Ciel, with Neela. Greeted and sat by Mama. Slept more.
Woke up again and went to see Italia who was injured. Groomed her to get the blood off and to maybe calm her down. She seemed a bit riled up.
Lay there for a long time before falling asleep on her, only to wake up again and find he was turned into a dove (by Erlantz). Flew around amazed for a bit, entertaining Neela. Eventually settled down with her for yet another nap. Was joined by Erl later on, and then Mama after that.

The 20th of April, 2014

How he sleep through what occurred he did not know.
But it reeked.
It reeked of demon and feline, and something he would not yet understand to be lingering hatred. He knew for sure it was not Italia or Erlantz, or even Devasha. His siblings smelt appealing, but what he smelt and saw when he awakened...unnerved him. The home around him was trashed by something large, and obviously angry beast. He knew the smell, though faint he remembered the strange red creature that was often with the pig and tall stag who had once given him a poppy.
He was too young to completely understand their hatred for his mother, but he had seen how they acted towards her. A subtle tilt of the head, the narrowing of their eyes, the tone they used while speaking. He wasn't automatically an idiot because he was a child. Perhaps slow to grow and learn, but he wasn't stupid. Been told to stay away from them the night before after the tall brown stag spoke to his mother harshly. Why? That he also did not know, for he only slightly paid attention to the conversation. But he trusted his mother more than anyone, and if they were bad, they were bad. It's not like he was missing anything out of his life without them anyway. He would have to ask his mother what was going on, and what 'barren' meant. There was acid on the stags tongue, and that did not settle well with the young calf. That stag was dangerous, he was sure of it.
He rose to his hooves and fled to where his family rested in the birch. Luyu was there, sleeping. Rested between his mother and sister, before Xylona joined them.

March 2-6thish , 2014

Lots of playing with friends. Xylona, Italia, Rossy, Neela, Johan, and other fawns who I couldn't find the pictos of at the time.

March 1st, 2014

Awakened alone and immediately sought his mother in the Blue Bowl. Resisted ALL OF THE URGES to make the biggest blueberry juice lake imaginable. Roughhoused with his elder sister Italia, enjoying every moment of it. Sassy today. Then player went afk because fail at updating.

February 28th, 2014

Lots and lots of playing with Xylona and his siblings (Italia and Erlantz). Also lots and lots of coaxing Xylona not to be afraid of Italia's rough-housing. Noticed she seemed to get skittish around so many deer (random nakes all over the place amg).
Later on cuddled with Xylona while Mama was with Daddy and Erl lounged on Italia. Fell asleep there, happy.

February 14th, 2014

Holy pink sky-flowerpetalfalling=fawnpeltsticking-goodness!

Pictures speak louder than words.


And sleep.

February 10th, 2014

Holed up at the den contently.

Rested with Thorir most of the day. Mama came around, tried to get her to play. Nope.

Later on was approached by Devi! YAY! Lots of romping and eventual spell fight. Got his sister a few times but eventually turned her into a stag and ended up a flamboyant featherhead. Giggled his head off while she chased and herded him around. Played some more, but eventually collapsed against her and groomed each other's feathers and backs.

Was eventually called over by Aurik. Went to greet the buck alongside his sister, and found their "brother" had made a friend. Quickly greeted, and was soon joining the stranger and his sister underneath Aurik for a dance party.

Freaking. Awesome.

Aurik left, then sister, then the nice stranger vanished in a puff of black smoke. A bit sad, but noticed that Aurik and his sister had gone off to another.

It was...Asya.

Hardly recognized his oldest sister, as she had grown so much compared to him. He was still so tiny compared to her. So confusing! She was scared of them too. Decided to settled down with Devy and just stare around.

Then sleep.

February 9th, 2014

Lots of wandering around.
Met a "naked" named "dontchange". Had alot of fun copying him or her. They seemed really nice! Enjoyed the fun and the random nuzzles. Romped with for a little bit, got a drink, acquired various antlers before "dontchange" settled on nubs. Found them a little itchy but enjoyed it. Followed "dontchange" to a tree and sat down with them, but soon they vanished. Felt a bit sad. Decided to return home.


Was dozing with his mother, but suddenly realized he was being prodded up by none other than his brother, Erlantz. Extremely happy to actually play with him, as they are on completely different sleep schedules. Found it difficult to keep up with his older brothers energy, though had no complaints.

There was lots and lots of play, which entailed chasing each other (Erl is so fast and agile, Helios need exercise!), jumping and trying to float in mid-air (Erl was the King of this, Helios discovered), headbutting (they managed to get the same pair of antlers, of course a "man" contest was going to ensue. While Helios would admit his brother won, he secretly believes he had bigger antlers), sitting on mom (until she walked away and left them floating, and sat down to stare at them. AWKWARD), dancing (more like morphed dancing, or Helios trying to stand over his taller brother while doing so.) and even a newly discovered game of pond frog hide and seek, coined by Erl (probably the most amusing thing that happened. Thankfully Mama didn't yell at them!)

Eventually passed out on top of his brother after all the play. So much excitement.


(Later that day, since I was up late the night before lol)

Spent most of the day with Mama and Daddy, but at some point met a little fawn (Xylona) and a peculiar owl deer (Gwendolyn). Played around with the two until Zafeiri got up and Xylona bowed to them and ran over to her and sat beneath her. "But...that's my Mama?" Helios wondered, but shrugged it off and went to sit besides the little fawn under his mother. Invited Gwen to join them.

Dozed off at some point.

February 8th, 2014

Spent most of the day resting by the grave again. Got up after a long time, having been stood over by Thorir. Felt comfort that his (step-father?) cared about him. Then realized why Thorir did so.

