N either N or [Polio]

from latin, poliós, denoting a grey color.
oo twin spirits oo

o in my head o
6-19-11: happy fathers day, created more background to this character.
6-18-11: this community has the most hilarious response to trolls. XD you guys rock.
6-17-11: the music that plays when he sleeps also makes me drowsy...

From the Katekyo Hitman Reborn OST (LOL)

Polio has two very restless spirits who live inside him. Each one fights for control; a war goes on inside his body. As one side gains a little ground, its personality takes over more. Polio's normal personality is a balance between the two extremes.

Polio's body, host to the two opposing spirits, is neither male nor female, but it becomes more masculine or feminine depending on which side has gained more control that day.

The inspiration of this is the taoist trinity.

(Community interaction is preferred over in game interaction, due to my horrid framerate.)

The Black Stag
+ joy
+ power
+ passion
+ playfullness

- recklessness
- carelessness
- selfishness
- violence
The White Doe
+ wisdom
+ carefullness
+ selfless
+ peace

- depression
- weakness
- apathy
- shyness



o under construction o
ocean's picture

Curiously tracking. o: I've

Curiously tracking. o: I've been wondering since I saw your signature.


defenetely interesting...
*totally not obvious track* :D

Very interesting deer. (:

Very interesting deer. (:

