Fur is soft, mixed with downy feathers. Plumage has mostly grown in. Overall coloration is still pale, but hints of pink, black, and red are beginning to seep in as her feathers grow.
Soft feathers, warm to the touch.
Naive, curious. Outgoing and friendly to all.
Not at all afraid of anyone (except those with scales, and even then not much). Has no hesitation about approaching others, comes off as very forward. Will latch on to strangers in a short amount of time, poke their face and preen their fur, etc.
High energy, short attention span. A tiny whirlwind.
- Learning to be calmer, though it'll take a lot of time..
Cervine head. Usually has hooves, but may switch them to claws in order to manipulate objects more easily.
Shadow doesn't match. Appears to be that of a human.
Diet consists of insects, berries, meat and some plants. Omnivourous. Needs to eat a lot to keep her energy up.
Nika, Yathas, Nimh, Tavis, Eliah, Umay, Asriel, Nad, Corso, Eiji...
- The world is very big and bright
- Scales are ok.
- Soft noises and sweet smells are good.
- Pie is good! Fish aren't.
Track of interest~
too cute ♥
Is this one of the birbthings
Is this one of the birbthings from Ross's nest of eggsUnfortunately not, those'll
Unfortunately not, those'll be separate birbthingsOmg PERYTON!!
I saw 'bird' at the top and
Also tracking >.>
naw c: /stare stare
/stare stare
ouo hallo!
the questionable stranger
such a cutie!
Don't mind my jarek just
He'll keep his distance seeing she was startled, but he'll watch over her :3
edit: Jarek brought her mushrooms, not sure if she'd eat them or not
Thanks! She's a bit fussy
She's a bit fussy unfortunately, won't eat all of the mushrooms. XDHaha, I love her concept, not
I'll keep in mind
Oooh so cute. Definite track
Maybe she and Cholena could meet some time no?
it is a girl right
Tavis has been looking for
And is her face like a deer or bird? :c
aw ;u; Her face is currently
Her face is currently like a deer's, though I've been thinking that she'll be able to change it occasionally once she learns how.
Tracking this little sweet.
Oh, so that's who that fawn
I have to go to bed (hi 3am)
If she had woken, he'd have said goodbye (... in his confusing quiet way).
Tavis had a reason for relocating her, but I hope she can find her way back if she decides she doesn't like the spot. xD Thanks for company c:
D'awww she learnt to
Wish Jarek coulda been there on her big adventurous day, he woulda freaked out at everything. "Don't trip! Be careful! Don't run you might fall D: !!! Don't eat random things you find!"
In case we don't encounter
Or whatever media you use for rp.
Sure, feel free! ♥
Been kinda busy. :l sorrey,
He trotted calmly towards the atypical rocks most referred to as The Ruins. As he neared his destination, the buck calmly glanced around, ears listening carefully for small sounds. He focused on the wall further ahead, seemingly not being too worried about whatever might be burried underneath his hooves as he crossed the small graves.
Tavis halted as he found what he was looking for - a small, grey figure. He took a moment to watch her before he closed the distance, stopping when she was at his feet. He bent down and touched the top of her head with his nose, waiting with a somewhat mild expression for a reaction to his announcement of his presence.
That's alright!
The little peryton had been toddling around the stones, peering into cracks and poking at insects. Having become bored with the bugs, she flopped down to sit on the sun-warmed stones. Her ears perked up as the sound of approaching hooves reached her, and Alys turned to see Tavis trotting closer. She gave an excited trill and scrambled to her feet to nudge at his face with her snout. "Eeep!"
He chuckled and squinted the
so imaginative here sob
Alys burbled happily,
Fell asleep. Erg. --- His
His ear twitched by the attempted word, halting in surprise. Slowly, he turned his head to face her, expression unreadable, although he seemed to be unsure of what to say, his mouth half-open as he struggled to decide which words he intended to use. He snapped out of it after a second. With a firm yet patient expression, he held her gaze; "Come," he corrected.
Tavis had been surprised at first - he had not really considered her more than something alive, something that followed him. Afterall the birds in the forest had not ever uttered an understandable word to him, yet this feathery creature did. His first thought was that it was going to be more complicated than what he had first anticipated in that sense that she seemed to posses intelligence. But then again, what did it really change? Sure, she could speak. Somewhat. He could treat her as the little follower as always, but as he had experienced himself, intelligent creatures tended to grow. She might only be there for the time being. Later, though... and his expression went curious. Being unfamiliar with the concept of beauty or hideousness, he still had a thing for birds. 'Sidetracked' by his curiousity of her future apperance, he purposely let the idea of change of the inner fade from his mind. He lived in the now.
And right now, she just said something strange. If she absolutely had to speak, she better do it the right way. "Come," he repeated.
Alys tilted her head
Despite the temptation, his
He nodded. "Yeah." He agreed quietly. "Come." The corners of his mouth tugged up just a bit. He flicked his head in a gesture to follow and continued toward his earlier destination. He had found a nice area earlier he intended to visit later for lunch. Last time he fed her she had seemed somewhat hungry.
qt birdling ♥
mmhmmm ♥
trackin dis bby ♥
Thanks guys!
asjahgsdfsakjh so sorry about the wait ;;
"C-Cuh. Come. Yeah!" The peryton nodded, repeating the new word one last time and giggling as she mimicked another. As Tavis walks away, Alys follows close behind, hopping along with a happy whistle.
Tiny sweet baab aaahh
(he's very fond of her.
snuggles and berries and
and even more snuggles Alys
Alys is gonna just snuggle into his beard and stay there ;w;
i'll maintain the canon that
also important life lessons from mr. beard, sparring ♥ he'll prob teach her other things because she a bab
yathas the alysmobile hah,
yathas the alysmobilehah, she'll be thrilled to learn so much ;w;
sorry about leaving so abruptly, my game seems to have disconnected all of a sudden
gotta go for the night anyway though, it was fun hanging out with you and Yath ♥
sweeeeeetie, aw^^
\sits in here awyis c8
awyis c8
-crawls around in here-
Tracking. c: