Look under the cut for a visual story/introduction to my character...
Float softly on the cold night breeze...
...Flit quietly on powdered wings
Your sweet glow touches petal tips...
...Resting, set a glow your perch
Let loose your grasp, let free your soul...
...Born. A new, living light.
CSS © Unplugged. Images and "poem" © me, LambFleece
A little visual introduction
My pictures are sketchy, and flat colored, but its my style. I'm proud, and I hope you all enjoyed!
Avvie by Hadoukin
I want to snuggle that
Aww thanks! He's just so
Avvie by Hadoukin
Been seeing this picto around
Just want to say that his
Another comment, oops! cx
Waning-sun: Thanks! It'd be lovely to see you in forest sometime! Though I'm a little spazzy/laggy at 5fps :/ Haha!
Touho: Thank you!! I had the best time creating his story ♥ Makes me love him even more.
Avvie by Hadoukin
Haha, I'm loving Fundi, from
Thanks, GrammarShine!
Avvie by Hadoukin
You did a wonderful Job !! I
I love how this came out .
I think my Fly has already met your little Fundi.
wow! fabulous! Very well
.: This is just so amazing
Thanks, you three! I
I appreciate everyones kind comments!! ♥
Avvie by Hadoukin
OMG, what an adorable little
Sig: Aihnna
Thank you, justdance! Heehee
Avvie by Hadoukin
D'awwwww! Very creative. C:
Oh, thank you SilverSAV!
Need to try and jump in forest more often with this little fella. Haha!
Avvie by Hadoukin
.: Coming back to this often.
Need to meet this cutie in
Sig: Aihnna