A must ask question...

Rihame's picture
May I ask of anyone that knows how to edit the text in comments and in blogs answer this.
-How do I change font size
-How do I change font type
-How do I make the font a diff. color, other than white
-How do I create a css for bios and other entrys
If any of yu can answer those questions(which I know yu can) I will be very greatful because I can't make my bio of rihame and other entrys awesome if I still don't know how. Please make your descriptions understandable please. Sticking out tongue
Bayleen's picture

[ font = fontnamehere ] (and

[ font = fontnamehere ] (and then words here ^^) [/font] (<---once you're done)

[ size = sizenumberhere ] [/size]

[ color = colornamehere/ color code here ] [/color]

I don't know about css, but do the size, color, and font codes help you?

EDIT: Oh yeah, without the spaces too ^^
Rihame's picture

ummm....what's a color code?

ummm....what's a color code?
eyestrain's picture

The hexadecimal (six digit)

The hexadecimal (six digit) number value of a color- for example, white is #FFFFFF, black is #000000 and gray is #cccccc . There is always a pound sign in front of the value.

Adobe's Kuler website is one way to pick colors and get their values.
this site has a chart of websafe colors (non websafe colors may not display properly across browsers)

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Laruna's picture

There's also a small guide on

There's also a small guide on the site with some posting tips and tricks. As for CSS, a good place to start is with one of Unplugged's CSS guides. =)
Rihame's picture

Thank yu much, this was very

Thank yu much, this was very helpful.