Water was falling from the sky in great amounts. Jumped up immediately and took to darting through the falling water. Was enjoying himself too much. Managed to jump onto a few mushrooms that had appeared and sat on one. Thorir and his Mother found him. Mama told him to get down and he did. She scolded him a few moments. Guess mushrooms shouldn't be jumped on. Got a nuzzle and happily returned it.

Sat with his mother and father for a time under the mushroom until both dozed. Started to play a game with himself, a sad attempt to go from one mushroom cover to the next without getting rained on. Did this for a while before becoming tired, then went and curled up into his mothers side to sleep.

February 6th, 2014

Woke up where he had fallen asleep the night before, besides a gravestone. Remembered his mother brought him back here, but not sure why. Felt the need to stay by it for some reason.

February 5th, 2014

Much has happened over the past few months. Growing, discovering his voice, playing, sisterly feuds, new stories.

And so he grew.

It's been a while since he came back to the forest with his family, though only recently did he become active again. The cold and harsh world Thorir hailed from took a toll on the little boy, though he finally got over the winter fatigue.

No longer fluff with legs...wait, yes, he is still fluff with legs, perhaps fluffier now. Down feathers are long and fluffy, though appearing to be more and more dull as his coat brightens out with color. The little prince doesn't care though.

To commemorate his new liveliness, he goes off in search of play, without his mother or sister to watch him.

October 6st, 2013

Got up and found his sister and mother closeby. Pulled them into play, which ended up growing with more fawns (Italia, Ery, SHardul, Nikhil, and Charley). Met a stag who seemed to be watching over Ery and Charley.

Lots of frolicking, skipping, bouncing, and running into trees. got a bit of a bump on his nose, told that tree a thing or two before going back to playing with the other fawns. Nikhil disappeared during it. Noticed Shardul hopping over a small log and joined him. Found it hilarious.

While log bouncing, noticed a black and white figure watching them (Pandora). Cam to the conclusion she wanted to play! Ran over to her and greeted and sniffed. Did not understand that she seemed shy. Nonetheless tried to get her to join in the playing. Left her to rejoin the other fawns who had seemed to take interest in what he was doing.

Playing ended shortly after Shardul departed, and a strange stag from earlier was trying to fight another stag? Huddled close to his mother and sister, eventually settled down with the latter into a nice snuggle and probably being used as a couch.

October 4st, 2013

Trolling Mom and "Dad" day.

Played and dozed most of the day until Kato came about. Him and Thorir started sparring, which didn't exactly scare Helios. He recognized the difference between attacking and sparring, remembering Walters teachings. Seemed to get into it himself, trying to get his mother to spar with him. No success.

Rather enjoyed moving around and watching the two giant stags brawl, clashing antlers. Suddently realized he only had softies on his head. Bleh. Suddenly Fletcher came out of no where. Sniffed him but he seemed distracted (player tabbed?). Went to Mama to watch the sparring more, but then noticed Fletcher kept getting in the way. But wanna watch!

Grumbled as Mama followed him over to another tree and told him to follow. BUT WANNA WATCH! Grumble grumble. Turned back around to watch once he was over there, mimicking their actions. Was pushed back further by Umay. Didn't understand, she looked a little scary. Hid under his mother until Umay moved off a bit. Got distracted by the spar again. The spar was done, thought he didn't understand there was actually a winner. Greeted Thorir when he came back and cheered him on. Received a nuzzle. Woohoo! Nuzzled him back. Then proceeded to sit under his mother.

October 1st, 2013

As soon as he woke up, found his mother nearby along with various other deer and creatures.

Immediately got pulled into play with a pretty brown and red doe (Yenna) and two canids (Fay and Zorn). Had a heck of a good time romping, dancing and various playing (as well as trying to get his AFK mother to try to join in. ZAF WHY YOU SO SHAI)

Eventually sat down in front of Yenna who sat first, quickly joined by Fay with a Zorn on top. Giggled to himself as a result of the cute image before him.

September 19th, 2013

Got up and went to find Mama. Called for her but got other responses. Went off to search for her, but came across a tiny little creature (Besiini). Recognized the fawn thing was what Italia shooed him away from days ago. Approached and sniffed but got no responses, not even after yelling in its face. Was about to go off to some other deer playing, but the small thing got up.
Playtime! After greeting, romped around with the little creature until chasing after it when it ran to the pond. Splashed around a bit until going off to settle with it in a sunspot. Besiini soon fell asleep (Sun had to leave D:)

Got up to wander and find Mama, but found Walter (sleeping?) by the Twin Statues. Gave him a sniff and was going to go off but the big stag roused. Happy to see him again.

Literally walked with him through most of the forest, thinking the whole thing was some kind of game. Ended up being yelled at by a tree (someone was inside it!) though distracted himself with Walter when the stag walked off again. Then Umay came over. Greeted her enthusiastically, but there appeared to be a bit of tenseness between her and Walter. Didn't quite get it.

Umay left and they wandered over to some other deer (Anker, Jennie, Spartak, Beezee...that group, maps being stupid, sorry if I missed anyone). Stayed there for a bit before following Walter again. Ended up by Umay again. Noticed they seemed to be staring at each other. Tried to get them to play by bouncing around, but was stopped when Walter came over to him. Noticed Pig and the others he was with staring at them. Didn't really understand what was going on, but did remember Pig and Walter fighting the other day. Just a stareoff between them for now though, until Pig started to spare or something. But it wasn't like how Walter taught him. Backed off and yelled at him to stop. Walter seemed unfazed, but it scared Helios. Then Pig came around to him, thought he was going to do that half-rear thing to him like he did to Walter. Just ran for the den. Unsure what to think about Pig at this point. Doesn't understand the fighting.

Walter managed to find him and check up on him. Grateful he did, though two of Pigs pals were nearby (Lonno I think? dheihgios and Rhea). Walter made them go away though. Felt a little better being out of the tense situation. Starting to realize that you can't be friends with everyone like he had thought...

Slept for a long while. Woke up to Walter gone. Decided to go find Mama, but ended up finding Walter again, though was immediately distracted by a red deer.

Queue crazy clone deer dance off. Both afraid and amused at the same time. But heck, DANCING WOO!

Eventually moved off when everything died down, and found his sister Italia with his mother. So much play and headbutting his sister. Ran off further to meet another deer (forgot who you are TwT), then got himself stuck in the cage on purpose, thinking he won the game. Then tried to be king of the column while his sister was king of the wall. Tried to challenger then ended up defying gravity. Pure winning.

Then sprawled on Mama's back when she placed herself under him. More winning.

September 18th, 2013

Got up and immediately sought out his mother, but couldn't find her. Found the next best thing, Shahla. Stared at her until she leapt into action. PLAYTIMEEEE!
The Mama finally came, yay! Bounced with them and a random fawn (Arvis?) for a bit, but when s/he sat back down with a blue doe, tried to get them back up. The fawn didn't seem to like him being so close to the blue doe so backed off. Saw Mama go over to a tree, noticing that Luyu was in it. Bounced over and tried to understand how she got up there. Tried to climb it. Discovered she seemed upset and didn't want them near by? Backed off.
Ended up playing again, and noticed the blue doe (Nadezdha) got up. Got her and the fawn to join in play. Shahla ran off to spell Mama, and caused everyone to start dancing together. Except the fawn. it Danced for a bit, ran off, then came back and sat down. Unsure but was having too much fun dancing to notice.
Danced for a while until a spell war began. Helped them spell each other, though Mama got peacocked first. Takes pride that he helped.
Danced with the two of them for a while, until running around like a loon because he can. Stopped when a strange green deer started sniffing him (Kio). (Was tabbed, sorry for late reply!) Greeted her and started playing and dancing. Got nuzzled and was happy to return them!

Danced with her for a bit, then Shahla started to play. Joined them all in play. Shahla started sneezing off spells until she became a manly stag. Witnessed her trying to push Mama around? (Herding). It looked fun. Moved in circled trying to herd...nothing. Yeah, adorable little thing.

Played around with a group of other deer (including Sabel). AND MOAR DANCING!!!!

Wandered a bit when Shahla left, only to be replaced by Italia. DIdn't care if his sister hissed at him, went up to greet and nuzzle anyway. Overjoyed to have a return nuzzle. Tried to get her to play, but got distracted by another fawn hiding near a tree (Shard). Of course went to investigate. Took a little bit to coax the other fawn out. Faintly recognized him, though does not know he was one of the fawns Halla chased him away from. Further coaxed him to play, and eventually taught him to dance (at least thinks he did).
But it only lasted a little while, and soon enough Shard sat down. Confused, but decided to join him and proceed to stare at him.

September 16th, 2013

Got up to find Mama, but ended up wandering around and meeting a random deer. Sat with them for a bit until hearing Mama and Shahla calling him. Ran off to find his mother and the tigress. Played around with them, including a few fawns.
Shahla got tense when a strange deer came over (Vaallaka). Went to go greet, but Mama stopped him. Felt uneasy, then Shahla spooked him when she charged the deer. Immediately took off to hide into the den. Waiting until the deer left. Ran to Mama and hid under her for a moment, but then went to sniff Shahla.
Then Shahla left, stayed with mama.

Sitting around and stuff. Then went off to Peacock Mama and Shahla.

Played around quite a bit, then Devy came, YAY! Playing, and then ALOT OF DEER CAME! A tiny pale fawn (Neela) with a flat face like Tea. Super curious! Played with the two of them and Johan when he came over.

Played with Neela and Devy until Neela fell into the stream. Shahla helped get her back up, as did Johan and the others (I'm sorry my map isn't working again ugh).

Cadaver came over, greeted and sniffed him and had a short dance before getting distracted by Devy and Neela. Then noticed Asya was there. Greeted her as well, happy to see her.

Went and sat with Devy (who fell asleep) and Mama. A bit tuckered out.

September 15th, 2013

Helios lubs his big brother x3 Dancing kings!

Sat with family for a bit, then Soli went afk for a while.

Came back and tried to go over to Aurik and other deer, but was called away by Mama. Sat bored for a while, then on her back with Shahla. Ehehehehe.

Started to run around them when getting bored again, and was approached by two deer, Walter and Heartstrings. Was being taught to spar possibly? Seemed to please and "scare" Walter. Felt pretty proud of himself. Also had a dance party with the two. Followed them over to Mama and Luyu who came over. Luyu seemed scared of Walter? Tried to show her Walter was fun, didn't really work? Went back to "sparring" and a bit of dancing with Walter. Pig and Fletcher were staring from the distance, but was too distracted with the fun to pay them any mind.

Pig and Fletch left. Got up to follow Walter over to Heartstrings. Noticed Walter sniff Heart and shake his head. Heart hurt? She looked like she was limping, Walter seemed angry? That's the jist he got. Walter ran off, Heart limped after. Confused and getting scared. Stayed by Mama and Luyu.

Saw Pig and Fletcher attacking someone. Hid under Mama. Walked off again after Mama (to find Shahla). Heard a commotion and turned to see A bunch of deer attacking Walter and heart trying to stop them? Scared. Doesn't understand why they are all fighting.

September 14th, 2013

Playing around with all his siblings (minus Asya) and other things Soli forgot to update :<

September 13th, 2013

Wandered around a bit until being found by Aurik. Romped with the stag, and then ended up learning how to rub trees like him. Actually noticed how the antlers carved into the wood, and noticing antlers at all for once. Wondering if thats why his head is itchy?
Played more, then Mama came. Showed her what Aurik taught him! Yayyy!
Bounced around some more until Luyu came over. Greeted and sniffed and all that jazz. More playtime, then settled down with his Mama and Luyu when he got a bit tired. (Player needed to finish watching LOTR OK!)

September 9 (part 2) th, 2013

Played with mama and drove her to drink.

Played with Mama, tried to peacock her and failed, learned about mushroom circles (though at current only thinks they turn you into crows).

Also decided to go Mini again because felt weird against Devy omg soli decide on set plz.

Disappeared for like an hour because Soli had to do things 8|

Came back to torment Mama some more. Ran about, then started playing and dancing with some deer (Flyleaf and Moon were there I believe). Discovered he loves dancing.

Was eventually lead off by his mother with Thorir to the Blue Bowl.

Blueberries ERRYWHER! Initiate SMASH DEM ALL.

Though got distracted with his sister near by. Went to see her and saw her with a tiny little creature. Went to sniff both but was promptly pushed away by his larger sibling. Thought it was a game at first, but quickly learned he wasn't wanted there. Yelled at her and ran back to Mama. Sad feelings didn't last, the over abundance of blueberries called to be smashed.

September 9th, 2013

Soli is bad at updating recently. e.e
Lost darn mini spell, oh well it's about time he 'got bigger' in game.

Woke up and went searching for Mama. Called out a few times but someone else responded. (Pig). Went over to them, and thinks he may have disturbed them? Didn't really care since Umay was there, always had pretty decent relations with her. Greeted and sniffed Umay and Pig and the fawns there, ended up dancing with one of the fawns for a short time before running off to the den to find Mama.

Found someone else there. (Flait). Tried getting the stags attention, but he didn't move. Thought this weird, and eventually moved off, still looking for his mother.

Found her. Lots of romping, playing, trolling Mama, and almost getting a raptor deer mad at him. What a night!

August 16, 2013

Big sobbing mess because Mama's weird. Has no idea what's going on but is extremely clingy to his Mama and Tea.

August 6, 2013

Found Mama with Shahla again. Feels in a good mood. Bounced over and around them, ignorant of their talking, and even spelled his mother. But got bored and noticed two deer nearby (Ranore and Tamsin). Ranore seemed a bit shy, and although tried to get him to join in the play, ended up bouncing around with Tamsin. Had quite alot of fun. Then gave Tamsin a mask noticing his/her face was naked (apologies if you didn't want the mask T.T), and from there went to introduce Tamsin to his mother. And then sat near his mother as she spoke, content.

Got up at one point to go find his sister. Player went afk and came back to Mama pouting to a tree? and Italia gone. Snuggled up to Mama.

And Player afked agian for dinner and stuff and eventually crashed unknowingly.

Came back and romped a bit with Mama. Met another fawn (Erythraea). She didn't seem to keen on playing, but it might have been because of a demon fawn. Tried to show the larger fawn up by marking him and the trees s/he marked.

Went ooc really quick to see what was going on because map wasn't working.

Followed Mama to Italia, and then got attacked. Ran and hid ina ben, but freaked out and ran to Mama. Long story short, ran all the way home with italia to hide in the den. Fletcher and some others (Clares new character I think? and another who MAP T>T) helped get the preds away.

August 5, 2013

Woke up to see Shahla and Mama standing by the den. Was a bit hungry, but too distracted by the fact Shahla was there. gave her a greeting sniff. Happy to see her. Happy to see Mama of course too. Nuzzled her. Saw Halla near by, but kind of ignored her. Doesn't associate good things with her.

And dramas. Halla looked upset. She always looks upset. Mama looked upset, Shahla looked upset...got upset himself. Tried to hide int he den but it looked like Halla was trying to block him inside. Ran out crying and hid under his mother. Eventually squeezed himself between Mama and Shahla who seemed to be defending Mama.

Fletcher came over, but with Halla there, stayed wedged between Mama and the tigress. Finally they left, but not after one of Shala's fawns went to Halla. Didn't even dare try to greet. After they all left, felt calm enough to nurse.

After eating, sat with mama for a time even after Shahla left them. A while later, got up to romp with Mama. Lead her all the way to the pond where they met Thorir. Greeted the big stag. Tried to play with some fawns, but they all seemed intent on doing other things. Tried to sit on the stump (and failed miserably D:) Finally managed to get on, but Halla came around. Immediately hid behind the stump. She nuzzled Mama? So confused but didn't come out. Then she left with Shahla.

Settled down with Mama and Thorir nearby, snuggling on her forelegs.

July 28, 2013

Mother and son playtime. Oh yis.

Is a whole size bigger than he was. No longer truly a newborn Laughing out loud

Spelled each other, bopped Mama's hind legs with his wee ram horns he kept getting. Enjoyed himself.

Saw two deer by the two big white rocks on the hill. They were white. Sniffed them. Were they like sister Italia? Got spelled. Turned white. Bounded around. Then did it to Mama. Was told he can't spell everyone with this spell, because it hurts others. Felt sorry. But still forgiven by Mama.

Played some more, but this weird naked deer started attacking him? No clue. Bolted to the den near his fathers grave. Hid there until Mama came to calm him down.

Got curious by a bunch of fawns near by, though swears they were adults earlier. Then turned to see Miriam sitting by herself. Got curious. Gave her a few sniffs, bowed, then showed her he was happy to meet her. She didn't respond though. Went back to Mama and was told no. So that deer isn't good?

Followed Mama.

Played, then went to rest in the den. Slept for a while.

Woke up to see Mama near by, and Italia. Went to gather some flowers to give to his sister. Remembered Fletcher gave him flowers. Maybe it will make sister happy. Gave them to her, and after a few tense moments, earned a slight nuzzle from his sister. Pranced around happily, then returned to the den to give her her space.

Slept for some time, rousing to play with Mama again. Ran around jumping over things, prancing and spelling each other. Met some deer (Jokerman, though he recognizes her, and Juturnae). Found them both nice. But they were acting kind of weird.

Shrugged it off, getting distracted by a squirrel. Tried to follow it up a tree and nearly fell on his bum. Ran around some more, and found a spot he really liked. May visit it from now on.

Saw Fletcher. Remembered him. he was fun. Went to greet him and Lieva. Found the brown fawn nice, but then started playing with Fletcher and Mama. Bounded around, then got into a spell fight with Mama and dragged Fletcher into it.

Romped ALOT. Really had so much fun! Fletcher is a Trex. Fletchasaurus Rex. Got Devy into it as well when she woke up.

Played with some other deer and fawns, Fletch, Devy and mama included. Met another deer (Atlantic). Finds her nice. Then Devy ran off. Went to follow her, romping all the way.

Lots of running around and exploring. Eventually Fletcher left them. Tried to coax Devy into the pond at one point, but she wouldn't have it. When she ran off, Mama followed, but got distracted by the big deer Ramsus. He was sitting on the pond! Totally tried to copy him. Failed miserable. On the upside, turned into a frog when he fell into the water. At first terrifying, and then it turned into amazement. Swim around like a monster. Came out when Mama came over. Was thoroughly scolded for it. Pouted at her. Didn't mean to be a bad boy. Still told she loved him. it seemed to worry her. Sure not to go swimming without mama again.

Went off to Devy, and curled up with her by a tree, soon joined by mama.

July 27, 2013

Halla dramaz 8|

July 26, 2013

Was hungry. Ate his fill. Ran around like a loonatic; boundless energy. Jumped, kicked his heels, rubbed trees, pranced, frolicked, all that jazz. Enjoyed himself immensely. Wandered in and out of the old oak through the spaces between the roots. Tried to meet a bunch of deer including some fawns, Ezra (who didnt respond), and another deer (who didnt respond.)

Rubbed on some trees with mama until she spelled him. Tough love learning. Freaked out and ran around and cried. Was soothed by Mama and told it was okay and wasn't going to hurt him. Realized he wasn't hurt. But the bright light was scary. Stayed under her for a little bit with another fawn near by, but got distracted by the tall grass. Went to beat it up. But another fawn came over and spelled him. Freaked out again. No no NO! No bright owies!

Saw two deer walking by (Isiel and Ramsus). Little almost blue like Mama. And Big teeth. Big big. Curious. Bounced over and had one heck of a time climbing the rock (not yet understanding to go AROUND). Thinks they are both nice. Went back to Mama. Pranced around then scented Sister Italia. Ran to her. Greeted his sister, then called for Mama. Ha da good laugh with his sister when Mama looked like she got lost.

Met Djina and another deer. Thinks both are nice!

Followed Italia around, even when she was prancing over to Thane and Moro. Mama was not happy about that.

Ended up having a huge spell war with Italia. It was against her and Mama mostly, but did spar with his sister (when he actually had antlers and horns!) Had quite alot of fun with his sister.

Then his sister went into the water. And disappeared. Freaked out again. But then she poofed back! WOW!!!

Nuzzled her to show how happy he was she was okay. Got one in return. Well, half. SCORE! Had a short head tilt battle. Considers himself the winner. Followed his sister to the shore and rolled in the mud with her.

Love ya, Zaf :3

July 23, 2013

Played around with mama as usual. Wandered about, poke a sleeping deer, learned how to get flowers. Thinks they are a bit itchy on his head, especially around the fluffy feathers he has. Followed Mama to the Ruins where she helped him get onto the rock wall. Felt awesome. Got down from a slop and discovered the cage.

Thinks the cage is cage is safe, because big deer can't get in. Hopped around inside of it for a bit, then ran out to see Thorir who was standing near by. (But poor Lost was lagging T.T). Was curious of the weird shaped rocks (graves). Noticed they were different from the other rocks and had scratches on them (writing). Tried to understand and poke them, but quickly learned that this was not a good thing to do. Mama taught him to bow at the graves and bow heads at them. Not sure why, but now knows to be nicer to these rocks.

Stayed with mama for a while longer and met Aurik. Remembered him very faintly. Played with him for a bit, then he went off and came back with a fawn (who are youuu!?!?!?). Played with them and Aurik left.

Played some more, then Italia woke up. At first it seemed like Italia was going to drive the fawn off, but seemed to manage to get her to accept the other fawn. Played with the both of them, then settled down in a mushroom circle, soon joined by his sister and the other fawn.

July 20, 2013

Deleted it again.


Moved to a new home.

July 15, 2013

Got up to romp and play, blah blah player deleted original post gdi.

Met Thorir.

Went to approach Halla and her family, noticing fawns. Wanted to play with them, since his sisters and brother were asleep (not online). Was shooed away by the small grey doe. had no idea why. Either way retreated with his tail between his legs. Tried to play on his own, pouncing on grass and beating up trees. Wondered if the trees had pinecones to crush. Tried to rub against it to make a pinecone fall, but was shoved away by Halla who rubbed the tree. Was she helping him? No pinecone fell, and she turned and walked away. Ran to hide when Mama and Halla got into a fight? Hid in the grass. But he was still so scared. Ran under Thorir. Finally went to lie down next to a rock alone, but was joined by Mama later.

Dosed for a while, until noticing the grey doe and her fawns nearby. Jumped up to go over and play. Called over to them, but got an aggressive shake of the head back by Halla. What did he do wrong. Slunk back into the circle and watched.

Shalah came over to sniff him. Was at first a bit scared, but she was so pretty and smelt interesting. She had similar colors he did.

Mama and Halla fought?

Shalah didn't agree with it?

Etc etc.

Staying close to Mama, feeling unsure and scared.


Eventually Devy got up. Played with her since it was safe while Mama quarreled with Halla. Finally the mean grey doe left with her fawns.

Played with Devy some more. Then joined mama lying down, but not after he and Devy smothered her with love.

July 14, 2013

In a nutshell, played with his whole family and met Erlantz for the first time as a separate entity.

July 12, 2013

Sleeping next to Tea.
Stuff Happened and I can't find the doc. I guess I never saved it :<

July 11-12, 2013

July 11, 2013

Woke up and immediately called for Mama. Was hungry. Wanted the belly feeling to go away. When she came running, reared joyously. Then promptly went to feed.
After feeding, stretched out and twitched his tail. Wanting to explore and play!
Ran about. Learned how to rub trees, but doesn't understand the true meaning. Ran around some more, tried to go say hi to Ram and Isi but Mama was like nope. BUT MA- oookaayy... Pouted a bit, but got distracted by more trees and one of them dropped a pinecone. Smashed it. Eehehehehee. Did that some more but then tasted it. Made him sneeze...His Mama was covered in a bright light and her horns disappeared. Instead, there were two little vine things. Freaked out and ran from her, scared. Calmed down quickly and wandered with mama some more. Beat up that tree and the pinecones. Approached by a big red deer (Reed). Was scared of at first, but when Reed left felt curious. He was with Fletcher. But then he left altogether. Followed Mama some more, but really wanted to explore. Bounced over to the fountain after being lead back home. Was told no. Pouted some more. Followed Mama again, but was stopped by Pig and two others. Was shy at first, but then we to sniff Pig. He was a strange looking deer! Had a small bit of fun with him before getting distracted by a small, slimy green thing (frog who's picto I didn't catch :< ) Chased it around the forest. Just wanted to poke it. Chased it to a tree where it vanished. Pawed at the tree. Then we with Mama. Bounded to the pond but was told no again. POUTTTTT.
Lead to the bridge, and was about to poke at it when he saw a bright light. And his pelt was changed. Screamed and ran around like a chicken without a head. Whined and cried, but attention span snapped when a new deer came over (Castiiii!). Immediately felt calm around the buck, considering his bowing and gentleness. Danced with him (though awkwardly) for a time, until settling down next to his mama with Casti close by. Content.

July 2, 2013

Lots of romping with Italia, Devy, Mama and Fletcher. Lots of it. Fletcher seemed to have brought over alot of poppies. Grabbed one and ran around with it in his mouth until Fletcher took his leave and everyone else sat down. Decided the flower wasn't to be destroyed (unlike blueberries and tall grass), so just sat with the flower in his mouth.

July 2, 2013

Woke up utterly alone, and in a place he did not know. Panicked. Called out for his mama. Got no responses from her, except some random deer. Was afraid to leave his spot, but too scared to stay there, especially after a big stag came over to him (didn't catch the picto :<).
Eventually ran off to the Birch, remembering that Mama had always brought them there. Luckily found the doe curled up by some rocks near a patch of blueberries. Immediately ran to her and tried to climb on her to wake her up.
Succeeded. I waking her up anyway. Climbing would wait for another day! Went around to feed, and sister Devy came running over. Finished up, which could have possibly allowed Devy to have a turn. Finally sat down next to Devy who was inbetween he and mama, though moved his head across her back to position his head in the middle. Got his feathers nommed by his sister.
Was then told to get up and follow. Did so.
Was taught how to hide by Mama. Understands now. Didn't understand the other night, but does now.
Met Jokerman, though she didn't seem too keen on the babies? Was too busy being a Mama's boy to really understand.
Led off again for more hiding lessons. Shown a bunch of places to get down and be quiet. Didn't mind this, was with sister Devy after all. Went back to the birthing area and was told to sit in a patch of blueberries. Didn't mind this in the least. When mama left, sat besides Devy and toyed with some blueberries, covering his face in the yummy juice and giggling at the sound they made under his hooves.
Mama came back and they all sat together in the birthplace. Snuggled with Sister and dozed off.
Looked up at one point to see a big stag walking over. Immediately recognized the male who had been chasing Mama the day before. Got up and backed away. Wanted to cry out but stayed silent. Thought for a moment they would just talk, but saw the flinging of hooves. Turned and ran into the birch. Those lessons did the trick, as Helios flattened himself in the tall grass along with Devy. Shivered next to her until they heard Mama call. Bolted back to her. Nuzzled and cried some.
Lay with Devy in a patch of blueberries, joined by Mama. (Blade had to go afk)
Devy fell asleep (Ori had to go). Then Dark Sister woke up. Romped around with her(him LOL). Was told to stay close. Noticed a fawn (MusicIsTheKey picto, forgot the name? Mayfly???) But Dark Sister seemed uninterested. Followed Sister around even when they strayed from Mama. Tried to climb and beat up a tree (Thanks Erlantz). Then mama called. Ran to her. Didn't realize how far he had gone until she called. Thought he was in trouble, especially when she hurried him to lie down in tall grass. Lay there for a bit until She came back. (Played tabbed and then tabbed back in to see Galene and Mire there). Confused. Hid in the ferns with mama. The others came. Fletcher, Clarence, (Farela's Alt?) and some others near by.
Ended up playing with Dark Sister and Fletcher. The big stag seemed to big a big clown, spinning around in circles and Causing both Helios and Dark sister to do the same. Found it hilarious. Did this for a while until his belly felt icky. But that went away when they jumped around, Fletcher's jumping causing little earthquakes to the little buck. Played like this for quite a while until Dark Sister went off to some Blueberries and lie there. Curled up with her. Stood over by Mama and the others rested nearby. Pig eventually joined the others.
Everyone fell asleep (went offline). Sat there awake for a time until some others came over (Fletcher, Clarence, Farelia's Alt). Eventually got tuckered out and fell asleep himself, feeling rather safe.

