Forest Settings Query

Zergarikiaka's picture
So since I've installed the Forest on my newest laptop, I've noticed a consistent issue with the forest's settings. Basically, I can't change them. Upon hitting 'done' or quitting and returning to the forest, everything goes back to the way it was. On top of that, logged in characters don't remain logged in, and I need to manually log them in and reset their set each time I enter the forest. Since the spelldata I put into the forest was skull mask, zombie antlers, and dotd pelt, that's what I enter the forest with apparently with each character, even after sneezing layers off. Also can't get the forest to switch to window mode, which is a problem.

Anyone have a solution to this? If so, I'd really appreciate it!
Pegasicorn's picture

Have you tried running as

Have you tried running as administrator? This seems to be the fix-all for a lot of things.
Zergarikiaka's picture

I'll give it a shot!

I'll give it a shot!
Zergarikiaka's picture

I'll give it a shot!

I'll give it a shot!