~Light the sky~ (Bah :B ignore this)

Sunflyra's picture
*sigh* I'M BORED well, so i was started to draw....
sometimes, when i'm seeing a beautiful bio or a wonderful set, it inspire me to draw
n8idrtnod58o4zsrgbdzogc5tc yeah -.- and this came out today
boredom+10-minuten scribbling+remind at beautiful bio=

:B drawn by hand
crappy feathers, and that mouth xC
aww and Light, please please don't take it personal that i took your deer! D:
*sighs again*
it might be nice to draw other headshots...but i don't think anyone would like too, RAGH damn it.
i don't really know why i'm posting this...maybe because of Flyra...xD she feels i deprive a picture of her xD
anyway i'll delate this blog, later...
Apeldille's picture

I think it's beautiful! I

I think it's beautiful! Laughing out loud I love her eye and how you shaded her ^^

LighttheSky's picture

:o :o :o :o

Shocked :o Shocked :o Shocked :o Shocked :o Shocked Exclaim <333333333

OMG she is BEAUTIFUL!!!! <333333 *lol* Thank you SO MUCH!Exclaim
8> 8> 8> *absoluteluffs!!!* <3 <3 <3

& I agree with Apeldille, her eye & shading are absolutely wonderful!!!! <3333333

| Light the Sky |

| Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. ~Maori Proverb |