Lucian's Diary 10 - Life's lessons.

Seele's picture

He is:


Teenage drama:

I wasn’t allowed near Dajhi anymore, after an argument.

Had a rowdy day with:

Takeshi is such a girl.


He also fails at flower sparring alright.

Comforted by:

This deer kept me company that day…

Kylar and a fawn who only has one stub. On his forehead.


And.. I believe Venus?

But things turned out alright:

Apologised to dad.

Apologised to Dajhi too. After our pond-dance.

So the fun could come back!

We will take you down, with our mini-powers!

Met mom briefly.

Just.. Continue walking.. Nothing out of the ordinary here.


And some chatting:
”Hello! So it seems I start with the drama. It’s a long story, but to keep it short, I hurt Dajhi and she hurt me, and we had an argument. After that, her dad seemed to no longer allow me to go near her. I was stupid for thinking playing with her would solve anything though. She told me she needed time, and so I decided to give her time.
I decided to not come near her ever again.

Luckily that day I met Takeshi again. Been a while since I last saw him! Now he’s as big as me, if not bigger. I was born with bad small-deer genes I guess. So I turned him into a girl. And later on he turned me into a girl. Then we fought in the purple flowers.
We were loud and annoying. Scared of some nearby doe’s too. It was fun! About the flower sparring though. I like doing that. I practice against trees when I’m alone. Downside: I’m allergic to purple flowers.
I start sneezing and my eyes get teary. Nothing really bad. But Takeshi kept failing and getting flowers on his antlers. And then casting them on ME!
I really couldn’t see anything the next day…

I met dad. Dad noticed I was behaving off. He noticed Dajhi was in the forest too, with another stag presumably. He told me to follow him, and led me to her. But as soon as I noticed what he was up to, I turned around and walked off. I was giving her time, remember?
So after that happened a few times, he decided to drag Dajhi and her friend to me. I ran.

Urgk.. He really didn’t get it… After he kept going at it, I attacked him. I don’t think I actually hit him, since he defended himself. Well, duh, anyone would. I ran off again and met up with a small deer in a flower patch.. We decided to rest for a bit. I was exhausted. Did make sure we sat outside of the flowers.. Not that my eyes weren’t already red.

That evening Kylar and this fawn found me. I guess I didn’t mind company at that point. I really didn’t feel like playing though.. Or putting up with Kylar’s mushy love stuff.
I noticed I’ve been evading him a lot lately.
Saosin kept me company later. I don’t know him well, I just know dad dislikes him and they have some sort of rivalery. In a way, having a rival sounds pretty awesome.. Like, you know, I’m cool enough to have a rival. Ha! Maybe Takeshi should be mine.. That could be fun!

Later on, dad came up to me. He didn’t seem as angry as I had expected him to, and I apologized for my behavior. We kept eachother company for a while after that…

The next day, I was at the pond watching some crocodile-like deer, when I noticed Dajhi was doing the same at the side of the pond. She was alone this time, as was I. At some point, we both noticed we had noticed eachother.
I know. Tricky.
We both went closer to eachother occasionally. Untill we met ofcourse, and then we spoke about what happened. We both apologized.

Luckily after that we found eachother able to simply play again! We both turned into mini’s and caused havoc. That was fun, heheh. Untill ofcourse mother found me as a mini.. Quite embarrassing.. I don’t think she had expected her son to shrink.

Dajhi and I spend the day chatting and running away from Kylar, whom was watching us really awkwardly. Scary shit… We ran off, and I lead her to this little spot we used to play as kids too. We sat and chatted a bit. I’m glad things have turned to how they were before..
I guess.. Though I also feel, they haven’t.. And I’m not sure if they ever will again.

Stelmaria left for a while. I gave her a flower to remember her friends here, and she licked my cheek.
That just had to be mentioned! I’m sorry!!

I kinda miss her, too..
Rhamar nao k?'s picture


Pfff... <3333
I love reading Lucian's diaries C:
Kaoori's picture

ROFL this made me laugh so

ROFL this made me laugh so hard with the Takeshi bit. xDD I love the two of them together. They should hang more often.
Verycrazygirl's picture

Aha, I thought he was just

Aha, I thought he was just being stubborn and angry about Dajhi. x)' sorry.

What a dramatic time lil' luc's had! Shocked

Seele's picture

Ø: I'm glad you do!

I'm glad you do! <3 That's nice to hear!

I believe they had an amazing time together and it certainly should be repeated 8D XD

Pff hah, see, Daddy didn't get it ;x XDD He has!

Thanks for the reply's guys <3
Fincayra's picture

Stella misses Luc, too.

Stella misses Luc, too. <3
ShadowsofLight's picture

Kylar the stalker!!

Kylar the stalker!!

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO

Ah, so that's what

Ah, so that's what happened.

Glad he could work things out.