Mild Violence and Slight Language warning.
Kita was very angry... it was hard to write her like this.
Edit: Fixed all those stupid spelling errors I see now >.<
The sun was shining brightly as I woke, a gentle breeze ruffled my fur. I took a deep breath, it was a beautiful day, it was going to be a wonderful day to run and play. At least until the shadows took over the forest it was a beautiful day...
The fawn soon approached me, teeth sharp, eyes green "Blood, pain" he muttered softly.
I frowned but understood "What...? Who?" I walked toward him, watching as he slipped away into shadows. He reappeared off to my left "Who is hurt?"
"Peacock, Franny peacock" he grinned mockingly, slipping off as another deer appeared where he stood, the sounds of the other deer of the forest filling my ears.
I trembled, "No..." I knew that she was hurt, she had been hurt by that stag but she had said she was ok. HE only appeared when there was something very bad happening, though I knew HE would take shape later and haunt the forest.
My blood ran cold. A darkness filled my eyes, the shadows taking over. No. I couldn't lose her! I called out frantically a few times before listening. No call replied to mine. At least not the one I longed to hear. I turned frantically in a circle, nostrils flaring as I tried to scent her in the wind. Ears pressed forward as far as they could trying to hear her. Nothing. I could feel and hear nothing.
Panic clutched my heart. No! I took off, I didn't care which way I ran. I called as I ran, not stopping to give anyone my attention. My mind was driven, legs adhering to it's wish. To keep driving, keep moving, keep running. Find Her.
Finally I caught onto her scent, blood. That was all I could smell. Fear clutched at me and I ran harder, pain lashing out through my legs as I pushed them to their limit. I skid to a stop, stumbling over my own feet. Fran lay before me.
Her body lay broken, curled up gently among the flowers. "No...Fran!" I walked quickly to her, lowering her head softly touching her side. The scent of blood overpowered my nose and I ripped my head back, trembling scared.
Two forms took shape in the darkness clouding my mind. I stepped over Fran, ready to protect her. I took a long slow breath before calming slightly. Evergreen. Mistic. I had met them before. Fran knew them. They would help to protect her.
I remained above Fran's broken body, constantly looking from left to right, constantly searching for the dangers in the darkness. I wanted to kill. Wanted to hurt those who hurt her. I was frightened. Scared to feel these emotions from myself. And yet, seeing Fran's body beneath me fueled the anger within me.
A zombie stag appeared, a shape forming in the darkness of my mind. Nostrils flared, taking in his scent. I did not know him! Had he hurt Fran? She still hadn't moved, hadn't told me what happened. I was furious. Glancing over I saw the other deer rise. One of them, I do not know if it was Evergreen or not...I believe it was...though I wasn't sure...the other deer began to threaten, warn off the attacker.
That was all I needed. I lept off of Fran rushing forward and lowering my head angrily. I reared up, trying to drive away the attacker. I did not know if he was guilty, but in my mind any I did not know could have done it. With the help he finally left, running from us.
I quickly returned to my place over Fran, watching the forest. Waiting for another who dare to try to come close. Dared to hurt Her. A white bodied stag moved to us, I sniffed in slowly. Reed. It was ok. It was just Reed. I moved forward a little, greeting him before I moved back to Fran, gazing down at her quietly.
"That.. Kit..?" A very small movement suddenly drew my attention to the one I protected. I could tell it hurt for her to move.
I quickly lay beside her, pressing my body against her. I was trembling. I couldn't help it, I was both relieved and terrified. She sounded so weak...but she was alive...
"It's ok. I'm here," I lay my head softly down against her cheek and neck, softly nuzzling the blood caked skin, "It'll be ok"
"Kit.. I.. I can't.. see.. am I..?" She began to shake, I could feel the tremours running through me. They matched the speed of my pounding heart, I was still terrified for her. I pulled my head slightly back, watching her face. I could see tears slipping out of her eyes, sliding down over her cheeks.
My heart wrenched as I saw this. Fran never cried. Never showed weakness. I felt powerless, broken myself. I could not do anything to help her, could do nothing but protect and comfort her "You're ok, You'll be ok" I felt my own body tremble in reply to hers "You will be ok I promise...I'll kill whoever did this to you." I was shocked to hear this coming from my mouth. I couldn't stop it though. The anger drove me to protect her. Protect her till the end.
I felt her shift and lowered my head beside hers to hear what came from her next, "N-not until.. I.. I.. want to.. When I'm.. better."
Fran wanted to go after her attacker. I sighed softly, shivering slightly. I didn't want her hurt again. I wanted to have her safe. Safe and away from anyone who could hurt her. ".....I don't want to, but I guess I cannot stop you" I sighed softly. Fran was such a free spirit. I knew that she would never listen to what I wished.
I saw her slowly raise her head, my own head raising slightly as I watched her. "Kit.. I heard somebody.. did something.. to you..?" She was gazing off into an unusual direction, I could tell something was wrong.
I sighed very slowly, shivering slightly "Ya...Something happened to Reed, he was angry and attacked me... and there was a lot of stuff going on yesterday between them, Reed and Howl,...and me.." I trembled and nuzzled her slowly, softly nibbling her cheek, "Don't worry about that though...just concentrate on getting better..."
"Is that..the sh..shithead...right.. there?" Her head lifted more, higher as she watched the white stag who stood before us, helping me to protect her.
"Ya, the white one. He is helping to protect you." I smiled very weakly, watching her then over toward Reed. I felt a slight relief at her words, "I see you are still well enough to make those remarks"
"He has no.. right to.. be.. here.." I watched as she tried to stand, slumping back down against my body "I'll kick his ass.."
"Don't move, rest yourself." I nuzzled against her body, laying my head softly against hers, "It's ok, you can kick him to kingdom come when you are healthy again" I didn't want her to do that either, but in Fran's state I wouldn't deny her anything.
I heard a grumble come from her and I smiled gently, weakly. She moved herself closer to my body and I pressed myself closer to her also. "Thank you," I whispered. I rested my head against her body, taking a couple deep breaths to assure myself that she was actually there and this was not a dream. With each breath the shadows slipped away, the forest lightening. The warmth and colour slowly returned as we lay together.
"Kit.." She smiled weakly, though with her face damaged, mangled like it was it looked like a grimace. Still it looked like my old Fran again, so I smiled gently back.
The zombie deer appeared again, running toward us. I saw the others stand, turning toward it. I pushed myself up quickly stepping protectively over her. "Was he the one who hurt you? This red deer doesn't seem to like him" I could not remember which one it was... I gave her a gentle nuzzle, my eyes on the one who was approaching.
"What..? I can't.. tell me.. what's he look.. like?" she pushed herself up into a standing position, standing beside me as she turned to face the stag. I felt myself move before her, placing myself between the danger and her.
"Zombie pelt, large white antlers, bloody face. An unusual scent, I do not know him."
"N-no.. he was a red.. big red.. like.. Saosin.."
"So that deer..he is the wrong one?" I turned to face her, nuzzling her softly, keeping myself between them.
"I.. he might.. I might know.. him.." She shivered slightly, and I pressed myself closer to her "So many.. smells.. I can't tell.. who's who."
"It's ok. The white beside you is Reed, the other two I cannot currently tell who they are..."
Fran bared her teeth angrily, "I'll..." she moved to step forward
"Calm, there will be other days to hurt him. When you aren't hurt" I nuzzled her body, nibbling gently over her mohawk, ignoring the clotted blood.
Tears began to slide down over her face, dripping silently to the ground beneath her " don't deserve..." her body was trembling slightly.
I quickly moved to her "You do. Don't ever say you don't" I nuzzled over her quickly, softly nuzzling and licking her tears from her cheeks. I couldn't see her cry. I just couldn't. My heart pounded and broke when I saw her in such a state.
"I'm so.. different.. not many deer like.. me.. think I'm.. I don't.. know.." She began to cry harder, her body shaking as she did. "Kit.. I can't.. see your face.." With her eye swollen shut, the other barely open I was not surprised. It tore my heart out to hear that though. I couldn't see her so broken...
"It's ok Don't cry, Please... Its ok"
"I don't want to be..! I can't!"
"You cant...? What do you mean?" I was a little confused, I didn't understand. I would stay with her no matter what she didn't want. I trembled slightly staring at her.
"I want to see.. you! and I can't.."
"It's ok, Just calm down" I nuzzled her face and cheek. I couldn't stop the tears, but I could try... I licked over her face and eyes gently, trying to clear away the tears. It was times like this that I wished I could have been a human like her...Wished I knew exactly to comfort her... "Its ok."
