♪ I'm gonna burn it all down today //
And sweep all the ashes away

aka: Ben
Many-Eyed, Black Witch, Erebid, Atramentous
ID - Male - #5 - updated ref
Young adult
Demonic hybrid
Tumblr // Spotify
Psychokinesis. Can move things without touching them, but is limited by his physical strength in most cases.
Able to see and interact with ghosts. Might also be,, hallucinations, who knows
Tries to keep both of these powers a secret, but has become a bit less careful about it
Good hearing and eyesight, though a couple ears have tears and a few secondary eyes are partially blinded.
One leg is damaged and mostly resistant to attempts to heal it, has a more difficult time running and jumping because of it. But he gets by.
Observant - Distant - Obedient - Secretive - Distrusting - Fearful
this'll be updated one day
links -
Chrona - Father. Terrified of. Fear and fascination.
Liange - Mother. Grown distant from.
Shaila - Sister. Fear, guilt, anger, avoidance. hm
Io - Sister. aa?
Noemi - Eldest sister. aaa
Slade - Mentor, father figure of sorts. Took Ben under his wing, allowed to live at the Wolf's house.
Grisaille - gf ♥
Mordius - 'Friend'. Not a good influence, but he's fun.
Tig - Good friend, a good influence. Very sweet and kind.
Rose - Friend.
Adagio - Friend? They're nice
muse -
The occult, eyes, those creepy little kids in horror movies, moths, seances, spiritualism, spiders, volcanoes, lightning and storms, TK phenomena, the "evil eye", Black Witch moth, hamsas, cobwebs, sympathetic magic.
Die Anywhere Else, Gallows, La Grande, Lemonade, The Mute, Going Invisible
its aboot time munchkin
Babby brother!
Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
By Leuvr ♥
Sister track ♥
been waiting long enough
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
settles in here
Sig: Aihnna
wow this is a lovely little
Lovely fellow you have here.
(No subject)
edit: i WAS ALREADY TRACKIng way to go me
oh well, double track
good looking kid!
Hello little one. Nice to
Image © Alhnna
slides in.
what up kiddo
why the fUK was I not
a very late track ♥ i
a very late track ♥i already am sMH double love i guess ;;
Sig: Aihnna
sdffasdf !