... :: ~ ` I AM~ara :: ...

Fenqua's picture

Anyone trying to deny you…


… must be out of their mind


Full name
Amara Eva

Unfading; eternal (Greek) life (Hebrew)


Date of Birth
March 2


During the summer, Amara can be seen in the ‘cream belly’ pelt, the Kirin antlers and the Magpie mask. Officially she wears the Nymph pelt and her mask is actually the top half of a bird skull on her head. She has long, blond manes and two-coloured eyes; her left one is green and her right one is blue. In winter her antlers have slimmed down to the size and shape of te Beluga antlers and her pelt has gone from warm and brown to black and white (Orca). Her skull and manes remain the same.

This doe was born without parents and was destined to grow up in almost complete solitude. Luckily, she was found by two young soon-to-be parents, who accepted her as their daughter. Amara is a child of the Twin Gods themselves and from the day she was born, she somehow knew an important task was waiting for her. Her parents were well aware of this task, and always treated her a little different than Amara's little sister and their biological daughter.

As a young teenager Amara was faced with the horrible death of her adoptive parents and was left to take care of her fawn sister, Fenqua. Amara became extremely insecure and self-conscious, considering herself not suitable as a mother. Unfortunately, this caused Fenqua to be the victim of her many mood-swings and even slight physical violence. At a certain point Amara decided her sister would probably be better of without her and left her alone.

When older, she was given the task of Priestress and learned from Gods she possessed a very precious power: the power to give life. Named after the season she was born in, she became the Priestress of Spring. It was her destiny to watch over every life in the forest, even that of fellow deer. She became an important guide to young mothers, fathers and their unborn fawns.
But there was a downside: Amara was forced to give up her life as a ‘normal’ deer in order to fulfill her duty. She was willing to give up everything, because she never had much to begin with. The only thing that bothered her, was the life of her little sister. But knowing Fenqua would probably hate her, she still agreed. So she offered the Gods her devotion, her love and her virginity. Instead she was granted with eternal youth and life, in order to fulfill her task forever. But if one of these offers would be taken away from her, all her powers would vanish like snow on a hot summer day.

Sadly, that hot summer day came sooner than expected. After centuries of loyal duty, an unknown stag forced himself upon her, ripped away her virginity and disappeared in the night. She never found out his name, nor the reason he committed this violence. But towards the Gods she hadn’t held her promise, so her powers were taken away from her. Forever.

Amara is a very fierce and stubborn doe, who prefers to be alone most of the time. She always knew her parents were treating her differently than other fawns but not exactly why they did it. The doe was never a very playful fawn and matured faster than most others. Compared to many other deer she feels much more mature, but not better. Amara is actually very unsure of herself, now she no longer has a purpose in life. Being close to others makes her feel nervous, uncomfortable and even shy, although she would never admit that. She normally seeks silence and rest, not the company of playing and dancing deer.

She is a true nature lover and enjoys taking long strolls through the forest, but is also willing to spar. Though, she will only fight stags and does with reasonable antlers (so no feathers or stubs) because otherwise she won’t consider it a challenge. Apart from the sparring, she’s usually pretty cold towards stags and doesn’t trust them easily. Flirting and other sweet attempts won’t work on her; aside from being uninterested, her unpleasant encounter with another stag has turned her fearful. Although, that’s another thing she’ll probably never admit.
Overall, a cold and slightly bitchy personality towards men, a lack of respect towards does but a warm and loving heart for fawns. Prefers to be alone and enjoys the beauty of the place she was born in. Will never run and never give up. Can often been seen visiting the Twin Gods and a certain willow at the Pond.

Also, if you have patience she might scrape the ice from her heart and warm up to you.


Art & Poetry

"When the day comes for you to take your place
We will send you a sign, we will show you the way
You are touched, young one
By Our hands.

Earth meets Sky, as shown in your face
Two bright eyes of complex shades
Given you, our child
By Our hands.

Let no harm befall the Spring babies
Let no man defile the strength
Raised in you, dear Priestess
By Our hands.

You shall know your own fine son
And he will follow Us in your stead
He will come to you
By Our hands.

But please stay pure of heart and soul
A small command that changes all
Or we must let you go
From Our hands."

By Fahnette


For The Heart I Once Had
ocean's picture

Yes! *tracks* Was wondering

Yes! *tracks*
Was wondering if she had a bio. x3

Track'd! <3 -- Dannii <3

Track'd! <3

-- Dannii <3

/track'd Poor doe D:

/track'd Poor doe D:
Fenqua's picture

Ocean, I consider that a

Ocean, I consider that a compliment. People were actually waiting for her bio, that makes me smile!

Thanks everyone! ^^

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
ocean's picture

It's actually kinda ironic,

It's actually kinda ironic, seeing as I was looking for it this morning (you mentioned she might be a good friend for The Fawn), then here it is! xD

Perhaps they'll meet sometime. ^^

Seed's picture

*tracks* --- Click My

Fahnette's picture

I took one wee liberty with

I took one wee liberty with her for her poem. Her Parents promise her a child of her own once her work is done. Hope that's okay... could explain why she's so drawn to fawns, she misses the child the Gods denied her.

It's called "Hands."

To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...
To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...

Rouda's picture

Yush! Finally! 8D One of

Yush! Finally! 8D One of those things I've been waiting for. -tracks-
Her past cleared up a lot for me. Now I understand her a little better. C8
Fenqua's picture

Aww Fahnette, it's really

Aww Fahnette, it's really sweet you want to do a poem of her! <3

Well, she has been fired... kind of. She lost all her powers and doesn't work under the Twin Gods anymore. Also, she kind of challenged them to a bet. Then they 'created' a fawn, which her story is about. So it kind of... fits. <3

I'm extremely curious!

Rouda: Another one that's been waiting for this! I should stop being lazy with my biographies. 8D

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Fahnette's picture

Oho! So I hit a tender

Oho! So I hit a tender point with her, huh? Had NO idea about the "creation" bit.
I should go buy a lottery ticket... I is lucky today!

"Hands" is up.

To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...
To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...

Fenqua's picture

23 November, 2009 I edited

23 November, 2009

I edited her history slightly. It doesn't really effect her personality much, though.

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul