Help anyone?

Vassago's picture

i'm re-doing my deer's bio and one of his sets and i'm trying to get my skull mask into my candler deer set but %$§&@#+*!!! it wont show up.. x_X *dead*

can anybody help me who got candles+skull mask? or do i have just to go on and it will show up then.. eventually in future?
Snowrift's picture

You cant combine them. I

You cant combine them. Shocked

I would sent it, but I dont have them both together :c

Vira's picture

I think i might have the

I think i might have the candles and skull mask together in a set, let me look through my saved spells and I will post here again later if I found it or not :3

I have saved some spelldata that has the skull mask and candlers on it, if you could tell me your e-mail i would be happy to send it over to you

Vassago's picture

thank you~ would be great if

thank you~
would be great if they would be in one set data

edit: ah wow fast, thank you very much~

Vira's picture

don't worry, its all in one

don't worry, its all in one set data :3

Vassago's picture

yeah thanks very much, i

yeah thanks very much, i really appreciate it.

I was about to eat the tree i'm standing next to Laughing out loud

My email is above. *bows*