Myers-Briggs Typology Inventory... What's your personality? (non-TEF)

shaku's picture
Tonight I was reintroduced to the Myers-Briggs personality test. A while ago, there was a post asking what everyone's astrological sign was, and I have to admit that I'm very curious if there's a connection between star signs and personality types.

So... indulge me?

The (highly accurate) MBTI test itself.

If you know what your moon is in (astrologically), I'd be extremely interested in that, as well~ If you don't know, don't worry about it. Or if you want to know where your moon is, you can find out here pretty easily.

For example, I'm an INFJ and a Capricorn, and my moon is in Cancer.
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

I'm a Virgo, my moon is in

I'm a Virgo, my moon is in Sagittarius, and I scored as a ISFJ.

Introverted 22%
Sensing 38%
Feeling 38%
Judging 67%
Here we go
What it says about my moon... it doesn't seem right- almost exact opposite in my eyes...
And I just looked up that I'm a Water Rooster.

Mis's picture

Oh well, why not! You got me

Oh well, why not! You got me curious so.

I'm also a INFJ, my sign is Sagittarius, and my moon sign is Taurus. I like these websites XD

Ooh yes, let's see about those scores.

Introvert: 67
Intuitive: 12
Feeling: 12
Judging: 56

Not much balance there.
Unplugged's picture

Yeeessss! I like the MBTI.

Yeeessss! I like the MBTI. INFP!
-has to quick-leave-
Wotsits's picture

Introverted: 44 Sensing:

Introverted: 44
Sensing: 25
Feeling: 38
Judging: 22

I'm an ISFJ & a Capricorn C:

ickydog's picture

This was terribly

This was terribly interesting!!
I'm an ISFJ:
Introverted 44%
Sensing 75%
Feeling 50%
Judging 11%
Which fits very well with my signs - Libra with moon in Cancer. Reading the descriptions was SPOT ON! Creepy, actually. And my suggested profession is a nurse. Just so happens that I'm an RN!
Kobal Snuff
Texas's picture

I'm ISTJ Introverted:

Introverted: 78 Sensing:50 Thinking:1 Judging:33

Don't know about my moon though ;u; But I'm Capricorn
Nayu's picture

Hereeeeee! ENFP Extraverted:


Extraverted: 44
Perceiving: 67

My moon is Leo and I'm Taurus?


Edit: Bahhhh Shaku, why didn't you try it yourself too? DX

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Snowsauria's picture

ISFJ Introverted; 67 Sensing;

Introverted; 67
Sensing; 25
Feeling; 50
Judging; 33

My sign is Leo, and my moon is in Taurus. n_n
shaku's picture

Nayu, our first extrovert!

Nayu, our first extrovert! And I totally did it, you goof~! INFJ... Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging ♥

Unplugged; You left too quickly! Come back and give me your star sign! XD ♥ Don't make me go dredge up that old astrology post to figure it out, because I totally will.

I need to read up on most of these, but so far this is really, really fascinating! And thanks for putting the percentages~ I didn't even think of that @u@ I wish I'd kept mine. Maybe it's in my history somewhere...

...Or maybe not, haha.

I want to look at these more later (and the rest of you keep um coming)~ I just got my eyes dilated so I'm kinda having to squint to read, haha~ But yeah, later today, I'm totally reading up on all of this.

quadraptor's picture

ISFP Introverted -


Introverted - 22
Sensing - 1
Feeling - 50
Perceiving - 11

Capricorn, moon is Leo Eye
Nayu's picture

XDDDDDDDD, Ahhh oops blah

XDDDDDDDD, Ahhh oops blah <3
For my defense, I'm still half asleep!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Sighthoundlady's picture

I love reading about the

I love reading about the different Myer’s-Briggs Personality types. For years I very consistently tested out as a ISFJ , “The Nurturer.” The last few years though, I’ve fluctuated wildly across the types and can’t seem to “fall” consistently into a single category. Even crossing the line into extroversion when I had previously always tested strongly introverted. I’ve read these fluctuations are not abnormal, they will happen with major life changes, which there have been a lot of.

And then I read about “Extroverted Introverts” and that seemed to hit the nail on the head pretty well.

Zodiac wise, my sun sign is Leo, my moon sign is Cancer.
On the Chinese horoscope, I was born in the year of the Dragon.
shaku's picture

Sighthound, what you said

Sighthound, what you said (along with your sun and moon) is one of the reasons I'm so interested in this. Leo, an extrovert, at war with Cancer, an introvert. My own sign (INFJ) is said to parade as an extrovert, when really we just care about people. And my astrological signs (Capricorn and Cancer) reflect this. I don't see Capricorn as a particularly extroverted sign, but I do see it as a sign that might make conscious efforts to appear strong in a social environment. And Cancer cares deeply about taking care of others.

So the more I'm reading through all of your posts, the more I hope that those of you who don't know your moon signs look them up ♥ Your moon sign is really powerful. I feel like anybody who's ever said, "Oh well, this astrology stuff is all wrong..." just didn't take their moon (or other planets) into consideration.

...Unless you're a Pisces. Pisces are weird :I

Edit; Also... Capricorns, Cancers, Taurus, and Leos...
...SO MANY OF US. I wonder why this is >> I think the only one that really throws me off are you Leos. I find it really interesting that so many Leos (who are usually limelight sorts, whether they want it or not) chose a humble community like TEF to stake their claim. This is off-topic, but what draws you to play TEF?

Introverted 22 Intuitive

Introverted 22
Intuitive 25
Feeling 25
Judging 1


I will come back to this

I will come back to this later in order to answer fully; however, I will tell you what I current know:

I am an INFP (a "Healer," as David Keirsey calls it).
My zodiac sign is Virgo; on the Chinese horoscope, I was born in the year of the Wood Dog.
shaku's picture

Sianna; &hearts; ...Does the

Sianna; ♥ ...Does the 1 in your judging mean that you're close to being the other one? A perceiving? >>

Scythe's picture

ISTJ, Capricorn, and I can

ISTJ, Capricorn, and I can look up my moon later, I suppose. Smiling
quadraptor's picture

My zodiacs have always said I

My zodiacs have always said I am a natural born leader. I never really believed it (always said I was a follower) because I was afraid of messing something up. Of course now I know that it is due to my anxiety that I have had that thought process.

To my surprise, my IQ is about 115. I was expecting 80. So in reality I should be more arrogant and have more pride, and yet I've been held back for so long that I'm used to being overshadowed.

In any case, I come to TEF because I really don't like competitive play. I played a first-person shooter game for roughly 12 years and got tired of all the trash talking, all the "owning" each other, and so on. TEF was a refreshing find because the people on the FPS game always called me gay for writing stories, and quite simply, weren't my kind of crowd (I don't like people who are proud of how much weed they smoke, for example).

I hope that answers your question.

Shaku. I hope

Shaku. I hope Sticking out tongue
Sighthoundlady's picture

What draws me to play TEF?

What draws me to play TEF? The very nature of TEF draws me to it, I guess. I’m really not a “gamer” by any stretch of the word. Arcade bores me. Or gives me a headache XD. I can sit all day in the forest, very little action expected of me and it’s generally accepted as okay. I can be perfectly satisfied sitting with friends for hours in quiet contemplation. There doesn’t have to be constant “entertainment” to keep me satisfied. I enjoy the occasional flurry of activity but I’m pretty happy to return to lounging. Lazy maybe? Hah!

Then there is the “imagination” component. The forest is what you want it to be. The community is a well spring of inspiration.
shaku's picture

...Rofl Scythe... according

...Rofl Scythe... according to typelogic, you're an enigma to me.
I think that's fairly accurate ♥ XD Yes, yes, look up your moon plox~

Quad; I would be very, very surprised if your IQ were only 80. (Not that 80 is bad, just sayin... I think our society puts too much value on "natural" intelligence over hard work). You seem really intelligent (and wise) to me. I read an article that talked about how true geniuses were usually the kids in the back of the class finding creative ways to blend in with the rest of society. My IQ is 135, although, as I said, I feel like that's almost a negative... It's made me hella lazy... I wish I had half the working intelligence of the people I respected in college.

That very much answers my question ♥

Sianna; So balanced! >u<

SHL; Spoken like a true creative type ♥ I totally agree.

Sighthoundlady's picture

“I think our society puts too

“I think our society puts too much value on "natural" intelligence over hard work”


That’s a personal pet peeve of mine. All the smarts in the world matter for naught if you don’t back it up with ambition and hard work. I have no clue what my IQ is. I don’t consider myself especially intelligent…but I apply myself to whatever I do. It has served me well.
shaku's picture

My Japanese teacher always

My Japanese teacher always used to tell us about how her brother was extremely intelligent... much more intelligent than she was. She called herself stupid. But when they went off to college, despite her lower "natural" intelligence, she made higher grades because she worked harder, whereas he'd gotten so used to skating by without trying that when his intelligence failed him, he didn't know how to cope.

Kids nowadays are so lazy. I've taught in classrooms where so many of the kids didn't believe they could make higher grades because they weren't smart enough. I'd love to change our society's views :\

Edit: UH WOW sorry, I'm so bad about staying on topic... especially when interesting stuff comes up XD HOW ABOUT THOSE PERSONALITY RESULTS, GUYS? Haha~

Texas's picture

Found out my moon it's virgo

Found out my moon it's virgo 8D
z.m123's picture

Your Type is:

Your Type is: ISFP

Introverted: 67
Sensing: 50
Feeling: 12
Perceiving: 22

You are
• distinctively expressed introvert
• moderately expressed sensing personality
• slightly expressed feeling personality
• slightly expressed perceiving personality
shaku's picture

You and quad are my

You and quad are my suitemates, z.m~

Texas; Awww Virgo ♥

Quad; Rereading what you said... It's really interesting, because ISFP's seem to be all about the competition and tactile experience~ I think you can twist anything into some sort of faux logical form, but I'm sitting here wondering if the tactile experience is something that appeals to you with TEF? If living in the "here and now," as your profile says, allows you to physically act out some dreams, which would appeal to the stereotype of your personality. Or if I'm just spouting bullshit |D

Nayu's picture

To answer to your question, I

To answer to your question, I find that many of the traits attached to my astrology signs correspond a lot more to how I was when younger. I think I experienced enough life changing events to quell the very fiery persona I had.
I guess taurus+leo+tiger(elemental is fire) is quite the explosive mix DX.

I did use to be a real attention seeker, incorrigible drama queen, and if I have to be honest, I often fell into a leader position and enjoyed it. I used to drive both my family and my teachers crazy.

I still enjoy being praised and admired but when I do something that is worthing it.

In regard to the over-dramatisation tendencies I know are accociated with Leo, I'm actually having great troubles knowing what is grave or not, I usually don't speak when something is wrong unless it has became huge enough that I can't ignore it. Often I need for others to tell me " this is not normal." to realize something is truely off.

I've developped this weird habit to speak of things that bother me in a detached way and to smile even if in pain. And it has recently been thrown into my face a lot.

In some way I'm almost glad I went through enough stuffs to have ended up far more laid back, and actually enjoy things simply for what they are. It's very likely that if having lived a more sheltered life in a serene environnement I would have became someone arrogant and manipulative, materialistic too.

TEF is full of little wonders and moments of happiness, I love fooling around with friends and empty my mind this way. I think as someone who doesn't deal well with isolation( which has been somehow forced upon me this holidays) and closed spaces well, TEF is a game I couldn't not love. It reminds me a lot of Shadow of the Colossus , which I <3 with a passion!

I've become attached to TEFC too, though I regret how much drama is made over very petty matters often.

Wuah, sorry for the long rent Shaku, meh wanted to answer as best as I as could ;_____;.

Ps: sorry for my poor english.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Tullow's picture

Pretty sure I've done this

Pretty sure I've done this before, but I can't remember my result so.....


Introverted - 67
Intuitive - 25
Thinking - 25
Judging - 1

I'm an Aquarius, and my moon is.... Sagittarius? I don't know my birth time so hopefully that's right, lol. X3;
shaku's picture

Nayu; Hells yeah, that's a

Nayu; Hells yeah, that's a very fiery mix XD Although I think Taurus can be a very gentle, patient, slow-to-rouse sort of sign, as well. Perhaps your sign just matured? XD Haha~ But no, I know what you mean. I've gotten a lot more actual confidence to replace my false confidence, although I still fall back into old ways at times. We're pretty opposite there, aye? Haha~ Our personalities are the "contrast" relationship on typelogic~

"I've developped this weird habit to speak of things that bother me in a detached way and to smile even if in pain. And it has recently been thrown into my face a lot." Well hello there, creepily similar friend >A> I actually had a friend once ask me not to do this, because it freaked her out XD;; Smiling and laughing while I was angry.

I'm glad you view your experiences in that way. I don't wish bad experiences on anybody, but I do think they can make us better, more sensitive people. I know that through some of my experiences, I've gained insight into different aspects of thought and emotion. ...Although it's also forced me to develop a frankness and openness that my earlier mask-wearing, sugar-coating self wouldn't have approved of.

<333 Shadow of the Colossus >A>

I loved reading that @u@ And selfishly shoving in shit about myself, sorry. Thank you! I guess this topic is all about self-discovery, aye? XD See, I haven't gotten off-topic... I used to get pretty badly berated in some communities for going off-topic, so I have so much guilt related to it, haha~

Edit: And your English is better than most native speakers :I Don't even.

Edit2: Tullow, man... You guys who have the 1's in things. That really interests me. I guess you'd have to read both INTJ and INTP and take things from both, hm?

Texas's picture

I'm really curious about

I'm really curious about signs actually, but I've never given myself time to learn about them or anything.
But was woundering since your reaction on my moon sign was.. happy(?), is it a good combination with my capricorn sign? :'D
shaku's picture

Texas; It's the perfect

Texas; It's the perfect combination for you to be really anal, self-righteous, and meticulous XD But as a fellow Capricorn, I respect those qualities, hahaha ♥ My moon being in Cancer (opposite of Capricorn on the zodiac) makes me more prone to emotional instability (and clinginess sometimes), but it also makes me a balanced person, so I'm okay with it. I feel like whatever our sun sign is, our moon rounds out the basics of our personality. Then you get into the other planets (Mars, Venus, and Mercury are especially interesting) and it fills you out. But the ones I like the most are sun and moon. Action and reaction. How we inwardly interpret and respond to the world.

Anyone who knows more about it is welcome to add on/correct me. I'm still relatively new to all this, although I find it really fascinating.

The reason I find it interesting in terms of the MBTI (the test everyone is taking here) is because logically, if the planets really do control the basics of our personality, then people with the same planets should be the same personality type. However... I don't think I'm going to get enough people to see if that's actually the case XD It's still really interesting, though...

Those of you who know about Astrology and the MBTI... I'd love to hear your thoughts >> I'm talking a whole lot here.

Tullow's picture

Oh forgot to add; #

Oh forgot to add;

# distinctively expressed introvert
# moderately expressed intuitive personality
# moderately expressed thinking personality
# slightly expressed judging personality

Shaku: I found it curious myself that I managed to end up with only a one in judging. When I'm done reading the INTJ links I'll go have a look at INTP ones I think. I just wish I could remeber what I got the first time I did this test, I'd love to compare my results to see if they have changed much.

I'm a Leooo and my moon is

I'm a Leooo and my moon is Pisces~ >u>
/goes to take test now
shaku's picture

Tullow; Making me wanna read

Tullow; Making me wanna read up more on the difference that perceiving/judging makes >> The label makes it sound pretty straightforward... Do you simply take in your surroundings, or do you make opinions/draw conclusions based on them... But idk if that's actually what it means XD Haha~

Selruil; Your moon in pisces makes so much sense >> I always got the feeling you felt things very profoundly (rofl weird sentence, but still~ and feel free to correct me if you're really actually shallow and have been fooling my senses |D).

Unplugged's picture

Leo, Moon in Virgo. here's my

Leo, Moon in Virgo.
here's my chart report by the way. I don't think you saw it.

I've been indulging in MBTI for half a year maybe. I've been swaying between INFP and INTP at times, but after reading more about Fi I'm a convinced INFP. Smiling At least I'm sure it's my dominant function.
The tests work mostly by stereotypes so they are not always accurate. it's best to do own research (and soul-search) there because MBTI is not all that simple it is on first glance.

LOL. I don't think I'm

I don't think I'm shallow. ;__; /sob


Introverted: 44.
Sensing: 50.
Feeling: 50.
Perceiving: 33.

- moderately expressed introvert
- moderately expressed sensing personality
- moderately expressed feeling personality
- moderately expressed perceiving personality

Not sure what I was expecting, but those are a wee bit shocking. ono
I'm a 'moderate' everything, lmaoo. .__.
Texas's picture

Yeah, I think it's really

Yeah, I think it's really interesting with signs and that as well, but I try to not listen all to much to it. about which signs I don't go well with and so on, because I want to give everyone a chanse :')

"My moon being in Cancer (opposite of Capricorn on the zodiac) makes me more prone to emotional instability (and clinginess sometimes)" Hmm I have a lot of that in me as well.. though I don't remember if i have a Cancer sign. have to check my signs up again xD hahaha
shaku's picture

Unplugged; I'm definitely

Unplugged; I'm definitely finding that out XD Although my stereotype was certainly accurate enough, haha~ I don't know what that says about me, though. I'm a stereotype? Rofl. At least I'm a "rare" stereotype. I really enjoyed looking through the forums of people who share my personality type, though. Finding so many utterly like-minded people... It was so interesting @__@ The focus on writing and grammar by so many of us was especially interesting.

Woah... so much Leo XD What does that do for you, in your opinion? I know less about leos than I'd like. I've seldom come across a leo I didn't care for, but I've never been particularly close with any of them, either, so it's a sign that's a bit confusing for me >>

Selruil; Ninja 1... Another ISFP suitemate, according to typelogic XD We'd be good roomies? Haha~

Texas; I totally agree. My best irl friend is a Sagittarius, and while she drives me up the wall (predictably, looking at our astrological charts), it's obviously worth it XD So I think astrology is interesting, but nothing to live your life by. Otherwise, you miss out on stuff~
As for clinginess? Try looking in Venus :3 That's the main romance/relationship planet.

Texas's picture

My venus was aquarius 8D is

My venus was aquarius 8D is that a good sign for romance? hahaha xD
shaku's picture

Rofll mine is, too XD I

Rofll mine is, too XD I consider it a good thing...? I guess? "Venus in Aquarius men and women are attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships." At times, I find myself attracted to things simply because they ARE unconventional, without really thinking of what I need, and that sometimes conflicts with my Capricorn/Cancer desires for a stable, long term thing. Still, I think it's better to be a little too exciting than a little too boring~ |D Can always get boring later.

This is my natal thing: derp
Although my Ascendant is iffy... I'm not sure of my exact time of birth, although I think that's right.

J!n's picture

My type is INTP. Introverted

My type is INTP.

Introverted - 44
Intuitive - 62
Thinking - 62
Perceiving - 44
Munkel's picture

INFJ Introverted 100% (m'okay

Introverted 100% (m'okay lol)
Intuitive 25%
Feeling 12%
Judging 1%

My zodiac sign is Scorpio, ascendant Sagittarius.
"They always seem to be looking for something that is just out of grasp -- and many do this their entire lives."
Dunno if everything's accurate. I'm not really an optimistic person... and not good at communicating |'D whatever...
shaku's picture

Saosin; According to

Saosin; According to typelogic, you're my "advisor"~
At one point in my life, I got an INTP reading. I still feel like it fits, although I feel like the description of INTPs makes it sound like they're all callous, when in fact the couple of INTPs I met are really charming and witty... And I love the stereotypical obsession with words and word games. Does the readout fit you, do you think?
Edit: Oh, and what's your astrological sign? >u>

Munkel; "Introverted 100%" Lolll~ That is impressive. XD
I consider myself an optimistic/realistic person, and do that, too. Not that I don't love things I have, but searching for more... Yeah. One of the side effects of dreaming, I think. *INFJ fist bump*

Munkel's picture

Maybe it's rather sad T_T

Maybe it's rather sad T_T lol
I'm realistic too... mh, I guess. And fff yes xD

Edit: Okay, after reading this INFJ seems really accurate to me >_>
Unplugged's picture

personalitycafe, by any

personalitycafe, by any chance. god I loooove that place.
I found mine pretty accurate too. Sticking out tongue There are many different MBTI profiles out there though.

Thing is, MBTI is not about personality but about the way you think and process information, which leads to cerain behaviours but doesn't have to. The strengths of each function are different for everyone, and that can also lead to big differences. That's why with the 16 MBTI types, two INFJs, while of the same type, can still be completely different. They just think in similar ways.

I've never particularly cared about astrology so I can't tell you much, sorry.. I found that natal thing pretty accurate though. It kind of explained things better and more thoroughly than other sites which made me realize that yes, I do own many of these characteristics Sticking out tongue (priideeee hnnng). I used to disagree with almost everything I read about Leos. But generally I'm kind of iffy about astrology still.
[e]: Nevermind, this sentence about Moon in Virgo is so inaccurate I don't even.
"many are--quite simply--content with living "regular", unassuming lives."
although the one after that seems more fit.
"Lunar Virgos are easily overwhelmed by pressure and stress."
but nooo, that's just not me. sorry astrology. It still makes some good food for thought though, and that's also not bad.
Nayu's picture

Feeling so alone in my

Feeling so alone in my extrovert-ism.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Unplugged's picture

eyestrain is an ENFP too

eyestrain is an ENFP too Smiling
Nayu's picture

Baha, no wonder we get along.

Baha, no wonder we get along. Xd
The site you linked is full of awesome-ism. Thanky Unplugged.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3

Type: INFP Introverted:

Type: INFP

Introverted: 22
Intuitive: 25
Feeling: 25
Perceiving: 6

Lol edit:
Libra. c;

ENTJ. Extraverted;


Extraverted; 11%
Intuitive; 38%
Thinking; 12%
Judging; 22%