A flash of red past the trees The darkness creeping and overcoming Yet she is not afraid to show herself She reveals her body, slender but strong The doe does not ask for much of you Just a gentle smile and a promise you can keep "There in the center of this Forest is a great tree Please look after it for me, it is very special The Old Oak has been lonely of late Very few come to visit her and listen to her wisdom I only ask that you sit within, just a moment each day And she will speak to you wondrous tales, And give her deepest secrets." And with a flick of her tail, she turns and walks away But her head was raised high, and she turns and sees you one last time. "Remember what I have asked of you, And you will be rewarded grandly." You blink for just a second, and she is gone. But the words linger in the air just for a moment. - By Quad |
track this can't wait for the
Lulz xD danke schoen
så lidt heh så lidt = ya
så lidt = ya welcome
lovley bio stuff worth waiting for ^^
thankies again!
heh i noticed that you
i noticed that you didn't have a siggy so i ade some for ya
http://i55.tinypic.com/e9i7n9.png http://i54.tinypic.com/2useqgw.png http://i55.tinypic.com/ekhkxv.png http://i51.tinypic.com/14wbw3t.png heh here
I will use the auburn one first xD
I promise your pic will be coming up soon! Getting down the pose is hard because I suck at deer xD
daaw you don't
Yes, I willlll!!!! xDD
heh ^^
So if I'm right and Auburn
Ohhhh yes! That was him!
At first Rumen felt like a
Track- this is very cute
Thank you Kono ^U^
Thanks Silver ^^
wanna help me get some set's
Meh, I would but my laptop
awww ok i'll find somebody
Can't believe I haven't
/tracks dis like yeah
xP Thanks!
/throws Kerwin at page/ you
Took me awhile to get around to this, I'm afraid.
All Pathes Eventually Cross
Tracking this
Retrack. I knew I was
I knew I was forgetting something..
Okay. Startin' here.
The stag looked up at the trees, noticing the nip in the air. It was colder out, wasn't it? He fluffed up his fur at the thought, his coat remaining white. Auni felt lonely. Everyone he knew was either around or off having their own seperate problems or if they were lucky, their own seperate lives. Phoenix, he didn't know what to think about. He was worried that she wouldn't keep her two fawns alive through the winter months. She had already lost one triplet, according to the grapeline he had heard, but that still left two equally little fawns. He had given her her space though, for fear that the doe's "Mommy instinct" would come after him. The last thing he wanted was to be injured or attacked by his first friend. The stag sighed and started to walk. At least his nightmares and visions were kept to a minimum...that was always a good thing.
The Oak Guardian was lying
The Oak Guardian was lying down in between two fallen trees. She didn't feel like blooming flowers just yet-- it would be best for her to wait until it later in the afternoon when the ground wasn't so cold and blanketed with dew and a light layer of snow. The doe shivered, curling up as tight as she could. Her body quaked from the frost on her fur. She had let it grow out for her winter pelt, however it did not protect her as strongly as she had hoped. After a while of lying still on the ground, managed to muster up some of her energy to drag herself to the Great Oak. Usually, she was inside the Oak, sleeping in it's warmth, but the night before the doe had fallen asleep on the forest floor, worn out quickly from her daily activities. Stiffly, the petite doe moved her fragile legs tenderly across the muddy forest floor. Tiny snowflakes began to collect on her feathery crown and peppered her fur. She gave a sigh, feeling her warm breath dissolve in the chilly morning air.
The Guardian hadn't seen her friend, ZiraBay, in quite some time. She began to worry about her-- perhaps she was getting back in contact with her adopted daughter, or spending more time with her mate... she just hoped Zira was safe. Come to think of it, the doe hadn't seen many of her friends at all, nor had she ever had a romantic interest. Sadness overcame her. If she was the guardian of life, shouldn't she be able to produce life? Was blooming flowers all she ever meant for? The doe pondered this solemnly. It did make her think if she just had one purpose in her life. Although blooming flowers was her gift and something she enjoyed, she couldn't imagine spending her life alone. She pictured herself, in the future. Growing old, married to nature, her one only love.
