

- a demigod, possessing minor super strength of which he is largely unaware.
- passionate and easily moved to any emotion, whether to joy or sorrow or blind rage...and then just as easily returned to his default, cheerful state.
- a go-getter, trying to grab life by the antlers if he can.
- comfortable in his own skin.
- willing to fight anyone who looks like they're trying to pick one or hurting someone else, but not inclined to seek out a fight.
- a lover of a friendly spar if one is offered.
- a big eater, who loves to eat mushrooms and pinecones as often as he can, and in as large amonts as possible. He also likes berries and grass, but to a lesser degree.
- someone who wishes he could be a bit more refined and gentlemanly.
- a stag who loves his friends and family to death.
- a lover of all kinds of games, particularly physical ones.
- a stag who would like to meet more deer, since he can never have enough friends.
- someone who can't stand to see other people being picked on.
- a poor liar.
- prone to putting sound effects in when he talks, sometimes using them in place of a verb.

- He wears the nightfall set like his mother and father -- he's a strong-looking stag underneath it, though not as strong as he actually is (which would be frankly freaky) and isn't afraid to show off his adult looks. He's on the tall side, like his father.
- Krym is generally confident enough in the way his face looks to not wear a mask. He has strong, handsome features and long-lashed, vibrant grey eyes.
- Krym's antlers are the biggest, whitest "real deer" antlers you can find -- he tries to be careful with them, but sometimes he can do some damage unintentionally.
- He has a small tuft of golden hair along the top of his face, and a single dark golden dreadlock coming from the back of his head -- it's not very long, ending on the upper portions of his strong neck, but occaisonally seems to have a will of its own, expressing his emotions in a way hair shouldn't really be able to do. He doesn't seem to notice.
Sithrim (his father)
Athena (his mother)
Maia (his stepmother)
Gwenhwyfar (his aunt. he's never met her)
Mabyl (the first of his twin little half-sisters)
Sybil (the second of his little half-sisters)
Vala (a friend)
Virgil (A good friend)
...And there's always going to be more!

- Find the best spots to eat
- Meet all sorts of deer
- Do stuff!
- Make it up to Kiyoko
- Protect his little sisters!
...And there's always going to be more!

-His font color is #FFA824
-It's always a delight to play him, so don't be afraid to ask me to pop him in.
- His name was originally spelled Krim, and though I've changed it since then, I still accept both as valid spellings.
- He was a rut-fawn.
This Time (3-29-10):
Mabyl! She's really growing up so well, so pretty. But she's bound to run into trouble, jumping around like that and flying up into the crocuses. I'm glad I was there to be sure she had my head to stand on so she wouldn't fall and hurt herself. I'm sure she'd be fine either way, but... She's my sister! It doesn't matter how unlikely it is, I can't let it happen!... Besides, it was fun being a sibling totem pole. If we had Sybil with us, it would have been perfect. It was really great to see her.
Last Time (3-28-10):
I met this really great deer -- he had a picto that was a lot like mine, and he seemed kind of suprised about that, too. We did a lot of running around, and he understood that I like my face the way it is, and we sat together and just hung out. It was really fun. We'd rear up and our legs would swish in the air like cutting blades, and we'd start roaring out and laughing. Oh, and I managed to move around while I was sitting! I don't know exactly how I did it, though. I'm going to have to keep trying to get it right! And to see my new pal again. Count on it. I want to learn that deer's name -- I have a few hunches.
Track of doom ~ I love this
I love this <3
/tracktracktrack!!!! nice
nice bio
Athena:"My son! such a strong boy!"
*trackstalk* 8D I also love
He sounds interesting. =]
All my best ideas I stole
So here's update post #1, I guess.
Really sweet ^^
Track (: Riley just was
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I just left a message to the
XD Spooky.. O.O
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XD Spooky.. O.O
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