Need comfort about wisdom teeth removal.

Keyblade's picture
Hey guys,
Sorry to bring this up totally randomly but I am currently sitting at home and worrying a hell of a lot about getting my wisdom teeth removed in the morning. I am terrible with needles, always have been. I guess its the IV I am scared of more than the actual removal.

Can anyone share their story, if they have had it done or even just had to go under anesthesia via IV? I guess it the fear of just not knowing what is going to happen.

Thanks everyone.


I had to go under anesthesia

I had to go under anesthesia when I broke my ankle. was just laying there while doctors were talking and then I woke up all ? ? ? give me water pls because wow that dry mouth.
as for the IV, they usually numb the area before the insert? I never feel anything. :0 just don't look at it ahhh.
Draak's picture

I've had mine out, and it

I've had mine out, and it went okay. This coming from someone who would rather not go to the dentist/is uncomfortable with dental procedures. I had mine out in the chair and not under anasthesia/wasn't knocked out. I was given local anasthetic and laughing gas. I remember being told that I was inhaling the gas faster than the output before it'd taken effect.
I still remember the procedure even though I was off the planet, I didn't have any complications during it and it all went smoothly.

Personally I think the worst part, and not gonna sugar coat it, is the week afterwards. Mostly due to pain and not being able to eat properly. You get given pain meds and Antibiotics which is good but it's awful when it wears off, you gotta take more and wait for it to kick in or wait until the time you can take pain meds again, so there were times I had to wait and miserable it out with an icepack. I don't know why tooth related pain is so bad 8I.
I was also so incredibly paranoid about getting food/drink stuck in the sockets I avoided any solid food for a good week and a bit until I was sure sockets had healed over (which they do pretty quickly, I think they'd half healed after said week, they'd turned into what I dubbed "squishy dents". But even then I didn't dare poke around with my tongue until that week had passed). But yeah generally once that week is over things go back to normal pretty quickly.

Only two of my wisdom teeth ever developed, the two top ones, so I think somebody up there liked me that day.

I don't have a fear of needles so I can't really help there :C but what I try to do when I go to the dentist is to try to completely zone out and stare at the ceiling throughout the whole thing.
TreeDancer's picture

I had my top two removed and

I had my top two removed and it is not bad! My dad terrified me about the needle going in the roof of my mouth and it didn't hurt at all. It felt like a tight pressure and was gone in seconds. (I didn't go under anesthesia though) My friend did and she was in and out with no issues. You just are loopy loop. You'll be sore afterwards a bit and the stitches are awkward but no worries its safe and not as bad as you think at all Smiling <3 <3 <3
Reyy's picture

I have a fear of needles,

I have a fear of needles, too.
Im 22 and I ask the doctor to hold my hand when I get one and they do it every time.
No shame. It helps. At least for me.
kiwara's picture

I had to go under to have

I had to go under to have mine taken out and there was absolutely no issues. They used the smallest IV needle and you barely feel it when they hook you up to it. The most I remember is when they were talking to me to keep me calm(I have never been out/had surgery before so I was mortified- like in tears mortified. Giant fear of unconsciousness, doctors and needles.) and some of the stuff they said was super amusing. When I woke up the most I felt was just really tired. I heard all the horror stories too with how things can go wrong, so I was religiously following all the instructions on keeping the spots clean and everything ended up fine. I had both top and bottom ones taken out.
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LilyBlue's picture

I got all four of my wisdom

I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out under anesthesia. I hate neddles and I only freaked out when I looked over they put the needle in my arm. I started laughing because it scared me and then I was out like a light. I was really groggy when I came too and the nurse wheeled me out to my dad's truck and helped me in. Originally my dad was going to film me because we had watched funny videos of people getting them out and acting loopy after. I actually started crying from built up stress and emotions. I wasn't in any pain at all, just needed a good cry. With my pain meds I slept through most of my recovery. Worse part was my face being numb and a little swollen. All normal and fine <3

I had all four of mine taken

I had all four of mine taken out at the same time and without anesthesia; though they gave me these small blue pill to take: one at 30 minutes before the appointment and the other right before. I guess that was suppose to knock me out or something-- but nope. So I was conscious through the whole thing.

And man do I hate that needle; I hate needles period (why do I want to be a vet?)! But it's a life saver for not feeling pain. They usually give you this stuff to numb you before giving you the shot, though, so it's not too bad.

I'm glad that I was able to listen to my music while there because, honestly, since I was fully conscious I was able to hear the cracking of my teeth being broken and pulled. The only thing that had any amount of pain during the procedure was when they did my bottom right one; it was coming in all wrong, laying on its side. They had to take some bone to get it out-- and now writing this and re-encountering the whole thing, I'm thankful for that dentist that I didn't feel any of that.

Unlike Draak, I was a bit careless of what I ate; about a week after the surgery I was eating solid foods such as a sandwich that I had to smush down a bit so I could bit it. I couldn't open my mouth like usual because they stitched the sides of my jaws and sockets with this dissolvable string. Luckily nothing bad happened. But don't be like me! Do what Draak did; be careful.

The worst part for me was taking the antibiotics they gave me. I'm not a huge fan of taking pills, especially the size of these babies. 2 times a day every... something hours. I also had a tooth fragment that kept cutting my tongue every time I ate. But that quickly solved itself.

But out of all that, there really was no pain for me after the surgery, just tiredness and a swollen face.

And if you want to take good care of your sockets, you might want to make a mixture of Clove oil and salt water and gargle that. Clove oil has a sort of tingling to it but it's really good for oral care.
Draak's picture

I ended up using warm salt

I ended up using warm salt water and a "gentle"/alcohol free mouthwash to rinse out my mouth/gargle for me (not at the same time). I was told to use the salt water straight after I ate/drank something (minus water). I'm pretty sure I used the actual mouthwash stuff in the morning and at night as an extra precaution. I didn't end up with any infections so I guess it worked.

Also when you do that, in the first couple of days expect what you spit out to be slightly bloody, it's gross, and can be a bit unnerving but yeah.
LostintheEcho's picture

Sorry if this is slightly off

Sorry if this is slightly off topic ish, but this seems to be a popular procedure? A couple years ago I was terrified at the idea of my wisdoms being pulled because they are growing sideways into my other teeth. HOWEVER, the dentist didn't seem to give a toss? So long as they don't start causing issues, they are left alone. So I'm going to assume other places take them more seriously, unless my issue isn't that bad.

But you aren't alone keyblade, it seems. Nerves are always horrible before something big happens, but you'll be fine. Best of luck to you!
Sigi by Wake

Draak's picture

^ That's interesting, I guess

^ That's interesting, I guess it does vary? Because one of mine had grown in rather straight, while the other wasn't (I can't remember what direction it was going) yet my dentist said they both had to be removed. Something along the lines of "it's best if they're removed", I think it's because the teeth themselves are prone to causing issues in your mouth.
Evern's picture

I had to get two fillings a

I had to get two fillings a while ago in my teeth, and you need injections for that. I have a long history with needles and grew a fear of them- I don't have a low pain tolerance but something about their thin structure and how they go under the skin makes me shiver. I'd rather get a punch in the face.
But anyway, I was pretty nervous- though in the end one turned out to be painless, and the other was in a more sensitive place of my mouth where it hurt at first but once it's in you dont notice it as much.
TD:LR It's short, it doesn't hurt too much, and when it's done it's done and you wont have to think of it ever again. So clench your fists until it's over, friend.

LostintheEcho's picture

Draak: This is essentially my

Draak: This is essentially my wisdom teeth X
I've been reading around though, and it seems wisdom teeth are extracted most of the time when they don't need to be. Unless there is a legit issue like the side of your face has gone numb or there is infection. In some places I've heard that its almost standard procedure to get them removed even if they grow straight.

Sorry for typing this here, it might not be helping anything hgriogor ;;.
Sigi by Wake

Draak's picture

o: Yeah, that's what I


Yeah, that's what I thought too. I thought they'd only be removed if they were actually causing problems right then and there but ???????
Reyy's picture

Quote:I've been reading

I've been reading around though, and it seems wisdom teeth are extracted most of the time when they don't need to be.

I think wisdom teeth removal is a huge financial scam tbh.
(Sry off-topic too)
Keyblade's picture

Got them out this morning.

Got them out this morning. All went according to plan. On a mixture of Tylenol and Oxycodone for the pain and feeling a lot better. Thank you all for your words and support. Definitely helped. ♥