She shook the thought from her head, along with the snowflakes that tagged along. Looking up, the white forest lie in front of her, plain and serene. But one stag, moving in the distance. The doe trotted forward curiously. Immediately she recognized the stag's antlers-- Auni? Though she wasn't positive- he looked different, seemed different.
She called out his name. "Auni?"
But it didn't travel far, as her voice was dry from the winter air.
She called out again, this time sounding more like a statement than a question. "Auni!"
^Uggh sorry that took forever D: First post is always the longest xD
The stag started at the cry,
"Auburn!" he exclaimed as he drew nearer, "Long time no see how are you?"
"Ah, it is you," the doe
"Ah, it is you," the doe replied, relieved as she nuzzled him gently. "I'm glad I didn't mistake you for someone else-- I'd be losing my memory, and Gods know how many I have to remember... Anyway, it's nice to see a familiar face."
The doe look a glance to and fro. "Not many people around anymore, huh?" she said sadly.
The stag accepted her nuzzle,
The doe shivered in
She took a few steps past him and then looked back. "Well, I should be going back to the Great Oak before I dilly-dally again... Care to join me? It's a lot warmer in there."
The oak. He had almost
"Certainly," he answered, wheeling to trot along at her side, "I haven't been there in some time..." he confessed after a moment.
"I know," the doe replied
"I know," the doe replied sadly, looking at the ground. "I haven't seen you, or many of my friends lately-- and I don't know why..."
Perhaps they're moving on without me while I stuck doing the same things every day, she thought. But why?
She looked up, straight ahead. The shadow of the oak came into view. She sighed, "I wish I didn't love forever. There is no excitement. I feel like I can take my time with everything and just let time pass me by. But that's no way to live. Time is precious, sacred. How can you really appreciate time when you have all and none of it? When you live outside of time, and not of it? What is life without the rush of keeping time, as if it were sand, in your grasp long enough to absorb all of which it has to offer before it leaves you forever?"
A pause. The doe blushed and then said with an embarrassed chuckle, "I'm sorry Auni. I seem to be quite outspoken today... I've just been thinking about a lot of things and I just needed to let them out somehow..."
The stag listened, shrugging
"One day, it would be nice to
"One day, it would be nice to start a family...," the doe said in a dreamy voice, glancing up at the endlessly tall trees, catching some snowflakes on her face as if she was daydreaming. "...and have my 'thousands of children' scurrying throughout the forest."
She laughed a bit as she added, "Although, technically my offspring are everywhere...All around the forest, children of the field..."
They were arriving at the Oak. There wasn't as much snow or dew, thus allowing for the flowers to peak out from the ground. The doe quickly breathed over the flowers, melting the dew and freshening their colors so they weren't pale. Then, she entered the hollow and released a blissful sigh as she was immediately warmed up. The red doe lied down close to the wall of the Oak to keep warm.
The stag snorted at that.
"[=#eeddee]Females..." he muttered under his breath, "I'll never understand them."
After a few moments of
After a few moments of settling in, the doe asked curiously, "So, what is new with you? You seem.. different. Heh, I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing. It's just that, the last time I saw you, you seemed quite timid and nervous. Now you aren't... maybe because you already know me?"
whoa I wasn't tracking this?
now i can give you luffs <33
The stag tilted his head,
Auburn smiled. "Really? Well,
Auburn smiled. "Really? Well, I'm glad you found happiness... How did you find it exactly?"
She had forgotten how funny it was to talk to Auni about such things... discussing emotions as if they were other deer in the forest that you had to be around to feel.
Auni frowned, trying to
(Sorry for the late reply! I
Scarlet's brow furrowed in confusion, her mind wandering to the past memories she had with Auni. "A friend..." she echoed, eyes focused on the ground, searching her memory. "Someone new? Is Pheonix still your friend?"
"She is, but I don't see much
Discord: Gulonine#4267
Retracking this. Good to see
Hagal- it's beautiful!! Thank
Kiwara- D'aww thanks! Life sure does get stressful and busy, but I just can't resist the forest for long.
I wish I could snuggle her
Awwww! Tog sends her good
Tog sends her good vibes to you ;;
*doe shoots flowers and chocolates at you*
*launches self into the air
reiterating good vibes
reiterating good vibes