13/05/13: Feeling more energetic than usual, Fieran headed off for a run around the forest, which he was enjoying immensely until he tripped over his own feet and fell into the pond. Feeling rather sheepish since there were quite a few other deer in the vicinity who had no doubt seen his accident, he wandered sheepishly off to sit under a tree and wait for his fur to dry out. He hates it being wet, so needless to say, he isn't wearing much of a cheerful expression any more.
RELATIONS: Karma-Appreciates the friendship this gentle doe has offered him. Feels safe with her.
More to come
A quiet and timid stag, Fieran is a lot less intimidating than his large antlers, skull mask and relatively tall frame would have others believe. Despite his height, his slender frame gives him a sense of fragility. He is a contradiction; he yearns for company, yet he is too afraid to seek it due to a fear of rejection. As such he spends a considerable amount of time alone. He doesn’t often approach other deer, waiting for them to greet him; however, if he’s feeling particularly skittish, he’ll sometimes simply turn and run from others, which causes him to come across as aloof rather than hesitant.
Any friends that Fieran does manage to make are precious to him, and he is incredibly loyal. While not physically strong, he’s very agile and a fast runner, so he enjoys playing chase, though he’ll also be glad for a rest in the sun afterwards! He's a little on the clumsy side due to his rather lanky frame and the fact that he is still not used to this new body yet, and has a tendency to trip over his own feet. When comfortable with another deer, he will give them lots of nuzzles to show how much he appreciates them. He’s not too comfortable with others casting mask spells on him due to the sense of security he gets from hiding his face behind his own familiar mask, but will occasionally allow others to cast spells on him if he trusts them, or if he doesn’t want to come across as rude.
Fieran does not remember his other life, only a sensation of drowning; this is the cause behind his fear of the lake's waters. Though he still remains in a state of bewilderment about his surroundings, the forest brings him peace. He sometimes sits by the lake's edge, staring into its surface as if it will bring him answers. He also enjoys resting at the playground and by the crying idol.
I can help you with CSS, if my design type interests you. Just look at my account & click my bios
You can email me (found at the bottom of my bios) if they do ^.^
It's nice seeing Fieran again! :3
Okay, so you wanna know how to air sit, eh?
Well, first when you are running you have to keep pressing space, then quickly press 'esc' so you sit down. You can have the action tab showing, so you can moo, dance and stuff. :3
Does that make sense?
As I already said it in my other post, I like how you captured Fieran's expression ^_^ Sweetness, innocence, gentleness, shyness - everything is in it :33
Kairime (a deer in my avatar) is also a bit afraid of approaching other deer on his own for fear of being shooed away (especially, after he was rudely shooed away by a deer.
Kairi is gentle and will never reject anybody's company, and Fieran is very welcome to approach him anytime he feels like doing it ^^ Actually, i'd love to meet your deer one day too :33 but seems like I have had poor luck up to now ;__;
Oh, so Fieran is now learning a flying trick :DD I'm sure he'll master it pretty quickly (with Karma as a teacher ).
Kami-Kirin - thank you so much! I hope to have chance to draw him - and other deer! - more, but I'm really busy at the moment. That's another reason you may not have been able to find Fieran in the forest. I don't get much chance to login and if I am online, it's usually only in the evenings (GMT). :c I should have more time after Christmas as my work contract ends then (I'm a Christmas temp ). In the meantime, I'm working more into Fieran's backstory and making him into a 'proper' character.
I hope to be able to meet Kairime in the forest, Fieran certainly wouldn't shoo him away (he had a similar experience when I was new to the game! XD). Let's hope they can meet up sometime.
Megan86 - thank you!
Stupid username courtesy of me not realising my login name was the same as my display name. Feel free to call me Rebecca. :B
I knowww, I'm so sorry! Fieran misses Karma too! ;u; I've been doing loads of overtime at work and trying to keep a steady pace on the comic I'm making and it doesn't leave a lot of time for playing. I'll try and get back into the forest soon!
(Sorry for the ridiculously late reply XD)
Stupid username courtesy of me not realising my login name was the same as my display name. Feel free to call me Rebecca. :B
I can help you with CSS, if
You can email me (found at the bottom of my bios) if they do ^.^
Thank you for the offer! I'll
Art website: http://rb-illustration.co.uk
Yaaaay Fieran's bio! ~
I would help you with CSS but i can barely do it myself! D; I hope someone helps you out, if not then i'll give it a go at helping you out. c: <3
Ahh thank you!
Art website: http://rb-illustration.co.uk
Looking good ^.^
Thank you!
Art website: http://rb-illustration.co.uk
Fieran seems to be a very gentle guy :3
I'm glad he made friends with Karma ^^
She's the loveliest doe :333
Tracking. C:
Kami-Kirin - thank you! Yes,
Illume - thanks! Hopefully we can meet in the forest soon!
Art website: http://rb-illustration.co.uk
It's nice seeing Fieran
Okay, so you wanna know how to air sit, eh?
Well, first when you are running you have to keep pressing space, then quickly press 'esc' so you sit down. You can have the action tab showing, so you can moo, dance and stuff. :3
Does that make sense?
That does make sense! I
Art website: http://rb-illustration.co.uk
As I already said it in my
Kairime (a deer in my avatar) is also a bit afraid of approaching other deer on his own for fear of being shooed away (especially, after he was rudely shooed away by a deer.
Kairi is gentle and will never reject anybody's company, and Fieran is very welcome to approach him anytime he feels like doing it ^^ Actually, i'd love to meet your deer one day too :33 but seems like I have had poor luck up to now ;__;
Oh, so Fieran is now learning a flying trick :DD I'm sure he'll master it pretty quickly (with Karma as a teacher
traaacking *j*
Kami-Kirin - thank you so
I hope to be able to meet Kairime in the forest, Fieran certainly wouldn't shoo him away (he had a similar experience when I was new to the game! XD). Let's hope they can meet up sometime.
Megan86 - thank you!
Art website: http://rb-illustration.co.uk
I haven't seen Fieran around
I knowww, I'm so sorry!
(Sorry for the ridiculously late reply XD)
Art website: http://rb-illustration.co.uk