Just a quick question to wrap your mind around~

arrowdoe's picture
Do you find it easier to draw with a pencil or a tablet? Maybe even a mouse for some of you?

If you prefer pencil over graphic art, explain why?

I find quick sketches much

I find quick sketches much easier to do digitally with my tablet because I can easily erase or change tools, it is a very fluid media. However I prefer traditional drawing for something tactile, or that I will work on for longer periods of time. Digital media for me is immaterial, one hard-drive crash and you have nothing. I miss the tactility of traditional media and craft.
Pegasicorn's picture

It all depends on my mood

It all depends on my mood really. Sometimes I get a stronger urge to pick up a pencil and paper than to grab my tablet. I draw with the mouse less often, but I get random urges to draw with it too.
Unplugged's picture

Looking at the technical

Looking at the technical aspect, traditional drawing has the advantage that you get a much better feeling for your hand movements than with a tablet, because on the computer, the strokes you're doing are imitated.

I am a digital person. It's quicker. It's more 'comfortable'. Like Terabetha I like the ability to change tools easily and create certain effects, one click and you're holding oil paints instead of a pencil. if something doesn't work out I can undo it easily, I can experiment and go back to the result I liked the most and continue from there.

But also (again as Terabetha mentioned) digital media is very... abstract? Intangible?
What fascinates me about traditional media is that it is tangible. You can erase things but in the end, everything that's been done cannot be undone. It stays. You look at real pencil lines, real paint strokes instead of imitations of lines and strokes.
It has that certain charme to it.
z.m123's picture

I don't have a tablet so..

I don't have a tablet so.. Yeah.. Dx
And mouse drawing isn't my strong side neither..
*Is traditional* Paper-pencil ♥
Snowsauria's picture

I prefer to use pencil and

I prefer to use pencil and paper when I sketch, I think it's easier to work with than a tablet. But I often scan the drawing and trace the lines to make it digital and 'cleaner'. And color if I feel like it. ^^'

I think I prefer using a

I think I prefer using a graphics tablet over a pencil.
It's alot quicker and easier for me, and I like that I can undo and redo certain things. I also like it more because when I'm rubbing out on paper, I tend to accidently rub out another part of the drawing, where as with a tablet I can either change the eraser size or undo what I rubbed out.

However, I find it alot harder to draw neat and tidy lines with a tablet, due to the way I have to hold it.

Overall I prefer my tablet c:
eyestrain's picture

Paper and pencil feels more

Paper and pencil feels more natural and enjoyable to me, but the options I have with digital make it what I work in most.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.