new picture plz...!

Marilasd 's picture
Hello the endless forest community, i was wondering if any of you out there would be
kind enough to make me a signature picture to put on. I love the one i have now, but
it just doesnt fit my deer. Plz... i would really like it if any of you that is a really good
artist make me a picture for my signature pic of my deer that i've described in my blog
" bio: kails ". Thank you...Exclaim Smiling
Splinters's picture


YO I GOTTA SUGA RUSHSHSHSHSS gtg watch a movie now sorry.
Marilasd 's picture

well, you is back on now. I:

well, you is back on now. I: soooo... i am trying to draw a pic but i'm having artist's block ( like writer's block except its for an artist) and i need help getting the whole deer right cause she is supposed to be very pretty. I just hope i can get it as perfect as i can.... Sad i'm kinda worried it'll look like crap... :'(
"Do what you love, love what you do." -Unknown
Splinters's picture

awww no maddie it wont!!! I

awww no maddie it wont!!! I know it! my stuff looks like **** ha.
Marilasd 's picture

woe, u said a no no

woe, u said a no no word....!! :3

( \__/ )
( >.< )
(_) (_)
( )

This is bunny....Exclaim! HIS NAME IS NOMMY...!
"Do what you love, love what you do." -Unknown
Marilasd 's picture

woe, u said a no no

woe, u said a no no word....!! :3

( \__/ )
( >.< )
(_) (_)
( )

This is bunny....Exclaim! HIS NAME IS NOMMY...!
"Do what you love, love what you do." -Unknown
Splinters's picture

XD no i said ***** i didnt

XD no i said ***** i didnt say **** what were we taking about?! O GOTA SUGARRRRR RUSSHSHSH!

Marilasd 's picture

IDK... BUT ACK, more yucky

IDK... BUT ACK, more yucky words.... >.<

(='.'=) This is NOMMY, ME RABBIT..!!!
('') ('')
"Do what you love, love what you do." -Unknown
Splinters's picture

haha lol I got dissed by

haha lol

I got dissed by patrick. I was like " Whatcha doing for hlloween?! Laughing out loud " adn he was like, " HAVING A PARTY YOU AINT INVITED!" I was like, ...ow!... DX
lilacfrond's picture

Dudes I'm hearin all this!

Dudes I'm hearin all this! really guys I sure hope you know that everyone can look at this.

(they might start hatin yah after a while)
Marilasd 's picture

I'm not embarrassed, but i'm

I'm not embarrassed, but i'm kinda worried about how splinters will feel.... >.>
"Do what you love, love what you do." -Unknown