Houston, we have a problem *ktch*

so i keep trying to post responses to responses in blogs (like responses to my blog posts, or someone else's) but the site tells me that i have to "specify a valid author" with the problem number "4192". anyone know what that's all about? i want so very badly to be able to communicate with everyone here on the community site, but that's a mite bit difficult when i can't respond to blog posts.
Grape's picture

You can't have a display

You can't have a display name. Delete your display name and it'll work :3

ah-HAH! i even see the little

ah-HAH! i even see the little warning they have now. . . okay, well, now that i've assured everyone that i'm a half-wit Laughing out loud *laughs at herself*
even if you remember me, you'll probably forget why i'm here.