Lol bye everybody!

Fledermaus's picture
IIIIIIIII am being driven off to South Carolina for a few days and my grandmother doesn't even know what internet is, so I won't be on at all. :<
Also, as a Christmas miracle, my computer just died again so I need to get that fixed somehow. -_-
That means I won't be able to work on your requests, Flyra and Raina, while I have nothing else to do -_- But I'll get back to it when I fix it.

ALSO I won't be here when Quad's pressie comes in the mail :< And I bet my mom will open it and be like "lol wut?"

So, peace out girl scouts!

ANDHEY I got a Zune 8D
Eirien's picture

Think of it as a break from

Think of it as a break from the digital age!

As a bonus, get involved in what crafts your grandma is really good at (eg, knitting, baking, etc) and learn the skill from a pro. You won't regret it down the road as knowing how to make high-quality crafts is a valuable skill. Esp nowadays when many commercialized products are shoddily made.

Good luck in restoring your computer back to full 'health'. And err, btw opening someone elses' mail is illegal, unless it's family AND they must have a valid reason (person's death, missing, etc.) So tell her not to peek and don't worry about it.^^

Take care and have fun!


I am a fantasy Illustrator, aspiring polyglot, and a storyteller. - My DA is usually focused on WoW, custom D&D campaigns, and Planescape.
quadraptor's picture

I hope you have a great

I hope you have a great trip! XD

The Divine Trilogy
Pegasicorn's picture

Have fun? ^^; --- The

Have fun? ^^;

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
toboe's picture



fayne's picture

what the HELL why is

HELL why is everybody always a state away from me. ;_; -cry- HAVEFUNANYWAYSLOL. <3333
Fledermaus's picture

Eirien: They had a lot of

Eirien: They had a lot of board games and such that were fun to play with, seeing as my grandmother and aunt don't do very much at all. xD

Rowan: You live in SC don't you? Heh, I've been going to Rock Hill about twice a year my whole life. Which part are you in?

Fayne: I totally think we need to have a TEF convention so we can all meet up and be awesome IRL. 8D
fayne's picture

Aaaaaye. c: lol I need to

Aaaaaye. c: lol I need to meet you it'd be so epic. ASLONG AS IT DOESN'T OFFEND ANYBODY you're the only Virginian I've ever met and liked. |D -shot in the crotch-
Fledermaus's picture

HAHA that's because VA is

HAHA that's because VA is full of assholes, if my highschool and college campus is any indication.
fayne's picture



Fledermaus's picture

I must live on Redneck

I must live on Redneck street. My neighbors drive all over their front yards on ATVs, shoot BB guns at squirrels, and watch NASCAR on a couch in their driveway. :/
toboe's picture




Like me! I swim in the lake in Fenruary, ride my dirt bikes through countless mud bogs and puddles, and I have one helluva thick accent. Don't like it? Tough. <3

And Greenwood! I live in Greenwood! <3

fayne's picture

-says nothing

-says nothing LOLfail-
Fledermaus's picture


quadraptor's picture

*poke poke* Sorry to bug you

*poke poke* Sorry to bug you again, but did the package get there? I was getting a little worried that something may have happened to it.

The Divine Trilogy
Fledermaus's picture

Apparently, it still hasn't

Apparently, it still hasn't gotten here yet. :/ There's always the chance that it came and my mom hadn't noticed or already lost it in our messy house, but she claims that nothing has come yet. I wonder if it got lost in the mail- is there any way to track it?
quadraptor's picture

I didn't put tracking on it.

I didn't put tracking on it. Arghh...I was afraid this was going to happen...

Well, maybe while we're waiting, I'll draw you something. I sure hope it's just taking a long time to get there.

The Divine Trilogy
Fledermaus's picture

I'll keep looking around for

I'll keep looking around for it, in case it did come. I'm wondering if Quamar ever got the box I sent her about two weeks ago, I must be the unluckiest person when it comes to mailing stuff. xD
quadraptor's picture

Hey at least you're not the

Hey at least you're not the only one XD

It's strange. I sent yours at the same time as a package for Jen. Jen's was supposed to arrive on the 26th - she got it on Christmas Eve. Yours was supposed to get there Christmas Eve, but it hasn't arrived yet.

I really wish i put that tracking on yours.

The Divine Trilogy
Fledermaus's picture

Hmmm, it is a mystery. I'm

Hmmm, it is a mystery. I'm really thinking it's in our junky house somewhere and it just needs to be uncovered. We started getting like 3-5 boxes in the mail a day right before Christmas and they're all hanging out in our living room. I need to go on a diligent search for it xD How embarrassing.
quadraptor's picture

Alrighty, it should be kind

Alrighty, it should be kind of a small box, maybe...12 inches by 15 inches or so (probably bigger than that but you get the idea). It'll be brown and it should be addressed to Fledermaus from QuadRaptor.

Hope that helps.

The Divine Trilogy