
LostintheEcho's picture


So I might have lost his old info back when doomsday hit and my Laptop K.O'd. Goodbye history of most of his relations, may u rest in peace while I destroy my brain trying to remember everything.

After a reunion with his sister, scoured the forest for anyone else he might recognise. Aware of the absent faces, and that the amount of those 'missing' are gradually increasing. Saddened in the moment when thinking of the faded scents, though quick to move on and hopeful of their return one day. Always hopeful.

Eyeballed two individuals (Sindile & Alpha) when making his rounds, and after sitting alone at his den for a while, decided to finally go over. Craving company. Perhaps felt some familiarity with their canine appearances, which for him at least made the interaction smoother. Didn't pick up on any awkward vibes and more or less invited himself to sit with the pair. And from there a conversation started.

Learnt a lot. Words he'd never heard before and the grim topic of death. Though it isn't clear how much of this he's going to remember in the long run, it was somewhat eye opening and even stressful to know that when someone doesn't wake up again, its permanent.

Met newer faces as the conversation progressed (Pagan, Jude, Levant, Noelani). Curious of all, and trying his best to pay attention as others spoke, bless his smol brain.

'Wolf Rune'
Late 20's

Dire Wolf
Frossen Viking
Wildling, Pirate
Near size 10
Scent of Sea salt

First Arrived 2018
Heavy Norse accent
Chaotic Neutral

why do my characters have similar themes pls stop

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Sigi by Wake

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Sigi by Wake

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Sigi by Wake

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Sigi by Wake