How to climb trees?

Kiwizoom's picture
Now I'm usually a very self sufficient person but over an hour of trying has grated patience /<

Every once in awhile in the forest there's a dance party on top of a tree, like the willow trees near the pond. I've seen deer get close to the tree and just float right up its trunk to the top. I've seen other deer go into the skating sit mode and also float up to the top. I've heard other people ask 'how do you climb trees?' with only possibly a reply of a copy-paste reference of how to air sit. Seeing people air sit and watching deer float up tree trunks looks totally unrelated, though regardlessly I have tried! Also I've ran google site searches on both this forum and the tale of tales forum. There seems to be no written record of tree-climbing.

How does one acquire this secret knowledge of tree climbing?


Does anyone else have a more descriptive answer? It's still a little grey for me.
Kiwizoom's picture

Thank you Lieka! ^^ I shall

Thank you Lieka! ^^ I shall perfect the technique to it then ._.
