from the land of liquid sun [Urila]




DemigirlOftentimes identifies as the feminine, but not always. May also be considered demi-nonbinary as she sometimes also identifies as agender/nonbinary.

Cervus nippon with avian influence

Smells of juniper berriesLight citrus notes and pine

Omnivore; water plants, fungi, small fish, and eggs



Faceclaim is Michelle Iman


mentalCalmed. / physicalPerfect.

Arrived in the Forest after a long vacation in the immediate area outside, which for her is a forest mostly devoid of animal life. Met with some unregistered deer and got a little "feisty" when one of them kept invading her space and mooing at her (she stood on a higher point of a hill than them and kept charging at them when they approached which got the point across and then they were good chums). Loafed around a bit and met a Jude (looks different but is soft and smells good), Nirvana (CUTE HELLOLO CUTE), and L'ubomir (did her a bamboozle)


codes by unplugged, shey, and aquilo.
Background image from

Imma stalk this ♥

Imma stalk this ♥
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;u;

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;u;
Bayleen's picture


FinalJump's picture

It's a cutie!

It's a cutie!
Jiaruqa's picture

hey dude

hey dude

Oh, I forgot to thank

Oh, I forgot to thank everybody for the tracks of interest! Thank you very much!
wingeddeer's picture

*rolls around in*

*rolls around in*

Rollin' rollin' rollin'~

Rollin' rollin' rollin'~ ;P

Would anybody be interested in roleplaying with my new lady here on her bio? I know this information really.. uh.. well, I'll call it "grossly messy" but I hope that doesn't put anybody off. I'd like her to have a warm welcome to the Forest, if possible!
wingeddeer's picture

I'll volunteer, if you would

I'll volunteer, if you would like : P Been itching for some Rp as well. Want me to start? Or you?

Ohh, yay! *leaps!!* I have a

Ohh, yay! *leaps!!* I have a starter in my head, which I will do my best to post tomorrow when I have downtime at work. How does that sound?
wingeddeer's picture

Sounds good! I'll respond

Sounds good! I'll respond when I can once you post it, yiss : D

Shweet! This isn't as grand

Shweet! This isn't as grand of a starter as it was in my head, but I guess it will do Sticking out tongue

This rainstorm was the first thing that made sense in this Forest where all sense of normalcy was lost. Mere weeks ago it had been early autumn and she was lead away from her herd to this place where surely it must be autumn as well, but the leaves were still green on the trees and the sun made her uncomfortable in her coat that had been thickening in preparation for winter. Being thrown into this land of hot sun and strange animals gave her a worrisome first impression of the Forest, one that made her feel as if she’d feel nothing but primal fear and confusion for the rest of her life should she choose to stay. The first terrifying thing that she noticed was that there were beasts in this land, beasts with the faces of dogs and humans; both false friends in her old home that she'd come to distrust. Were they really dogs and humans? Many had deer bodies, so she wasn’t sure looking at them and her first thought was of deer. Did these human faces too have bright weapons that shot invisible lightning? She was ever watchful of them but, happily, had seen no weapons. At least those didn’t exist here.

She felt nearly at home with the rainy weather. The giant mushrooms were unexpected (yet delicious), but she felt better with them around. However, no matter if she got up to sample the local flora or gingerly nosed about a new area, her mind still wanted to wander back to her herd, to before all of this. Any other thoughts simply could not survive long in the blizzard in her head and they ceased to be after weak attempts to be heard. They were a few cries that became softer, softer, still softer.. then, nothing. Gone.

Urila was laying next to a smaller mushroom that had steadily grown smaller in her hungry company. For the time being she felt comfortable. Mostly due to the fact that hardly any other deer, or frightening beasts, were around to bother her with their curious noises and snooping eyes because she was a new addition and they wanted to know about her. She chewed her cud slowly and watched raindrops hit and roll off her new pelt. Strange. Everything here was strange, but she was glad for the moment of respite.

The new doe stared into the distance with peacefully hooded eyes.
wingeddeer's picture

I like it! Hope my reply's

I like it! Hope my reply's decent, lol


A dark, lone stag stood beneath the shelter of a giant fungi as the rain pattered. At first glance, one might think they were asleep on their feet, but the occasional twitch of an ear indicated the form was still aware of it's surroundings.

The dark eye sockets of the animal flickered yellow, as he broke through his brief meditation. Rain had always been a soothing change of weather for this bull. Mist billowed from the stag's bony nostrils, and he raised his head to have a look around.

No one seemed to be around the premise. Not even an unfamiliar figure. Donovan felt a pang of loneliness, and seeked to remedy that. It wasn't often he felt like this, but weather pattenrs always awoke strange moods within him as well.

As the stag trudged through the drizzling storm, something caught his eye. Or rather someone.
Another being, who seemed to be on it's own, rested itself near a small, and slightly chewed stalk of fungi. Donovan studied the figure for a moment, quirking an ear backwards. Was it...Eating that mushroom? He'd often seen others eat the smaller ones attached the the oaks and maples...And though he didn't need to take in sustenance, the large mushrooms that grew when it rained looked rather...Nauseating. Curious now, he drew closer. A deep, raspy voice emanated through his skull.

"I hear the blueberries taste better..."

Of course it is, you silly

Of course it is, you silly bean! I hope your interest stays for a bit.. I'm sorry for being slow :')

Familiar faces from her birth herd paraded into her mind’s eye. One by one she thought fondly of them and the hodgepodge dynamic they had as a unit. Memories were all she had of them as she no longer knew how to return to her home. She felt inclined to hang onto them as one might cling to jagged rocks, too afraid to let go for fear of being sucked into the unknowingness of the ocean despite also risking their salvation. It was safer in the comfort of her memories, much more safe than this Forest appeared to be! True, she’d seen several dogs here, but none of them had really chased her. One had walked near her and leapt after her when she’d bolted, but she found that after a few yards that it had wandered off. The dogs and deer seemed to live together quite peacefully. It was unlike everything she knew of life.

Her thoughts slunk away when movement caught her attention and she looked from the corners of her eyes to see a fuzzy outline of a large deer, possibly a bull elk. She tucked her chin against her neck and squinted her eyes, hoping to look cold and uninteresting to him. ‘Just stay still and nothing will happen. Probably.’

As soon as he (she knew it was a bull) spoke, one word caught her attention enough that her ears cupped forward and her eyes widened. “Blueberries?” Despite her reserved nature, her voice was conversational and almost warm sounding. The vowels had a tendency to be formed broadly and the Rs were soft. These were the dregs of an acquired accent.

She began to lift her rump from the muddy ground, fueled simply by the mentioning of one of her many favorite treats. Are there blueberries here? I haven’t seen any aroun--” No sooner had she looked up toward the bull than she nearly leapt away with a horrified look on her face and the fur on her rump and all her feathers standing on end. It was another one of those skeletal deer! Why were there so many? Her mind became a buzzing frenzy over the possibilities she’d come up with in her earlier visits, but the one that made the most sense was that there was some disease that ate away at the face until it was nothing but a skull with eyes. In her first winter there’d been an outbreak of mange among the coyotes. Maybe it was the same disease? She couldn’t hold back the shuddering, feral whine starting in her throat. His ghastly visage made her heart hammer, but she felt a faint pity for the poor beast, probably because he was roughly the same size of a fawnhood friend she had. Were all of them with skulls in pain? It must hurt.

Trembling slightly and looking down at her hooves, she tried speaking, but the whine still in her throat drowned out all possibility. After a few sputtering attempts, she cleared her throat loudly and finally spit them out slowly like drops of tar. “Are.. you.. alright?” It was an odd question to come from an individual who had nearly been scared out of their fur a moment ago, but she needed to confirm that these skeletal creatures had a contagious disease and should therefore be avoided.
Eq's picture



*waves!! :> Hoping to get

*waves!! :>

Hoping to get this spiffed up soon, even though she's still a bit of a WIP.

OH WAIT A SECOND THAT'S A LINK OMG YOU DREW HER THANK YOU THAT IS SUCH A SURPRISE!! AHHhhh lol I'm not the most observant, as you can tell

Thank you!!! She's SO CUTE like she'd come up to you and awkwardly say hello if you gave her some food. aaahhh *melts into a puddle
Eq's picture

Initially it wasn't a link,

Initially it wasn't a link, so don't worry.
Sorry it just turned out like a sketch, tho. I'm glad you don't seem to mind

Oh! Uh, t-totally knew that..

Oh! Uh, t-totally knew that.. >:I

Of course I don't mind, are you silly? It's a really adorable sketch, and I love getting gifts no matter what kind of gift they are! You are very kind c:
Comen's picture

Gets some popcorn and takes a

Gets some popcorn and takes a seat Smiling

Hi dere!!

Hi dere!!

Le sniff.

Le sniff.
Bayleen's picture

ZAYUM this new layout is fire

ZAYUM this new layout is fire boo

@Uit Smells like

Smells like soap!

Thank you!! Lucas and Kamaya gave me several very helpful hands with it c:
Sleepything's picture

She's a lot of fun.

She's a lot of fun. ;')

keepin' my eye on this ♥

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥

Usually the Forest is dead

Usually the Forest is dead this time of night so I was definitely not expecting such action!

Thank you! c:


Mauvable's picture

watching this! Sasuda was

watching this! Sasuda was keeping an eye on her as well, but had to check on a few faces and then all hell broke loose.

she seems really cute :3

she seems really cute :3

Very late thank you for

Very late thank you for tracking! to all 3 of you! I can't believe her background image vanished. Maybe I'll remember to fix it Cool



Kaoori's picture

Kao was creepin' behind you

Kao was creepin' behind you last night
LowLights's picture


Shey's picture

v late track aaa

v late track aaa

howdy pardners!!

howdy pardners!!