» BASICS Name Myshka O Nicknames Mys / Mysha / Queen*Given by Merral / Angel eyes*Given by Merral Titles ' Pain HealerGot it from Merral when he comes back from death. Always will stay with him and help him with his problems, like a good healer. ' Orientation Heterosexual Age 4 years Gender Female, ♀ Reference by Depstop Set M: skull / P: butterfly / A: dotd Size close to 16 Scent Caramel, Merral, Herbs Face claim Emma Watson Voice Speech #4D1400 Diet Omnivore Partner Merral ♥ 20. December 2013 Home/Haunts Home |
» UPDATES 14.08.2017 yes, the time has come, Myshka finally gave birth to a very beautiful little boy. Tooks little longer for her, giving all hr energy into this, very happy that the boy is finally out in a world to explore. Myshka lost all her energy while she was trying to give birth, but now happy and full of love, taking care of her son, licking over hiss body to clean him up. Glad that they have another child in the family. Myshka will be very protective around her son and always will keep an eye on him. No one know what might happend, forest full of predators and another danger. Myshka will be negative and also agressive to anyone who would get too close to them. "My little Azakai." 31.07.2017 Wokes up again with strong headache and pain in her back, feels the baby growing quickly. Walks slowly toward the crying idol, taking little shower, trying to make the pain dissapear. With a deep sighs walking towards ruins eating some muchrooms from trees. Slowly becoming grumpy, doesnt want any stranger near her. Hates the instant calling of other deers in the forest.. Even walking making her small issues in balance, hot and sunny weather is making everything even harder during pregnancy, stress only grows up. Couldnt stand it and walks to the pond where she lays down cooling herself and slowly falling a sleep in the water whats makes everyting better. 24.07.2017 During pregnancy is Myshka stressed out even more, little paranoid about everyone around her. She couldnt sleep properly in the night. Right as she wake up in the afternoon she walks to the pond again, drinks that cool water. Making her feel a lot better, walking towards their home tree she sat down and waited for Merral until evening. Yawning under the bushes hearing her stomach is empty and she starving. Stands up and slowly and sleepy walks around the forest, finding some herbs, berries and mushrooms what could help her with hunger. Sniffs into the air and smells very familiar scent, following it and on the end of that was Mishan with Fjord. Got happy that shes not alone in the forest and she joined and rests with them, until she noticed that Zioomka cames to them, got happy also. As she fell a sleep she had somem little nightmares and dark mind what still makes her feel bad. But hearind sounds around her and a light poking from the White Beast, waiting on him for long. She was excidet that her friends and lover are all together and playing around. Memories in her head flows up and Myshka was only happy that this moments are happening. But she got very tired after a light play. As she is pregnant she cannot play for too long, but happy that her friends are around her even when she sleeps. 22.07.2017 Waking up right next to Merral, having a little headache, slowly walking towards the pond, where she cools herself and drinks some water to make that headache dissapear. Got happy that her pregnancy can finally begin, now its only about to wait and see hows it goes next days, weeks... Got happy that Merral agreed and wanted another child also, Myshka only hopes that it will be a healthy baby. Walking away, thinking about all that stuff what might happend during her pregnancy, but she didnt wanted to know or even think about it. She must to clear her mind, by some grass whats on the begining of birch forest, realising that she must eat much more to not only feed herself but the baby also, even if its not fullly grown. After a snack she got suprised by Merral. She got even more happy, nuzzling close and enjoying their time, play together. After that, Myshka got tired very easily so she has to go to their tree for some rest, snuggling to Merrals fur to feel comfortable. 20.07.2017 Back in the forest, after a long trip Myshka finally came back, she got so happy that she finally can spend some time with her loved ones, being with her lover Merral side by side, relaxing and cuddling together. after few days Myshka was thinking about their family. Missing all childs what they were born, but theire all gone. Only Russlle stays, but he also going away for a long time. Myshka always think about him, and missing him everyday. Thats why she decided to have another and last child, got shy to telling this news to Merral, that she wants another child and want to begin pregnancy. She got very excited for it but doesnt know how Merral would react to that. Thugging on his fur gently and with a shy face and light smile on her cheeks, I want another child... than she turns her head back, looking to the distance to another deers playing around. 10.07.2017 Added new music 03.07.2017 Back in the forest.... 28.09.2016 All morning lays down in their home. Lazyness keeps on her still, rolling around and looking for some friends around. After some relax she gets up and walks towards the pond to take little bath to cool off. Feels the warm sun touching her fur. Her fur is slowly getting thicker for the cold times what are slowly coming to the forest. Feels so many interesting scents around her, walking around to see how males are fighting with each other. In a moment watched the fights but than walks away because she already have a lover. Saws some childs playing around that gaves he a little nostalgia, slowly wants another kid, but she knew that Merral couldnt handle one more, sadly walks away from them and than slowly starts to run around to do some excercise and for staying in warm. After running around she walked to the church and grave yard to take a nap in the middle of poppies in the light of sun to get warm, and wait if someone will show up, couldnt forget to thinking about the kids. 22-23.07.2016 Woke up in the middle of night. couldn't see anything, was scared as she hears so many strange noises. Shivers from the cold, seems Merral left somewhere. Stayed awake all night, when the sun goes up she yawns and started to clean herself. When she goes to her back to clean it she was kinda scared. Her belly was little bigger than yesterday, still feels the pain. Was scared if its not a tumor or an infection from something. Her face seemed worried and shocked. Cleans her back and belly. After getting clean she started to being hungry. She slowly tries to stand up and limped slowly to the pond to have some drink. With each step she feeled pain, she doesnt care because she was thirsty and hungry. After drink and getting cool in water she searched for some herbs or berries in the tall grass and bush. She found a dead bird on ground, couldnt help herself and started to eating it. The hunger was so big that she ates the whole bird, and after that she eats some herbs with berries. Tries to limp back home but pain was stronger that she stops to a fallen trees near their old home, lays down and pants hard. Was little happy that she slowly moves. But the pain is stronger. - Even started raining, what a bad day. She gets all wet and slowly gets cold, shivers, tries to hide into small bush. Pain is still strong even when is raining its worse. Her body soaked all the water, shivers more and more, sighs. Merral brings her into the Big Oak where she feels safe and dry. Shivers little from cold but by her side is Merral giving her warm from his body, curls to him closer for better feeling. 21.07.2016 Woke up early this moring. Didn't saw Merral around. Lays on the ground eats some dew from the grass. Smells the humid and wet air. Little cold. Curls into her fur and Merral's cape to stay in warm. Last night had some nightmares, couldn't sleep well. Tries to stand up on her legs, but than she fells down on the ground, feels the pain in her stomach still, dont know what it can be. Licking on her belly to try if its herlp a little. Search for the berries on the ground what Merral brings to her. Couldn't find them. Gasps and puts her head down and fights with the strong pain. Slowly lets some tears from her cheeks also. Thought she will feel better after the berries, maybe it need some time. She lays on the ground without a move surounded by leafs, bush and long grass, looking forward on the nature and hopes Merral will come back soon. - When she wope up she saw Merral right next to her, smiles and nuzzles to him, her head was on his fur, feels safe and in warm. Wanted to be only with him but hoped she dont bother him. Licks on his fur gently to clean him. The pain is still strong. She slowly sweats from the heat. With every deeply inhale or breathe she feels the pain stronger and stronger, looking on Merrals face and smiles again a little I will be okay there she turns her head on her belly and makes a sad face hope so. Yawns and puts her head back on Merral's fur and tried to get some more sleep Im very tired. - On the evening she was alone again, staring on the nature and deers what are playing around. Makes her smile, than she hears some steps and saw Merral. Looks up on him and said hello. She feels little bad when Merral have to be with her everyday. She hopes that she dont bother him. Hope youre okay there, hope I dont bother you. You can go to take a walk if you want, I can make it there. Smiles more on him and nuzzles to his neck and gentle licks it again. 17-20.07.2016 Last few days she only lays on the ground without a move, didnt had much energy to play. She wanted to stay alone with her lover in their new home, nuzzling to his soft fur. Doesn't feeling much better, seems she's getting slowly sick. Some times shes hot and in other time shes cold. Laying on the same place without a move. Not cause of lazyness, its cause shes weak didnt ate anything almost 2 days. Slowly starts to see hallucination. Nuzzling to her partner and tried to take some sleep, breathes heavily and deeply. Feeling very exhausted. - Can't sleep, still wiggleing around to take a better position, tugs little on Merrals's fur, she feels some pain in her belly. Holds his fur firmly as she wiggles more, feeling some more pain in her stomach. I can't sleep Inhales deeply and moves more into Merral's fur to take a better position for sleep. Tries to ignore all the pain what she feels. - After some deep sleep she woke up and looking around. Sniffs in the air if she smells some creatures around. Makes some quiet sounds and nuzzles to Merral's fur. Takes a deep breath and puts her head down and huffs more. Wags nervously with her tail, feeling still some pain in her stomach. Looking nervously around if theres any of the creatures. Slowly starts to be little paranoid, like theres danger around. Breathes faster and heavily puts her head to Merral's chest and hides her head into his fur and tries to take some more sleep. 08.07.2016 Walks around the forest, feels very tired, last two days didnt slept well. Walks to the pond tooks a little bath to make her fur wet in hot sunny day, soon leaves the pond and walks to the forest to look for some shadows under the trees and ruins. For a while she sits under the ruins, but then she smell a scent of his lover. Walks towards him and lays next to his sleeping body. didnt wanted to disturb him. Nuzzles to his fur and cuddles next to his body. Was very tired so she puts her head next to his and closed her eyes and falls a sleep. 01.07.2016 Added music into relationship, added new art Woke up in the middle of the forest, smells the familliar scent, follows it and on the end of the scent was Merral. Couldnt believe her eyes, so many tears in her eyes. Runs to him , and hugs him closely, so glad to see him back in the forest. Nuzzles to his soft fur, tears drops down from her cheeks "Please dont leave me again" gasps and stays with him all evening. 21.06.2016 Returning to the old picto. |
» PERSONALITY ![]() Inner Very unpredictable doe. She is mostly whimsical but always likes to play. It is very shy and does not show so much among strange creatures. Ashamed to establish contact with any creature that lives in the woods. It's nothing new for her. Occasionally dare to talk to someone but it is very rare for her. It was always interested in a very strange and interesting creatures and things. Always closer to examine them closely. Sniff to them and then quickly move away. With friends always enjoys fun and do not have any problem when she meet someone new with friends. But when she is alone she start be afraid, then panic and don't knows what to do. Rather stay close to friends or just alone tend to lay down under a tree and resting near a pond. Facts • Sensitive and feminine person. In moments of anguish trying to stay alone. • Friendly and playful. Loves to play games and to make new friends, and have a good time in the company of friends or just good company. • Trying to help a needy. • Jealous, but tries not to show it in others. Can be aggressive. • As befits a lady, she rarely comes into battle. Except in regard to the protection, if required to protect the weak, she is ready to jump into the fight. • Timid and shy. Rarely says that it directly uses hints or gestures, to tell about their feelings. • Often in need of support. She's quiet person, her confidence is often depends on the words of others. • Very appreciates friends, seeing them as a family. • In relations behaves gentle, true, and tries not to disappoint partner. Gives him all of myself, trusting all the secrets and desires. • Does not like conflicts and tries not to interfere in them. • Doesn't like it when her raise his voice or indicate. • Can open up and trust of the first comer. • Gives the first place to the problems of others than his own. |
» APPEARANCE ![]() Body Alluring doe with a bushy brown fur, two black stripes across her shoulder and a long black stripe across the back. Two small red horns on her head, along with a dense green feathers. On her winter coat thick and fluffs it so it looks like a fluffy ball. Diet She's omnivore so mostly she eats some berries, meat what can help to her fur grow better and be thick and need to accumulate fat reserves for winter and cold times. She always searching for some food to get some energy to stay on her legs. Sometimes she's a scavenger when she long time didnt catch anything she searching for dead bodies of small or big animals. Also she need to eat some ffruit and vegetable to stay healty, some berries, cones, herbs or just some grass. She love sap from the trees around. Tastes sweet almost as a honey. |
» RELATIONS Merral 'White beast' Mate. After a long wait, he cames back from death, the love and passion for him never dissapear in her, now adores and loves him even more and will never let him go again, their bonds are stronger than ever, after some hard times theire still together, Myshka loves and fully respect him, hes hers big protector and life bringer. She will stay to his side no matter what happens ❤ Elliana 'Ellie' Biological daughter: Love, care, thought she will stay with family, but after what she got very very sick, Merral and Myshka couldnt do anything about to bring her back and make her feel better, but her motherly love will never dissapear and Ellie will stay in her heart forever ❤ ✝ Azakai Second born son, love, food and warm giver, loves him all her heart, very protective and motherly around him. Will do anything to keep him safe against any danger around, sticking with him forever. Singing lullabis to keep him calm and safe. Russell Biological son: Only one born son, proud of him and very protective, Myshka loves him very much but he always travel and for some days hes not near by. But love,trust and respect to him, Myshka dont wanna lost her son, hes the only one child who still lives ❤ Leah biological daughter, missing ✝ Mest Older brother, love and care, enjoy a lot of fun with him. ❤ Orion Younger brother, missing, dissapear but still feel a lot of love to him. ❤ Mishan 'Misha' Like her older brother, He protects her. It is a lot of fun and always feels safe with him. ❤ Fjord Good old friend, lot of fun I enjoy with him. Like a little jester, love to spend time with him. ❤ Benjamin Mate of Fjord, funny guy lots of fun, doing a crazy things and relax, really good friend. ❤ Zioomka Love to spend time with her, long time no see, miss her so much hope they will meet again ❤ Binah lovely company, long time didnt see her. But every time like to cuddle with her. ❤ Kaala 'Red ball of fur' Love to spend time with him. And always is fun with him. Need to know him closely and moooore. ❤ Sirius Like to relax with him and watch the nature around. Really nice company! SS 'Hannelore' Think she dont remember me now but still is fun with her. |
hey) new bio!) track it!)
A...Track ♥
♥ ♥
Thank you two ❤
Eee ?
what e perfect new bio. cutie
Thank youu guys ;-; ❤
Thank you! ^^
-Peeks his big head in with a
Heyyy dear
Miss you!
(No subject)
I'm alive!) Just very
(No subject)
? hehehe Welcome back to
Welcome back to forest!
Hey!) Kiki! I have not seen
missed you also, ye I was
look who is dis weba (:
weba (:
I see a man! Glad to see you
thank you c:
;3; luv
Pretty ?
;u; eeeeee