Having Fun After a Long... Long time

cloudandis's picture
Cloudandis Bloodgear
8:42 pm
Mountain Standard Time
Location: The Endless Forest
Where Exactly?: Unknown

Hey everyone in the forest! Today I'm just going to be sharing some photos I took while I was out exploring in TEF. I usually hand around the shrine for the devout ((white)) pelt, or the stone bridge at the large pond. You'll also find me either hopping around or spell spamming any deer wihtout pelts, masks, or antlers. c: Or you know. Dancing Laughing out loud

My deer can be identified by the white mask with the red smiley marks on it. For now (s)he has no pelt other than the default. You'll see me as the deer to the right in front of the camera in this picture:

Oh and here's me dancing with a group of friendly deer! We were all spamming the devout pelt on each other and frolicking around, but it wore off so we just decided to dance.

And here's me as a fawn running around with another deer before I got my mask. She was the first one I ran into.

And then four of us got together and spell spammed in the flowers.

I hope you all enjoyed my photos!
ChocolateTabbyKat's picture


cloudandis's picture

Thanks? XD

Thanks? XD
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna