More problems with the game... I can't see the other players

ReenvhAi's picture
EDIT: @Kamaya explained me it ^-^ Thank you!

So I have no idea of what is happening now... @Flyleaf had to register me manually, I have my little fawn and the picto -
But when I connect, i run trough and across the whole forest and I can't see any other deers! the Network window says, there are like 48 players online, and when i check the map it shows me all the pictos. Now, I open the ForestViewer again and go searching them, but I find no one :(
Also, the direction bars that are supposed to show icons of the places and the pictograms of deers that are around you? It only shows my own pictogram intermitently at the bottom.

Any help? Is there a glitch, what should i do?
Kamaya's picture

This is normal. You just have

This is normal. You just have to wait the game to FULLY connect you.
Is the dot at the bottom left of your screen orange? If so, just wait and try to not move too much meanwhile.
ReenvhAi's picture

@Kamaya Oooohh... yes, it is

Oooohh... yes, it is orange, and red sometimes...
Thanks for explaining, I'm not acquainted with game controls and functions yet ^^;
Probably I have difficults FULLY-conecting at the game, because I use it on a low-wifi zone... Today I'm on a better one so, I can finally see other players! :D

Thanks again, I think I would have never figured it out myself XD

A magic deer running in an endless forest? Wow, I've found my true self.