I honestly just do these sorts of things out of boredom:

phantomhelsing's picture
Really I do. If you would humor me it would be greatly appreciated |D

Cato likes riddles. Cato likes history (to an extent). Cato likes codes, and Cato likes puzzles. I have a type of puzzle I want to use for a project, so I'm testing it out here. I don't think I'll make this a regular occurrence unless you are as nerdy as me and want more puzzles XD

Please continue on...

I put a riddle into a code. I'd like to see if you can crack the code and then solve the riddle. I just chose a simple, easy riddle because it was easier to code XD

The code itself isn't actually that complicated. I will provide a few hints. So don't flip out on me. I honestly don't care if you do it or not, I'm just trying to practice and I want to see if anyone can do it or if they are familiar with it. If you do do it and are the first to post an answer, you get a sketch of anything you want. That's the incentive XDD BRIBERY FTW.

so here we go:

DON'T FREAK OUT AT IT. it really isn't as complicated as it may seem. Hint number one for you: It is a Masonic code. Yes, it is featured in a recently published novel, I thought it was a neat way to code a message and wanted to try it XD

Hint number two:

That's part of the key used to solve the code.

Hint number three:
you will need to make 4 grids in order to break the code.

I can't guarantee that I didn't copy something wrong or that everything is spelled right, but I hope you take a crack at it C: Good luck, and have fun.

Cato is a derp and messed up ONE letter DX Fifth row, first symbol is supposed to be this:

Not the box with a dot in the middle. WHICH BTW is another clue I'll give...the box with the dot in the middle (what the symbol for row five column one is NOT supposed to be >.>) is the letter N
TheSnalf's picture

8O -brainexplodes- Has

8O -brainexplodes-

Has tried and failed- http://i42.tinypic.com/se57nn.jpg

ocean's picture

I am honestly no good at

I am honestly no good at riddles-but this is really awesome. o_o
*wishes she was better at them*
phantomhelsing's picture

Teehee, thanks ocean XD OMG

Teehee, thanks ocean XD

OMG SNALF!!! You have no idea how CLOSE you are D8!!!

I think I see what happened, two of your grids are mixed up ;P Switch your J to another spot and see if it sets you right B)
TheSnalf's picture

WAAA??? Really?? LOL awesome!

WAAA??? Really?? LOL awesome! Now I want to figure it out!

EDIT- Well I can understand most of it now! http://i40.tinypic.com/oumybn.jpg
EDIT EDIT- OMG!! I have it!

"This Engulfing Thing Is Strange Indeed The Greater It Grows The Less You See"
Laughing out loud hehehe so much fun!

phantomhelsing's picture

8D YAAYYYY You got it ^^ lol

8D YAAYYYY You got it ^^

lol now all that's left is to solve the riddle |D
TheSnalf's picture

-nomsonfingers- ummmm......D



phantomhelsing's picture

WEWT. We has a winner


We has a winner XD

you get a sketch request from me, of anything you like C:

(it just may be later tonight or tomorrow before you get it |D)
TheSnalf's picture

Yay! Would you care to draw

Yay! Would you care to draw Mr. Cabbage?