She stepped closer to me, placing her face gently against my neck, crying gently into it. I wrapped my muzzle and neck gently around hers, trembling as I held her. "It will be ok Fran. I promise you. I won't let you get hurt again.."
She pulled her head back a tiny bit, "I need to.. lay down.." She turned her head up toward mine as I pulled my head back "Somewhere quiet.."
I nodded understandingly, the group around us was getting larger, "Alright, I will come" I looked back toward Fran nuzzling her, "If you want me to"
"Please.. lead me.. I don't want to fall.."
"Alright, we can go somewhere... ummm" I thought of where we could go, where it would be quiet but not far. Fran was blinded and wounded. I couldn't let her go to far. I began walking, making sure to move at her speed, feeling the occasional touch of her face as she made sure to keep following. We stopped within a large patch of flowers and I turned to look back at her, "How much farther do you wish to go?"
"This is good.. I like.. the butterflies.." She gently lay herself down and I quickly moved myself to her side, laying gently down against her to comfort her.
"I do too. I find it very peaceful." I whispered as I watched the butterflies flicker around us
She smiled softly, looking over toward my general direction, "Them.. the butterflies. They remind me of.. you, Kit.."
I felt my face cover with a blush, "Thank you. Though before I found you today I was most certainly not like them. I must have really irritated the other deer. I was frantic to find you...I thought I would be too late..." I nuzzled over her cheek and neck softly.
As we lay together I saw two deer approaching, both were large and red. Long masks hid their face from me. The shadows covered over again and I lept up, quickly moving before Fran. She had said it had been a red deer. I readied myself for a fight, "Is that him?"
I could hear Fran take a slow breath, "I smell.. Night Shade! And.. the other I don't know.. they are nice." She smiled softly as she gazed in our direction.
The shadows quickly slipped away and I felt ashamed, my head lowered slightly and I greeted them, "Yes, I know Nightshade. I just saw red and went to attack..." I moved back to Fran, laying myself gently at her side. "Sorry I almost attacked them"
She nuzzled my side as I returned to her "No, it's.. alright.."
"I do not know what has come over me. I am attacking before I think.." I nuzzled her side gently, tucking her head softly under mine "I told you not to make me worry anymore you silly silly deer"
She chuckled lightly as she pulled her head slowly back away from me. "It was.. kinda stupid of me.. to fight him.. does don't s-stand a chance against.. stags that.. big."
I frowned slowly, "He shouldn't have hurt you. Stags shouldn't fight with not blame yourself. I will kill him if he tries to hurt you again.." I sighed and nuzzled her back, gently licking her face.
"Stags are.. big.. dorks here.. I used to know.. cool.. men.. you would've liked them.."
I gazed over toward her, tilting my head confused as I watched her, "Ya? what were they like?" I was always curious about how her human life had been. I had always been here, had always been a deer in the forest. I was not able to understand all of it, but I loved learning about it.
She smiled warmly and I could see her trying to remember, her mind slipping off into her memories "A lot acted like.. kids.. just big-kids.. I knew this one guy he.. .. he.. I ..forgot.."
"It's ok. I enjoy listening to anything about human life. I never was one, and everything I learned was from my dad, who was a deer."
She nodded slowly, gazing ahead of herself at the ground. "Being a deer is.. a lot.. diff.. different. Deer don't make.. fun of me, like when.. I was.. a human.. but they still.. don't like me."
I felt my heart tear "I like you Fran..." I whispered to her, comforting her. I couldn't bring myself to say what I wished. I gently lay my head over her neck, cuddling myself closer to her.
Twas more but this was a good ending I think.
Mentioned in this story:
Fran played by Fishbiscuit
Reed played by Mikuru
Night Shade
Whoo, made it! xD Anyhow,
Anyhow, nice.
^^ thehehehe you'll have to
Well, shoot. I had every
I had every intention of helping you with Fran, but I unfortunately couldn't get TEF to work at the time x.x
Good story you got there though
It's ok ^^ It's the thought
Thank you
D: -patpats- Hopefully it'll
-patpats- Hopefully it'll work soon.
this actually made me sad
I've always looked forward to something like this; rping and then somebody taking the collaboration and putting it in their own words. it's always been something I've wanted to do, but I always either forget or something else comes up x3
you really did a wonderful job making Fran appear a lot more fragile than when I did it--I am very impressed with this! c:
I knowwwww! Gosh we are such
I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but I wanted to write it..and why not save the conversation we had and write a story for it (quite honestly has saved every Fran/Kita convo except 1 when I forgot incase I wanted to do this)
I'm glad you like it ^^ I was just writing down what Kita had seen. I told you I was going to cry yesterday when we were doing this! Cause thats what Kita saw T-T *hug* im glad you like it
"AAArggg! that stag! Him the
Him the unknown one!
He to be not trusted!
he must leave at once I say!
How dare he frighened...
Kita and made Fran bleed!
I must say my sisters friends were hurt by a different stag.
Stags should not fight and fright does."
"Are you two alright how dare he fought Fran for my good friend Emmy would be angery as I knew her well well well I'd find the suspishon some day about fighting with does like Fran and myself! As you know I was attacked by one if you ever wanted to know."
"Y-you t-two don't make a-a fuss e-even though I have seen them lurk in these very woods the Shadows oh why was my title the shadow ?"
wow that must have made Kita very nervous,scared,anger,fearse. But good thing she found Fran before it was too late.
(lightblue=Jessica,Royalblue=Athena,gray=Thunder Cloud)
"Hello all of you, I agree
"I am alright, and Fran is steadily gaining her heath back, much to my relief. You too were attacked? I do not understand what has come over stags now adays"
"You're title is the Shadow? Ah He would like you then. He is one also, well sort of. I seem to be the only one to see him...but I know that he will soon emerge into the forest... "
Ya Kita was freaking out at me, it was startling. I had never felt her be that angry or frightened before. Thank you for the lovely comment!
"Yes! Listen to my Sister's
"It all was a day to look for a some deer why you must ask well Halloween Eve. Eh now you see. Tick tick went the clock in my head. Hmm exactly 5 when the sky turned dark all of the sudden. I'd never thought this about stags before but some of them have a mind as big as a penny! It was then I found brusses and wounds on me! Who did this I only knew those dark spirited stags one Beliar known to attack fawns and those others. Never have I dared to do this but one day find them and one just lurked in me with no happiness. And so I backened and thought what I just wanted to wake that big boy up he gives me to much pelts meaning I spell spanned him and he gave a rotting pelt. In disgrace that stag did nothing but slash my lip and so now you see my lip with a slash all because of a inpatient stag! Even I don't blame those stags whoed exedently hurt me but those who wanted to kill me I'd give them a piece of my mind to them would those learn!"
"Its true my sisters thought off it I'm never in the best mood to laugh and I never had thought but if you look at me I have big large largest wounds scars you ever saw"
Well I have to say now that you say it Jessica ans Athena are both ignoring Skull masked stags because it seems like they mostly like to Fight and fright deer Even though some skull masked stags are very nice.
"also I think he'd like dear Themis known as the horrible killer plus I have been in this forest since Augest 27th,2007 I guess ,those times stags were stags and does were does never a doe or stag faught each other"
"I'm so sorry to hear that,
"Ah, yes I would believe you in that, but at least your sisters are kind enough to have given you a title, even though it is one which not many would like to carry. I know many deer who would like that title."
"Tis hard to say if He would like this Themis you speak of. He is not....evil I do not think...just a darkness."
Ah, ya there are some skull faced stags that are nice, but there are also many who attack when given their choice
"Ah yes I see but one day I
" Thankyou for that sis I have been suffering all those days until my friends Kita and Ashaki came back thank you you two thank you" *bows to you Kita*
"Yes thank you you have helped a lot to get Jessica back to her normal ways wait! did you say Ashaki! so thats who it was!"
"I'm still t-t-t-thankful for that title that those two gave me oh yeah I'd like you to meet my Older half sisters spirit"
"You mussssssst havessssss heardssssssss about meee I'm Con glad to meet you ssssssss very glad"
"sis-s-s-s-sister? is that you you have come Back!"
"my unkown sis you're here or is this a dream?'
"Silence dearsss onesss"
I'd like you to meet my sister's deer Con the doe who vanished a while ago psstgreen is Con
"Oh it is quite alright, I am
"It is a pleasure to meet you Con. I shall hope that we might meet up in the forest someday when it is of more peaceful times" *bows to the sisters*
Ahh, that is cool, you have like a small herd-family of deer! I just had Kita and Keiran lol
Eh you might say it started