
1418darkness's picture


- dark; gloomy; dim


Dairus is Kurai's fawn name. As he grew up, he changed his name for unknown reasons. When he was still a fawn, he doesn't want to be left alone so when he sees a deer willing to be his friend, he follows it wherever it goes. But when he lost track, he will try to find another deer by barking but when he fails, he finds another deer. Kurai as a stag is a different deer. He now can be independent on his own. But some of his traits never gets old.

Gender : Male

Age : 6 weeks old

Species : Dark Stag

Days before Deerhood [COMPLETED] [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]

Birthday : June 13, 2011

Birthplace : forest

Zodiac : Gemini

Chinese Zodiac : Golden Rabbit (2011)

Previous Name : Dairus

Personalities : childish, carefree, respectful, clumsy, cheerful, noisy, annoying, serious , independent, friendly, shy

Hobbies : Rubbing back against trees, running, playing with other stags or fawns, roaring (when bored or to wake sleepyheads), jumping or jumping while running/walking, running round and round and round etc.(when bored)

Likes : Floating goldfish, rainbows, sets, thunder

Dislikes : Being alone, Old Oak (it scares me), boredom

Master : 1418darkness (female)

Deer Set : Magpie pelt, purple flowers (anters)

Family : mother doe and my master

Mate : none (I don't mate males & I'm too young)

Favorite Places : De Drinkplaats, pond, ruins, playground

Sample picture for scroll box: Milford Sound, New Zealand


Kurai was not a stag from a magical paradise before. This is not his first chance also, but it's his second. He's a deer from another world.

He was an orphan. His mother was killed when he was still 8 months old. But miraculously, he survived on his own. His mother was killed by a hunter (which Kurai prefer it to be "the two legged ape") under a 200 year old tree. He stayed and lived in that very tree where his mother died (but he only leaves when food and water is scarce). Kurai never realize that his mother was dead so he waited for her.

Six years passed, the forest was slowly getting smaller. He went to a place where he was not suppose to go to check out what's going on. What he saw was terrible. Trees were killed by the "two legged apes". Kurai went back to his home but before he got there, the tree where he waited so long for his mother to come back was gone. He had nowhere else to go but to run for his life.
His life grew darker. His neighbors, rivals, mates, fawns and home slowly disappearing. But one night, he met an old stag. He said, "If you go the path of light, you will surely live in paradise". The old stag left Kurai with a confused mind. Kurai wanted to find out where this paradise is. Before he ask the old stag, he disappeared into into the darkness.

Few years passed, Kurai still long for his mother to come back. He found out that his life is empty. He had no reasons to live anymore. Until he remembered the old stag's riddle. Before he must go to "the path of the light", he must go to where he lived few years ago, in a place where he waited for his mother. As he finally reached his destination, the grass where he slept turned into a flat, wide, thick rock, and the tree where he slept under, turned into a boulder only it is straight, hard, and higher than Kurai. He gently bumped his antlers on the boulder and said in his heart, "I am not forgetting you, but I will always long for you, for you gave me life and you are the reason why I am here. Always, you will remain in my heart.... forever". He left without still knowing that his mother is dead and always, he will wait for her.

He followed the path where his heart led him. He saw a never ending path where fast creatures pass through (which means cars). He walked, walked, walked until he stood at the middle of the path. He saw a light coming closer and closer. It's the last thing he saw. Darkness came.

He felt no pain. He felt the emptiness inside him. Until light came. He woke up, confusingly. He stood up and thought that he was little than before. He's thirsty so he went to the nearest pond. Before he drank, he was shocked! He looked at his reflection again carefully. He realized that he's a fawn. He's more confused. He roamed the forest and met new neighbors. He went to new places and homes. Many stags and fawns greeted him. He had felt something new. He felt something that he never felt before. He felt love.

He was given a second chance for him to reach LOVE into his heart.


I hope we get along well & I see some other deers/fawns just standing or lying down. PLEASE! Please play with me other than just standing there and lying down doing nothing!

Hi! I'm thankful that the gods give me twins! (even though you are just a glitch)

Hope you will be with me forever when every time I'm bored.

hey im a fawn to whats up

hey im a fawn to whats up
1418darkness's picture

yo! welcome to endless

yo! welcome to endless forest!



Oh, so that's the little

Oh, so that's the little fawn... Hi there!

You played with a brown stag today, right? C: Who gave your fawn the key antlers and the whistling mask?

1418darkness's picture

yeeep! that's me!

yeeep! that's me!

Ah, nice to meet you C:

Ah, nice to meet you C:

1418darkness's picture

nice to meet you too! hope to

nice to meet you too! hope to meet you in forest again! ^^
1418darkness's picture

nice to meet you too! hope to

nice to meet you too! hope to meet you in forest again! ^^

That sounds nice. I'll be

That sounds nice. I'll be probably be another deer, though.

Track c:

Track c: