Name: Leeadora
Gender: Doe
her talking color is: this ^_^ = CC99FF
what she sound's like: Kiara (not sure how to spell her name) from the lion king 2 XD
Mum: dead
Dad: dead
Sister: has a sister inlaw Lady Masqurade
Brother: Leeon
Niece: Lady Adora
Xenu (would like to be friends with)
Trilltyn (new friend and Saanra's brother)
Saanra (very Good New friend)
Garth (would like to be friend's with)
Tally (would like to be friend's with)
Nine (would like to be friend's with)
Seed (would like to be friend's)
Ankoku (would like to be friend's)
Saosin (would like to be friend's)
Waarhijd (Good Friend)
Steele (friend)
Blueteardrop (aka blue)(good friend)
Virgil (good friend)
Phelim (aka Phee)(good friend) *dead*
Claudia (a very good friend and like a mother figger to her)
Toxic creed (good friend)
Iaurdagnire (aka Dag)(a Very good friend and like a farther figger to her)
Nathan (good friend) *missing*
Leeon (Brother)
Lady Masqurade (good friend and mate to her brother)
Loud sound's like thunder or gun shout's
Beliar (scared to death of him)
where she can normaly be found in game: under a willow tree by the pond with or with out her brother or in the oak tree if it's raining or she got scared by somthing.
Favourite place:
The Pond, the old oak tree
thing's she Like's to do:
Pranceing around, show affection towards the other deer, giggle's alot, making new friend's, casting spell's on her brother Leeon, playing with all her friend's and copying other deer.
thing's to know about:
she's more of a follower then a leader meaning she mite deside to follow you around may hang back abit if she's not sure if she's welcome or not
she's loving and caring
she love's to copy other deer
is very bouncey ^_^ inless she's tierd
love's sitting or dancing on the pond now that she know's how to do it with out falling in XD
Thing's she dose when happy: Prances around alot, running and jumping in circle's, danceing and Laughthing
Thing's she dose when sad or upset: run's though the forest not stoping or saying hi to anyone then when she's tired she gose and lay's down in the pond or in the oak tree (running help's her forget what made her unhappy lol)
Dislike's: Being alone, fighting and being reminded that her mom and dad where shot by hunter's she has tryed very hard to forget about it though now and then she has night mare's about it
Actions and meanings:
Prance's around you+bow's+nuzzle's = she's very happy to see you
Scratch ground+yes+confused= can i lay/sit next to you?
walk's forwad a step+yes = can i follow you
Bowing=Hello/good bye.
confused=Who are you?/How are you?/What are you doing?
Hopping around= Happy.
Dancing=very happy.
Rearing up=Unless she's doing it while dancing, this means she's scared of you.
Slow walking=Tired or just feel's like walking
Coughing/Sneezing off spells for no apparent reason=Sick or she don't won't that on her.
Nuzzling=she realy likes you.
sniff+yes= she likes you
Yes= you can follow me if you like or ok i will.
no= don't follow me/not that mask/pelt/antler's
yes+bow= yes this pelt/mask/antler's and thank you soo much for helping me
laughing:Goofing off, finds something extremely funny,is happy to be with you.
scratch ground+nuzzle=would you like to sit/lay next to me?
Confused+nuzzle = not sure how she feel's
Sad+Bow=Has to log out.
Fear=Usually directed at deer's that are fighting or at deer's that look like Beliar.
Laying next to or under you=Considers you a friend and a sign that she trust's you .
Rearing+Running= scared or upset.
troting in circles: Showing off /happy
scratch ground:i wont to lay down
scratch ground by tree,sleeping deer or tree with mushroom's on= can i have this spell
calling out: saying she is here or to come here
calling out 2 or more time's: she need's help with getting a spell or is scared or just copying another deer
^by Majime thank you so much she's just how i would draw her if i was good at drawing XD love it
^by Rainflower
^by Nopje
The story of Leeadora and her Brother Leeon (there mite be typo's and bad gramma lol XD)
Once upon a time in a forest not to far from here there lived a family of Deer, they live a happy life playing in the meadow and running through the wood's this deer family had 4 member's in it there was the dad who was looked up to be the other deer and sometimes called the prince of the forest as he tended to look out for every one in the forest be they deer or mouse he cared for them all but none more then he's mate and 2 fawn's this great stag was called Theodore and his mate's name was Leeanna this gentle doe is kind and caring to other's and she love's to play with her to fawn's and teach them how to live on there one for when they grow up, the 2 fawn's name's are Leeadora a little playful fawn who's love nothing better then to run through the wood's with her mother and prancing in the meadow with her dad keeping look out for hunter's and wolf's, her brother Leeon on the other hand is quite the opposite and likes nothing better then sitting in a nice sunny spot with his dad and watching his mum and sister play together some time's he will join too. And it's on a day like this that worst thing that could happen did this is where are story begins.
It was a lovely Sunny day like any other day but little did Leeon and his sister know what horrible thing was going to happen to day the day started with them all going to the pond to drink Leeadora as all way's running and splashing water at every one, then then left the pond and Leeanna lead Leeadora and Leeon to the meadow for some thing to eat while Theodore went to stand at his post in top of a hill to keep look out for his family and the other's all ready in the meadow every thing seemed to be fine as he watched his family run around the meadow and he watch them as they ran to the Rock's and boulder's there to jump over them and off of them they looked like they where having the time of there life down there he was just about to leave to join them when he smelt something coming from the Wood's around him and then all of a sudden a hunting hound burst out of the tree's he had no time to think about himself so he dashed toward the hound horn's lowered and ready to fight the hound leapt at him teeth beard Theodore just can't believe he let this mutt sneak up on him like it did he let him self get to engrossed with watching his family playing, the grab a hold of his antler's and hang there Theodore shook his head violently then letting out a mighty bungle to warn every one in the meadow to run he charged at a tree hoping to smash the hound into killing him but just as he was about to hit the tree the hound let go dropping the ground and then grab a good hold of Theodore's left leg which made Theodore fall to the ground but before he could get up again the hunter came running out of the tree's gun ready to shoot, the last thing that Theodore thought was he had saved his family with his life.
Mean while down in the meadow after hearing the warning from Theodore Leeanna told Leeadora and Leeon to run as fast as they could back to the den with out looking back or stopping for any thing Leeadora thought this was Great fun dash madly through the forest Leeon though could tell his mum was scared of something and he could hear the fear that was in the warning bungle from his dad what he did not know at the time was his dad was fighting for his life, they finely made it back to the den even their mum made it back with them when they heard a loud bang that went ringing through the forest Leeadora started at the sound and with out thinking took of in fear Leeon and his mother took of after her to try to get her to claim down and return to the den where it was safe. Just as they caught up to her and claimed her down Leeanna heard a sound and told the fawn's to hide in a near by bush and to stay there till she called said so Leeon did as she said and drag Leeadora with him to make sure she don't bolt again in less they had to he all but sat on her to hold her down and told her to be quite. Their mum started to slowly creep to the bush line and there she saw 2 hunter's and their dog's they where dragging a dead stag by the antler's it was Theodore she could tell from the shape of his antler's she was heart broken at the lose and several tear's started to run down her cheek. Just as she was slowly moving back from the bush line one of the dog's looked her way and she froze on the spot scared the dog mite have seen her, the dog sniffed the air unlucky for Leeanna the wind was blowing toward the dog and the hunter's the other dog also picked up her scent and they started barking at her which got the hunter's to look also realising she'd been seen she dashed back into the bush and told Leeon to look after Leeadora and with that she dashed out of the bush into the open then back into the forest with the dog's and one of the hunter's after her and few seconds later there was another loud bang that went ringing through the forest. The last time the two fawn's saw there mum and dad was there dead body's being loaded into the back of a pick-up truck and since that day little Leeadora has had really bad night mare's and Leeon has become overly protective of his sister as well as shy and timid when his sister's not around him and they both freak out at any loud bang's they hear.
^_^ yay leea's got a friend
Leea: run's around all happy then trip's fall's over get's up and run's round some more then flop's down next to her brother panting and gose asleep with a smile on her face
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother Leeon (Alt account)
Also an easy way to get your Pictogram you can go with This
Just change the name after the Username's link to match that of your Deer's and it will automatically load it :3 To save, I had to print screen and paste it somewhere. It's kinda big but that's how I post mine.
Maybe if she runs into Toxic they can be friends to, he seems to enjoy playing with the Fawns (Just beware of Iviran, you don't want to run into him >>)
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
hehe i fine got the combo i wonted lol i need to wait till she grows up now then i got to go though it all again but this time i'll be able to save them ^_^
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother http://endlessfor
Poor Phee ran all the way to the Ruins and back to get her the red flowers, but ended up accidentally putting them on a different fawn XD
Then he ran back for more flowers, but when he returned, Leea was gone.So he was wandering around for a few minutes with the flowers on his head, looking for her D=
"The cruelest prison is one we build for ourselves out of fear and regret."
"The cruelest prison is one we make for ourselves out of fear and regret."
OMFG I just read the backstory and you know, the worst song to play for that came on (You and Me) And curse you! You almost made me cry... well actually I did a little ;.; that's so sad!
Claudia: *nuzzles the two* Poor things...
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
^_^ glad you liked it your the 1st person to comment about it too i was not sure if it was any good myself see XD
Leea: *smile's alittle*
Leeon: *just look's off into the distance trying he's best to hide the tear's in his eye's at the memory of it*
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Hey Spirit, would you like me to go through Leea's past and correct any grammatical mistakes I see so you can copy and paste it back into her page all nice and pretty to read? xD I would love to do that for you, but if you'd rather leave it the way it is that's totally fine too ^-^ I just don't have time to finish any drawings at the moment before I'll be told to go to bed, so I thought that I could finish up the evening helping someone with something like this :3
Claudia: *nuzzles the two more* This is why I adore fawns so much, and why I tend to act motherly around them *offers a gentle smile*
I actually adore bios, I'm slowly working on Histories for Toxic, Iviran and Claudia, though she's got a small one added to her page. It's still very much in the works.
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
well this is my first time doing a Bio's so am just makeing it up i go XD
Leea: *nuzzle's back and smile's abit more*
Leeon: *rub's his face with he knee takeing in a big beath of air and silme's a little at Claudia's kindness toward them*
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
I actually do more species write ups than actual Bios, but when it comes down to them I go into full detail at times o.o;;;;;;
Claudia: *offers another smile before laying down with the two* I really am, terribly sorry about what happened. I wish there was something I could do to help... *nods her head*
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
Sorry that Claudia took off like that, she actually got pretty intimidated by the large group and went to the pond where Leea found her, when she went back up to check on the Oak Tree she was still a bit scared. I think she's a bit scared of Nathan
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Toxic Nightmare - The Nightmare's End
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
lol i don't think nathan was being himself not sure but leea nuzzled him a few time's in hello when Claudia was there and got none in return she was confused and a little sad because of it which is why she kinda hugged up close to Claudia and then shortly affter Claudia bolted so did Leea she ran and jumped thing's till she got tired and went to lay with her brother in the oak tree (and then i loged out as it's realy late hehe XD)
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
@verycrazygril: ^_^ we loved meeting you was fun!
@dag: ^_^ thank you i like the music too and i also like seeing dag in the forest too :3
my deer's name's are Leeadora and Leeon
yay ^_^
Leea: *bounce's around* 'i got a new friend, i got a new friend yay happy i like getting new friend's' XD lol
my deer's name's are Leeadora, Leeon and Lady Masquerade
"H-hello, miss. It's nice to meet you. My sister, Saanra, talks about you all the time. Sh-she really looks up to you, so you must be really nice...", Trilltyn stuttered, smiling up at Leeadora.
She can definitely be
Again, she's so cute. >w<
"Close your eyes and drift away, I will show you all through dreams."
^_^ yay leea's got a
Leea: run's around all happy then trip's fall's over get's up and run's round some more then flop's down next to her brother panting and gose asleep with a smile on her face
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother Leeon (Alt account)
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Nathan: *chuckles and shakes
"Close your eyes and drift away, I will show you all through dreams."
D'awwwwwwww she's
Also an easy way to get your Pictogram you can go with This
Just change the name after the Username's link to match that of your Deer's and it will automatically load it :3 To save, I had to print screen and paste it somewhere. It's kinda big but that's how I post mine.
Maybe if she runs into Toxic they can be friends to, he seems to enjoy playing with the Fawns (Just beware of Iviran, you don't want to run into him >>)
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
thank's for telling me how
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother Leeon (Alt account)
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
hehe i fine got the combo i
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother http://endlessfor
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
I actually got Iviran's pelt
Of course, Toxic will be ready and willing to help Leea when she gets older to help her get the Pelt/Antlers :3
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
cool thank's hmm how long
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
hmmm not sure what music to
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
It takes a whole month
Nathan's been an adult for a long time now. lol
And Mediaeval Baebes = <3
"Close your eyes and drift away, I will show you all through dreams."
sooo not fair i wont her and
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Well at least a month isn't
"Close your eyes and drift away, I will show you all through dreams."
I'm the exact same way.
I'm still trying to figure out how to post the actual playlist on Toxic's page XD;;;;;;
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran and Toxic Creed
Icon Artwork by the wonderful Maji ^^ ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
Leeadora is such a sweetie
hehe thank's Leea: smile's
Leea: smile's sweetly and Prance's on the spot
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Poor Phee ran all the way to
Then he ran back for more flowers, but when he returned, Leea was gone.So he was wandering around for a few minutes with the flowers on his head, looking for her D=
"The cruelest prison is one we build for ourselves out of fear and regret."
Leea: yay a New Friend
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
@rainflower: hehe poor Phee
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
T_T how i put music on this
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Liange had a great time
By Leuvr ♥
Leea: i had fun playing with
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
OMFG I just read the
Claudia: *nuzzles the two* Poor things...
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
^_^ glad you liked it your
Leea: *smile's alittle*
Leeon: *just look's off into the distance trying he's best to hide the tear's in his eye's at the memory of it*
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Hey Spirit, would you like
By Leuvr ♥
that would be great my
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Claudia: *nuzzles the two
I actually adore bios, I'm slowly working on Histories for Toxic, Iviran and Claudia, though she's got a small one added to her page. It's still very much in the works.
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
well this is my first time
Leea: *nuzzle's back and smile's abit more*
Leeon: *rub's his face with he knee takeing in a big beath of air and silme's a little at Claudia's kindness toward them*
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
oh Btw Nathan's online if
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
I actually do more species
Claudia: *offers another smile before laying down with the two* I really am, terribly sorry about what happened. I wish there was something I could do to help... *nods her head*
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
Awesome~! 8D I'll have it
By Leuvr ♥
cool thank's ^_^ apparanza
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Mom went to bed early and
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
lol they look like a cute
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
D'awwwwwwwwww that has to be
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
Sorry that Claudia took off
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
lol i don't think nathan was
my alt account is spirits my deer's name's are Leeadora (this account) and her brother
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
I actually logged out a bit
Maybe at a later time, though Claudia does seem to have a little bit of an intimidated feeling when around ol' Nathan.
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed and Imperial Claudia ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
The Noble Guardian
I haven't commented since
Dag is always happy to see her in the forest =D
@verycrazygril: ^_^ we loved
@dag: ^_^ thank you i like the music too and i also like seeing dag in the forest too :3
my deer's name's are Leeadora and Leeon
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
I'll eventually see Dag in
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed, Imperial Claudia and Maliran's Ghost ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
haha my stag steele just met
nice to meet you too ^_^
my deer's name's are Leeadora, Leeon and Lady Masquerade
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
lol yay~!
oh it's a yes to steele &
yay ^_^ Leea: *bounce's
Leea: *bounce's around* 'i got a new friend, i got a new friend yay happy i like getting new friend's' XD lol
my deer's name's are Leeadora, Leeon and Lady Masquerade
Leea, Leeon,Lady Masquerade amd Lady Adora
Toxic: *watches her bounce
Curse my timing on things and poor Toxic being Invisible! XD
~*~*~ My Deer: King Iviran, Toxic Creed, Imperial Claudia and Maliran's Ghost ~*~*~
Main Deer: Nightmare & Sintharia
She wants to be friends with
I had no idea, haha
Awh I'm so glad Dag's a
"H-hello, miss. It's nice to