July 1, 2013

Woke up near Tea, and noticed Mama there. Bleated at her to get up, and when she did, proceeded to prance around in awkward circles around her. When she finally stood still, went to nurse until he felt full.

Tried to climb over EVERYTHING. Somehow managed to defy gravity onto a rock. Was told to get down by Mama. Fell off. Pranced around blueberries, finding some and smooshing them under his hooves and chewing on others. Climbed on mama when she lay down, but pushed off when she got up. Pranced around some more, then climbed on Tea. Tea was smaller so was able to do so easily. Just lay across her back, poking her feathers with his nose. Got off her when sister Italia got up.

Romped around alot. Squished more blueberries, tried to climb more rocks, causing mischief. All that cute baby stuff. The romping halted when Fletcher and a big fawn (Halla came over). Kinda scared of Fletcher, he is hugeeee after all. Learned how to bow from him and Halla. But again, thought it was a game. Bowed to EVERYTHING. But not after toppling over a few times.

Sat around, played, ran around and got herded back to the birch from mama.

Then Dark Sister came. And Devasha! Played around some more. Went into the forest, saw Pig watching them. Was unsure but got herded back by mama and Kato. Pranced around the grass, then settled down into a fawnpile with his siblings.

Saw Dark Sister run off to another fawn. Followed him as Mama tended to Devy. Followed them to another pair of deer (Kurami and Nidhem). They didn't seem to notice the fawns. Then Mama came and herded them back to Devy, but Dark Sister took a detour and ended up next to two other deer (Thane and Morioch). Curiously went up, but suddenly, BRIGHT LIGHTS! After being dazed, found his pelt changed. Bleated pitifully and ran around crying.

Followed Mama again. Saw a stag (Thane) near by. Mama didn't seem pleased he was there. Went after Mama when she moved. Eventually ended back up in the birch and was told to lie down and be quiet. Not sure what was going on. The stag from before kept trying to chase Mama away. But he left. Ran to mama and was lead out of the birch. The big stag (Fletcher), the big boar (Pigface), and a bunch of others came (Galene, Lieva, Eve, Mire, who else?). Was too crowded. Stayed with Mama.

Lead to a new tree with ferns. Cuddled up with Devy and Dark Sister. Feeling really tired. Fell asleep there.

June 30, 2013

Woke up alone, but was soon joined by Mama. Clung to her. Fed until the feeling in his stomach went away. Sniffed Jacob when he came over. He seems alright. Not mean. Can like him. Played around with him for a short while, but got tired pretty easily. Sat with Mama after a while.

Slept most of the day, waking to find Italia had stirred. Went over to her and stood for a short while, and then decided to try to climb on her. Already tried to climb on Mama and up a tree, why not sister? Succeeded after knocking her over, but then was nudged off by Mama. Didn't understand what he did was wrong, even after she told him no with a head shake. Does however, think 'no' is a game. Romped around a bit head shaking.

Got that feeling in his belly again, going over to nurse until it went away. Moved around then sat under Mama's forelegs to rest.

Mama walked away to go get Italia. Followed. Then noticed the blueberries. managed to get some after a few tries, and proceeded to fling them around and cover his face in the juice. Sat under Mama's legs to squish them with his hooves.

Day 3:

Woke up alone. Well, almost alone. Tea was lying near by. She curled up around him. It felt nice to have someone where, but where was his mother? Was really scared, so just lay against the ground next to Tea. Lilith came over, but didn't really know who she was so clung to Tea.

(Player afked alot, chores :<)

Mama came! Nursed hungrily, even bleating while trying to nurse. Wanted the feeling in his belly to go away! Sister Italia was near by with Lilith Fawn. Tea lead them to Italia, and they all sat together.

Got up having noticed the grass with tufts on their ends. Looked..fuzzy. Wanted them. Tried to get them, but was too wobbly. Jacob got up and reared back at him playfully. Did not see it like that. Cowered. But soon realized that the taller fawn was not trying to hurt. Curious. Sniffed. Was he another sibling? Sniffed more. Nod? Nod nod nod! Nodded at everything. Mama, Grass, sister, Jacob, Tea, Jacob again, Lilith, and once more Jacob. Got a kick out of nodding, until it made him dizzy. Fell against Lilith and cuddled into her under Mama.

Stuck to Mama like glue, only straying a few feet here and there. Eventually followed Mama to sister, curling up with her and falling asleep for a nap.

After the nap, got up to see his sister had changed color. Didn't know why. Smelt weird too. But didn't know any better. Has no idea about Erlantz.

Stayed with mom, but wandered a bit, trying to get blueberries until he was herded back over to the tall grass. Stayed there. Sister was white again. Ahhh weird. Wandered from Mom again, and finally got some blueberries. Flung them around. They went squish against his cheeks and some fell on the ground. Found this hilarious. Kept doing it, uncaring he was covered in sticky blueberry juices. Chewed on them too. Kind of likes the sweet taste.

Sat around a bit. The Italia changed again. Why is this? Didn't understand but sat there anyway. Slept slightly, but woke to find mama gone. Called out frantically. Where was Mama? Needed Mama! Felt his Dark Sister nuzzling him. Trying to calm him down. Felt a little better, but...but mama! Called for her more, and finally she came running. Settled down under her with Dark Sister, content even as the other started licking the blueberry juice from his face.

Got up after some time and tried to climb on Mama. Eventually succeeded...sprawled across her hindquarters. Then Dark Italia had to show him up. Was amazed at how easily Dark Sister did it. Then Dark Sister came down and stood close by. Started rubbing his face into her back. Fuzzy. Likes! Giggling as he rubbed his face into her side.

Walked around, and then tried to climb a tree. Mooed at it. Wondered if it was some weird deer like him. And it mooed back! (It was actually Pig but he doesn't know any better!) Giggled and tried to climb it again, and then Pig came over himself. Darted under mama. Wasn't too keen on the giant boar. Huge!
When he left stayed put, until Devy moved off. Followed her. Seemed to cuddle for a moment. Then noticed Devy moved off again and Mama was trying to move her. Felt that feeling in his belly. Time to make it go away.

Ate his fill, then settled down next to Devasha, curling up to her as she to him.

Day 2:

Woke up alone. Well, almost alone. Tea was lying near by. She curled up around him. It felt nice to have someone where, but where was his mother? Was really scared, so just lay against the ground next to Tea. Lilith came over, but didn't really know who she was so clung to Tea.

(Player afked alot, chores :<)

Mama came! Nursed hungrily, even bleating while trying to nurse. Wanted the feeling in his belly to go away! Sister Italia was near by with Lilith Fawn. Tea lead them to Italia, and they all sat together.

Got up having noticed the grass with tufts on their ends. Looked..fuzzy. Wanted them. Tried to get them, but was too wobbly. Jacob got up and reared back at him playfully. Did not see it like that. Cowered. But soon realized that the taller fawn was not trying to hurt. Curious. Sniffed. Was he another sibling? Sniffed more. Nod? Nod nod nod! Nodded at everything. Mama, Grass, sister, Jacob, Tea, Jacob again, Lilith, and once more Jacob. Got a kick out of nodding, until it made him dizzy. Fell against Lilith and cuddled into her under Mama.

Stuck to Mama like glue, only straying a few feet here and there. Eventually followed Mama to sister, curling up with her and falling asleep for a nap.

After the nap, got up to see his sister had changed color. Didn't know why. Smelt weird too. But didn't know any better. Has no idea about Erlantz.

Stayed with mom, but wandered a bit, trying to get blueberries until he was herded back over to the tall grass. Stayed there. Sister was white again. Ahhh weird. Wandered from Mom again, and finally got some blueberries. Flung them around. They went squish against his cheeks and some fell on the ground. Found this hilarious. Kept doing it, uncaring he was covered in sticky blueberry juices. Chewed on them too. Kind of likes the sweet taste.

Sat around a bit. The Italia changed again. Why is this? Didn't understand but sat there anyway. Slept slightly, but woke to find mama gone. Called out frantically. Where was Mama? Needed Mama! Felt his Dark Sister nuzzling him. Trying to calm him down. Felt a little better, but...but mama! Called for her more, and finally she came running. Settled down under her with Dark Sister, content even as the other started licking the blueberry juice from his face.

Got up after some time and tried to climb on Mama. Eventually succeeded...sprawled across her hindquarters. Then Dark Italia had to show him up. Was amazed at how easily Dark Sister did it. Then Dark Sister came down and stood close by. Started rubbing his face into her back. Fuzzy. Likes! Giggling as he rubbed his face into her side.

Walked around, and then tried to climb a tree. Mooed at it. Wondered if it was some weird deer like him. And it mooed back! (It was actually Pig but he doesn't know any better!) Giggled and tried to climb it again, and then Pig came over himself. Darted under mama. Wasn't too keen on the giant boar. Huge!
When he left stayed put, until Devy moved off. Followed her. Seemed to cuddle for a moment. Then noticed Devy moved off again and Mama was trying to move her. Felt that feeling in his belly. Time to make it go away.

Ate his fill, then settled down next to Devasha, curling up to her as she to him.

Day 1:

How long was he supposed to stay in such a small, cramped space. It was so dark, and the only thing he could hear was the hammering of heartbeats around him. He wanted to kick and squeal and break out of whatever darkness bound him. Though finally, some of the space had been taken up was released.
Still, he was stuck, pressed up against others. Why? Why couldn't he get out? It went on like this for what felt like eternity, until yet more space was given up to him. Willing his legs to stretch, they did not listen to him. He was so tired from all of the movements around him, he couldn't bring himself to try to escape anymore.
He lay peacefully for some time, until movement forced him awake. It was pushing him, guiding him. He tried to cry out in fear, what was happening? But before he could even get his bearings, he was seeing, hearing and smelling.
So many colors, sounds and smells bombarded him, and he called out for help. Though soon felt comfort. Felt a warm tongue grooming his wet fur, cleaning his face. All he could see was a massive head in his field of vision, and for a few moments was helplessly terrified. But instinct soon kicked in, and he realized who this creature was.

His Mother.

He heard words, but did not understand them. All he could do was look at her with his big lilac eyes, and absorb the loved she radiated off of her. She gave him a name. A word that would be his forever, though at the moment he would never understand it.


With that realization came the sudden urge to feed. He heard something call out behind him, and he shrunk against the ground, ears folded back until he saw a white form hobble close by. The scent was familiar, he knew this other creature very well.
Pushing with all his might, the tiny fawn managed to stand on long, shaky legs, taking insure steps and falling once as he tried to get into a feeding position.
After successfully feeding, the tiny thing was so very tired. Laying beneath his mother, the child curled up. Though sleep wouldn't come just yet, as his mischievous sister Italia started to suck on his ear.

Met a whole bunch of deer. Tea, Jacob, Fletcher, Saadi, and a hand full of others. Was trying to settle down and curl up with his Mother, but someone...a strange deer came (Hyperion). Colors and sounds and so much happened. Cried out and hid into his sister.

He was chased off. Stayed with Mother and his sisters and Tea. Saadi stayed too. Everyone else left. Dozed off, occasionally trying to nurse while his Mother was lying down. Soon fell asleep next to her once everything calmed down.

(Pardon the shortness, I am extremely tired.)

SoliloquyChryseis's picture

