At least y' not gonna drown alone. ≈ 6th December 2019 Visited the forest and caught up with Ross. In the end, brought to tears by the topic he brought up, felt very passionately about his plight because she couldn't imagine going through it. Tried to give him what advice she could. Finally caught up with Hlín. Watched a tear in the air swallow Hlín whole the first time she tried to talk to her which was Alarming. Also, was pissed so went off to chill. Approached her again later Had a conversation in which she tried to explain a few things and offered some gifts to ease the strain of the coming season. Unsurprised by the rejection, but did glean something valuable within the girl's words. Essentially told her a few blunt truths - mainly that she had no real need to be forgiven. In the end, relieved and felt a weight off her shoulders. What Hlín chose to do was really no great concern of hers. Sought the pond, quietly hoping to see a shape beneath the waters. Heard approaching hooves soon after and watched Hlín throw the package she'd left as a gift right into the pond - with Ashira right behind her, the latter who proceeded to make some weird barking noise at her before the pair ran off. Sort of just... ![]() Unperturbed after her initial irritation - the gift had already served its purpose - and chalked it up to 'kids being kids' and sorta like 'not my circus'. Thinking ahead to other items that require her attention. ≈ 22nd November 2019 Happy in most aspects of her life, shouldering a few more responsibilities here and there out of the forest which has cut down her ability to wander as much as she wants to. Returning to the woods as consequence. Confronted with the result of her inaction when she approached Hlín, and though sympathetic to the other girl's feelings, completely incensed at the treatment she received. Cue passive-aggressive bullshit... Most of her visits have been purely nostalgic, though has met a few new faces here and there. Entered the woods today with the intention of meeting up with Hlín, though found no trace of the girl. Instead, turned her sights on the pond. Greeted by a friendly face in the water - Brindle. Proceeded to get half-drowned by the kelpie. Broke away as her lungs started to burn, and shared words in the aftermath. Not really upset with them for it - far from it, really. Quickly came to forgive them and make a few promises while she started to cry. Lingered after they sank back into the pond's depths, then eventually headed homeward. ≈ 13th January, 2018 Somewhat busy in her way, keeping a little closer to home as a sort of 'break', and as support for another, should it be required. Spent the early portion of her day on and off with Lusi, though as their time together grew to a close, felt a trickle of concern seep through. Checked in on her one last time before giving space, though pointedly chose a spot near Sky Sight as the thought had been with her for hours already to check in on the canine. Napped and parted from the Wayward's company with a bow. Came across something otherworldly, uncovering a dim memory and drawing her closer. Passed a greeting to Kato in return for his, then settled by Akira. Content until the sounds of a scuffle drew her up, intervened when she deemed it necessary to separate Mirah from Sky Sight and, ultimately, Lusi. Thanked Sky Sight briefly before turning to the Amahni to 'ward' her from future incidents, though unphased if the other didn't notice. Deeply disturbed by the scene, departed in tears. Took to the water to clear her head and to seek the solace it always brings, and though didn't outwardly recognise it, was aware of Kato's presence... did respond to Pagan's however. Attempted to drive her off through tears, unaware and uncaring of her motives. Returned to the water with her success, but missed the sting of salt. UPDATING EARLY because of harassment. Returned to the vicinity of the earlier fight, herself a mess. Patience grew thin with Pagan's approach, brief as it was. Glad to have the privacy to work through her tears at her own pace. Approached the scene in her own time, asking those who lingered (Éasca and UY (sigh)) half a question in an attempt to protect the child with them (Sahar) from the details. A wave of emotions following the answer, brought to a relative high and then a crushing low. Thanked the pair and bid all three goodbye. Took a moment for herself, then sought out Sky Sight (sighs...) for a talk. And then Nyami (SIGHS). ≈ 13th December, 2017 After some drama later in the day, spent an hour in the stream deep in thought. Made a point to visit Pagan and 'ward' her away from her family in future. Rested with Zeke afterward, quiet in a very different way than the usual. Pointedly giving Mjolnir the space she believes is desired. ≈ 11th December, 2017 i've written several updates for her in the past few months that i either lost or she didn't want me to post?? and fi na l ly i can post one Went on a trip with Sky-Sight and 'Lusi' a while back, enjoyed it and has hopes for the sea serpent along with a newfound respect for Sky-Sight. Working on a little project that she alluded to her friend that, while not too different from something she's done before in the simple mechanics, is also vastly more complex. Pleased with her progress, regardless. Visited Mjol and Zeke either yesterday or the day before, idk, gave both a nuzzle but left them to hang out with themselves. Instead spent time with 'her' fish, and when the pond was quiet of other inhabitants, spoke to them quietly on and off for hours of things big and small. Rejoined Mjolnir late into the night and spent the remainder asleep by her mother's side - but for one wander around the forest where she briefly longed to be young again. Holds a love for the forest despite all she knows it to be, but misses when it was still huge and unfathomable to her. Today, spent hours staring at the pond's surface after waking, remained in thought for hours. Eventually made her way to greet Zeke and Mjolnir, but found herself with mixed feelings that drew her away from the area. In the end, closed self-made distance to settle comfortably with the pair. Moved off after Zeke left, giving a forehead kiss to Mjol, to seek Rossamund. Ended up in a pleasant talk with his daughter, Irene. Afterward, made a small note of a few things and headed home to her family. |
Name: Morgen, x Nicknames: Enny*Nephele. , Pondling*"Unnamed". , Ripple*Tamsin. , Mormor*Players. Gender: Female. Birth date: 7th March, 2015*Adult. Zodiac: Pisces. Wood Ram. Species: 'Marsh deer' x Irish elk variant. Set: Magpie pelt, magpie antlers, fan mask. Reference: Here. Size: A hair above #13. Speech: #65C9B0 Tumblr: Here. "The cure for anything is salt water. Sweat, tears, or the ocean." — Isak Dinesen Depth Inward ≈ Somewhat introverted. Easily made tired by excessive socialisation and particularly sensitive to auditory overstimulation when things become too busy. ≈ Takes comfort in specific noises and will use them as coping mechanisms for stress. The most troubling of which is holding her head underwater, finds it familiar and comforting as well as a way of 'dulling' things. ≈ Despite this, almost over-friendly. Eager to make friends. Coming to realise not everyone is nice or wants to be (or even should be) her friend. ≈ Growing a fondness for canines and fish. Visits the pond daily, and by extension, the water creatures that dwell in it. ≈ Altruism, highly empathetic. ≈ Imagination is becoming more developed, daydreaming often. Loves to make up words - often coining family with nonsense names. Oddly careful about this sometimes, despite her desire to share. ≈ Encouraged to talk about her thoughts and opinions from a young age and does so confidently. ≈ Beginning to push boundaries (though compared to some members of the family, this is very low-key). ≈ Family-orientated. Views them as the most important beings in existence, and has developed a sense of entitlement for the entire family - especially for herself and the other children. Outward ≈ Born with a TEF face, anatomy heavily influenced by marsh deer. ≈ Holds the ability to shift her facial structure between deer and a humanoid structure, vague awareness. ≈ Freckled face. ≈ Strongly resembles the ocean. Sea-spray dancing up her legs and reflections playing along her back. ≈ Moves in an undulating gait - wouldn't call it graceful but it works. ≈ Is seldom particularly bothered by the cold; has a slightly higher tolerance for it than most. She is still physically affected by the cold however, just takes longer for her to notice, which can be potentially problematic. ≈ Biologically omnivorous; vegan by choice. Possessions ≈ Blankets and scraps from Cyrus. Some remain, though tattered now. ≈ Rainbow fluorite pendant and a (now slightly dirt-stained at the ends) shawl from Mjølner. - The pendant is worn often. The shawl comes out in cold weather or whenever she wants to see it twirl. ≈ Arm cuff from Eos. - Currently worn. ≈ Conch shells - one given to Eos and Neph. Retains one for herself. The last shell suffered an unfortunate fate (it got stepped on). ≈ Small deer skull mask from Velocity. Doesn't really realise what it is... oops ≈ Four river rocks from Nyami. Somewhat reminiscent to herself in appearance. ≈ Several crabs with broken claws from Nyami. Currently being fed a diet that consists largely of worms. ≈ A fish-themed cloak from Juturna designed to keep her warm. An orb is suspended in fishnet to be carried with her, absorbing light from the sun and turning it into warmth. ≈ A basket of koi pellets. ≈ A beaded hemp bracelet crafted and imbued with magical properties by Juturna. Kept close. ≈ A scaling knife. A tattered old shoulder bag. ≈ A seaglass seahorse from Eos (Christmas '16). ≈ A double-wrap bracelet with a magical relic embedded with a water symbol from Gyors (Christmas '16). ≈ A glass blown octopus necklace from Nephele. ≈ A wood carved fish tail-esque pendant from Vidarr. ≈ Glass orb that encases a miniature ocean, active and calm, though it splashes around and can create waves when moved. If listened to, one can hear it. From Gyors. ≈ From her mothers, a beautiful necklace and silk scarf. Durable and waterproof, often worn together. ≈ A fish tea pot from Nephele. Lessons First month ≈ Birth. Rain. ≈ Walking. Not too graceful, struggled at first. ≈ Pond; splashing, joy! Ground mushrooms; grOSS. ≈ Gifts from Cyrus and Mjølner. Second month ≈ Growing more mobile, strengthening bonds. ≈ First trip outside the forest with the family. Adventure. ≈ Met her father, though did not recognise their bond. ≈ Known family has become very important, center of her world. ≈ Underwater is cool. ≈ Careful of hooves. Experienced a close shave with being trampled, more cautious. Third month ≈ Seems to be developing a 'flowing' type of movement. Not exactly graceful... idk how to explain it sigh. ≈ Underwater is really nice and relaxing actually, digs that. ≈ Sometimes others act oddly and you can't change it by being cute (sadness/like emotions). Introduced by Virus, partially strengthened by Mjølner. Doesn't understand it, just recognises something 'off' ≈ Swimming tHO. Floundered but enjoyed the activity and the praise she got. ≈ Met a unicorn - entranced, enchanted. Filled with a wonder for mystical, unknowable things? ≈ Despite being overwhelmed by too much audial input, is soothed by certain 'constant' sounds; i.e. rain, running water, distant hoofbeats, humming. Fourth month ≈ Shocked by the expansion of the family, however got over it and accepted the new members readily. Ever strengthening the concept of familial importance. ≈ Bows at everyone that gets close, absolutely out of control. ≈ Restless, thoughts turning back to those of wonder of the mystical and new. Easily distracted from this, but a nagging thought in the back of her mind persists. Fifth month ≈ Overwhelmed by groups of strangers, far too used to the company of close relations and family... not quite sure where she fits in sometimes. Solution tends to be clinging to a specific person until she feels better or going off on her own to do other things? ≈ Smaller groups cause less stress - currently a small group consists of three to four members at most in her mind. ≈ Still visits the fish and the small aquatic being that lives in the pond, can't always find the latter, much to her dismay. ≈ Continuing to attempt swimming (unsupervised), usually for small bouts as she's prone to going underwater in bouts of enthusiasm or when she goes out of her depth. ≈ Missed the incident between her family and the fire horse Kyrian, however was only marginally affected by the aftermath thanks to Mjølner's rather careful handling of it. Displayed a natural concern for those affected. Her naïvety has suffered a small shake nonetheless, aware of possibilities she wasn't before. ≈ Taken (upon her request) to a new world to visit Eos as she recovered from serious injuries. Brought back some conch shells from the trip, further expanding wonderment of the sheer volume of life in general. ≈ First fight. Mainly ran away and cried but first fight! Scared also by mum fighting. holy shit mAM YOU GOT MOVES. Realisation that 1) THAT REALLY HURT and b) YOU REALLY WONT BE MY FRIEND? i'll probs write this better later. ≈ Water = safe. Sixth month ≈ MORAL RELATIVISM touched on briefly in a discussion with an odd being, especially around the term 'monster'. Forced to think deeply to 'keep up' in a sense. Brought forth insecurities, though found solace later by speaking with Nae. ≈ Witnessed the Rut, more or less. ≈ MOSTLY QUIET and bond strengthening. Seventh month ≈ Second big altercation witnessed. Reinforced a desire to spur others onward when in conflicting times, in a sassy way even. Confusion about others' motives, but foundation built in the actions of a select few. Unsure of what to make of several aspects of the event. ≈ Also rub on everything. ≈ More or less 'met' a sleeping Velocity alongside Kettu and Refr. Under the pair's guidance, learned how to obtain spells from him. Kept the mask, bc it cool yo. ≈ Witnessed Ison trying to push Heiðrún into the pit at the Ruins after the two had been squabbling. Anger grew like a sudden storm, crashed between them and made it clear that the boy was to leave. Possibly becoming a lil bit bossy. ≈ Upset Ison by confronting him later, a wide array of emotions in response to the event. Eighth month ≈ First true encounter with loss, though a very sheltered version of it. Noticed the disappearance of her very first fish she 'befriended' and subsequently named: Eask. Comforted by several individuals: Virus, Maria and Nyami (aLSO NAE... I need to ask abt that! did i forget anyone...?). Each did so in a different way, giving her different coping strategies. May later think back on this in more detail. ≈ Taught how to feed the fish, though interestingly doesn't quite link the worms to being alive - more like how wind makes leaves dance or branches sway, more like dust motes floating through the forest. Was overjoyed to bring her relationship with the fish to a new level by earning a greater level of trust with them. Still more than happy to simply watch their antics. aLSO need to ask jd about the fish food thing watch me forget again. im a gud fawn player!!! ≈ First snowfall, though it was brief. Overjoyed. Felt the cold and sought out her shawl for additional protection, realised how much she liked the way it flowed when she ran or how she could flip it dramatically. ≈ Aside from the snow, doesn't appear to feel the cold very much despite her body being affected by it. A slightly higher tolerance to the effect it has on her body, but likely to be unaware at times that she's 'too cold'. Also seems to ignore it when possible, lacking an understanding for things like immune systems. Ninth month ≈ Feeling the cold more again, but largely ignoring it until she got sick. Absolutely miserable with that turn of events, sneezing and headachey. Showed a slight temper during this, becoming somewhat grumpy. ≈ Also seemed to be when she first started 'acting out'. While not looking for trouble, beginning to get her own ideas and test limits. Was asked not to visit the pond by a concerned Molly, and did just that... by not entering the water itself. Felt guilty about it, despite a lack of heavy-handedness about the whole affair. Trust in adult-figures increased, though perhaps this also encouraged such behaviour. ≈ Most alarmed by the concept of getting the fish sick too. ≈ Juturnae saved the day, bringing a restorative soup to help boost the child's system again and see her over the worst of her little illness. Faith in her mother increased, though likely felt a little 'invincible' because of it. ≈ Stress in the form of Ezekiel becoming severely injured. Naivety slowly being chipped away at. Likened the way Ezekiel 'wasn't really there' (due to being in and out of consciousness etc) to the way Eask wasn't there anymore. Broke down and cried while curled closely near ≈ Dealt with the stress in one of the few ways she knows; increased visits to the serenity that she finds in the pond during the quieter hours (the lack of energy the fish take from her, and of course, Nyami's presence). Outright ignoring the cold during some of these visits. Doesn't directly link the cold to a lowered immune system and susceptibility to infections. ≈ Became overwhelmed due to stress and acted out when Mjol wouldn't come see some 'puppies', thinking it 'wasn't fair', etc. Stormed off initially, and refused to go anywhere near the Warhammer despite the Marsh's promptings. As such, ended up screaming for Juturnae to leave her alone and felt absolutely lost when it worked. Lost the desire to fight after that and was helped by Mjol to explore her feelings a little better. Despite the generally positive note to this discussion, several undertones may lead to uhh 'corrupted' thinking on a few values - hilariously because of the trust placed in Mjol and the assumption that both mothers agree on everything. Also voiced her worries over the injuries that loved ones (i.e zeke and mjol, who the hell else) were suffering. ≈ Missed the core issues involved in what instigated a fight with Juturnae and Mjolnir pitted against Cole, but formed her own opinions rather quickly. Fell into a calm, controlled state on this particular instance (somewhat 'forced' to grow up in that moment) despite making some troubling connections. Having been encouraged to talk, not only recently but for the majority of her young life so far, did so when Nae retreated to the pond. Tried to be older than she was and kept a cool head. Both realising that Nae and Mjol aren't always right and finding herself trusting them and their actions more despite (and perhaps partially because of) this ≈ Inflated self-importance? as a result of the two conversations, possibly a draw back but also a boost to confidence and feeling that she's not alone/without support. Tenth month ≈ Learned via Nephele of the incident involving Zeke and the loss of Cole's tail. Shaken without a doubt, kept distance from the involved parties for a few days. Agreed with Nephele and was pleased when her sister had already apologised and given Cole a gift. Strengthened bond with Nephele. A realisation about Ezekiel, but more importantly, the world itself - and that limbs can be removed. Gross. ≈ Another great conversation over an insecurity - this time with Juturna. Touched on whether or not she was special, received an answer that bolstered her self-importance (and that of her siblings, incl Mjol's kids) by a lot. Felt tremendously better for it, and greatly strengthened the bond with her mother. but at what cost. ≈ Had the concept of death solidified over the course of two days. First via the return of a spirit she'd met once before, and the second by Loveless after he had eaten two of her fish friends. Slowly feeling the weight of this concept and subsequent realisation. That everyone must 'go away', even her. Compounded by Ison's severe injury and subsequent unconsciousness; likened it to Zeke's condition and how she felt then. ≈ Comforted by Mjolnir briefly, and had an important conversation with her mother, and the realisation that her mother is not without her own insecurities. 'We can be forever'. ≈ Interest in healing, budding. Eleventh month ≈ Growing bored of the forest, visits begin to decline. Becoming more active in the village her family resides in out of forest, both taking classes here and there and shadowing her mother when she helps out villagers with healing. ≈ A sense of entitlement is solidifying. ≈ Mjolnir starts things, Juturna finishes them. Finds herself wanting to end things more than start them, following Nae's lead. Beginning to see value in both approaches, oddly. Twelfth month ≈ Saw her first dead bodies (Darcia, later Ross), witnessed a side of Mjol that terrified her, causing the child to seek out Nae's steadiness, try to emulate it. Refused to leave the dying Rossamund, despite being powerless to help. Lingering in her mind, suppressed. ≈ Visits between the forest and the village continue to fluctuate, gradually growing less content with either place. Restless and bored, not settling down. Ended up taking more classes to still some of the boredom, but this was only helpful for a short while. ≈ Nephele's sudden disappearance came as a shock and great source of concern - despite Juturna's discussion about their trinkets and the purpose of them just a few days prior. After finding no trace except for a few of her sister's treasured items, spoke to both of her mothers. Reassured, made certain to keep Nephele's things very safe for their return. Remained unaware of the catalyst in the early awakening of Neph's abilities. ≈ A discussion-turned-fight with Heidrún, though brief, gave the sea-born much to think about. Made a few assumptions that, without being cleared up, festered in her mind. ≈ Often convinced she can hear something, only to know she shouldn't be. Noticed first in-forest, later realised it was happening in the village too. Onward ≈ Found her first portal, gone from 8/04/16 - 31/07/16. ≈ Dealing with several in-forest deaths in a short period of time (a week or two idr), each bloody: Dardan, Ezekiel and Rossamund. Emotionally devastated, needed time to process things alone. ≈ Trips alongside her mother - and whichever siblings may join - when they're offered out of forest, visiting other worlds. Brief, controlled outings that both slake one thirst and whet another. ≈ Zeke's death and subsequent resurrection. Mixed feelings, realisations. Blood Juturnae - Mother. 'Mo'thir'. Foundation. A fountain of knowledge and support. Both soothing waters and the dark clouds that herald a storm. Once thought to be free from error, however upon realising that her mother had doubts and fears too, felt a newfound respect and understanding for the Marsh. Drawn to the stability she exudes, wishes to emulate. Dearly cherished. Kato - Father. Met. Aware of blood relation, distantly recognised. Reaching out to after a few events. Eos - Sister. Foundation. Of jungles and laughter. Nephele - Sibling. 'Ele'. Foundation. Berries, mud. The more laid back sibling, a source of quiet comfort and gentle smiles. Shares many of the same values with the rain child, confidant and support. Dearly cherished. Narumi - Half-sibling, Kato's side. Unmet, unaware. Moloch - Half-sibling, Kato's side. Unmet, unaware. Integral Ezekiel - Brave, weird, comfort. Has become a stable presence in her life since he aided the family in a fight. Feels very comfortable around the behemoth now, though is often found watching how he moves with a somewhat quizzical expression. At times, takes to climbing the giant. Nyami - 'Lusi'. Met in her youth, many hours spent in quiet company in the waters of the pond. For a long time, a cherished secret that she feared to lose. A dear friend, deeply cherished. Mjølner - Mother. 'Molly', 'Mo'ma'. Foundation, family. Support. A constant presence in the triplet's lives, the antlered hind is nothing short of a mother in the Morgen's eyes. A source of rambunctious activity, and often draws the sea-child's morals into question. Dearly cherished. Gyors - Sibling-figure. 'Silky'. Familiar, constant, comfort, play. Sibling. Known since birth, guided her often before she learned her way around; adventure companion. Dearly cherished. To be spoiled. Tides Flait - Invited him to play one day when she felt he was left out and has come to greatly enjoy the stag's quiet companionship around the family. Source of stability. Comfort, play, steadfast. Scarce, softly missed. Mrost - Friend of Zeke's. Mixed. Rossamund - Pale-eyed buck that comforted her during a time of insecurities, a source of support and stories. Fond of, has mixed feelings on after learning a few things. Sky-Sight - While not well known, admittedly rather fascinated and endeared by. Tamsin - Brave, quiet, comfort. Met after the female got injured while aiding the sea child's family. Comforting. Visits from her are a little rare, so an effort is made to seek her out. When she thinks of it. Does not think of it as often as she should. Scarce? "Unnamed" - Ethereal, wonderment. Learned from greatly in her youth and has grown exceptionally fond of and respectful toward. Neutral Irene - Endearing. "Isolde" - Unicorn. Ethereal, light, wonderment. Strong memory. Storms Erytheia - Disliked, contempt for. Cole - Deceased. Holds nothing against, only knows that he's someone her mothers dislike due to attacks upon the family. Feels sorry for after tail incident but has no desire to be near. Jax - FoxOfTheStars x Sleepything x, x, x, x Background pattern palette from incal with pattern template by ycc2106. Muse Karma/do good unto others, have good done unto you. Cycles? Life, etc. 'Story songs'. Guardian? Helpful mermaids, Selkies. Song of the Sea holy shit. The Scorpio Races possibly... we see heuhuehe. "them being playful sea is bright and happy little waves gently splashing him a flick of her tail, water and seaspray." childhood friends teaching someone how to swim, showing them pretty ocean things, helping with catches (only take what you need), saving 'good people' from drowning. Slighted: Dark, choppy, waters, powerful waves 'you're not welcome here'. Look back from the shore to see a mop of dark hair and searing bright eyes bobbing in the water, and they know they've fucked up. keep the ocean in your eyes "One spared to the sea is three spared to the land." - One Spared to the Sea |
Arghhh yes. ♥
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
yesyeysyesesyysyis eue
bABY ♥
also the cutest ♥
(No subject)
So purdy ♥
Thank you guys ;v;! ♥
trackin this tiny beb
Kimi darling, ♥
Tracking this little playful
Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
BB ♥
Sig: Aihnna
omg the cute. cant deal
Kets having a hard time
Mmmyes hi hello c:
Cutie. Zach loved her. Thanks
mm thank you eue!
ey beb
eyy d!cknugget ♥
? Track this cute fawn.
Walks in four months late
This little girl is such a
Kicy - thank you very
Hum - excitedly gets under feet.
Farlone - aahn, thank you!
Hum where's my starbucks
omg kimi it's mine. fite me.
♥ Such a beauty
Need to track this cutie.
Gotta track this, that update
sdfdsqsdfgh ♥
Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥
Oh, ~Tracking~♥
thank you all
Laiia: you! ♥
Track :>
cc: ♥!
tracking her ♥
Insta puppy love. You now
Ah, yes I did notice little
Flint says you're pretty cute
Omg. thx u pon I hear this a
thx u pon I hear this a lot uwu~
I just came here to way
Hello, Morgen.
Quote:(so lucky vid rly). but
but i am a sister too
no yr a stupid boi!!
so ur only comfortable w/ me
do you have any boy fish friends bc i bet they'd love to hear t h i s
don't be silly!! the boy fish
the boy fish don't suffer from the same problem (: