Fanart nominations: (Finished!)

Well everyone, that's all!
I'm glad so many of you stepped forward to nominate others and I'm even MORE glad that I got to draw some really cool characters, win/win.

Thank you all for taking part! Smiling

I've seen a few blogs like this before, and being in the mood to doodle, I'm gonna take some requests. However, like the title says, there is a catch!

You can't request art for yourself!

What you can do, is think about somebody you know who's been a good member of this community, maybe they leave really nice comments, or maybe they're just there to listen when you need it. Either way, here's your chance to give them a little 'thank you'.

First three people to fill out the form below and post it in a comment will have their gift-arts drawn and posted sometime today. All posts after that will be done at a 'when I have time' basis, usually one or two a week.

My account name/display name:
Name of person I'm nominating:
Name of Character I want drawn:
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character:
I'm nominating them because:

I need references guys, it's much easier to work from a picture or screenshot, but if the person you want to gift doesn't have that, do your best to describe what the character looks like and I'll work from that.

Nominations so far:
1. Fuyu, nominated by Mrs. Halloween (complete)
2. Myu, nominated by LexFirehind (complete)
3. Maia, nominated by Sithrim (complete)
4. Tails, nominated by Ashdrau (complete)
5. Kaoori, nominated by Bylah (complete)
6. Kalpita, nominated by Alecsander (complete)
7. Sora, nominated by Deathwing (complete)
8. Moogie, nominated by Trigger_mortis (complete)
9. Oseaan, nominated by Iaurdagnire (complete)
10. Laurette, nominated by StarBright5000 (complete)
11. Raimundo, nominated by Pinkpaws40 (complete)
12. Bylah, nominated by Kaoori (complete)

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: Mrs. Halloween
Name of person I'm nominating: Fuyu
Name of Character I want drawn: Fuyu
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: here
I'm nominating them because: She seems like an awesome person and my deer watched her fawn grow up. Since she's new she doesn't have that much art of her character. ^^

Awesome selection Mrs.

Awesome selection Mrs. Halloween! *skips off to doodle Fuyu*

Why thank you! ^^

Why thank you! ^^ -isexcitedtoganderatbeautifularts-

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: LexFirehind
Name of person I'm nominating: MyuNoSaya
Name of Character I want drawn: Myu
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: This but now she has a skull mask over her deer face. Her muzzle tends to stick out and she has no antlers/skull horns or that gullet thingie
I'm nominating them because: She is an awesome person, a good friend and her deer is actually the mate of my Luis :3

Alright Lex, and thanks for

Alright Lex, and thanks for the note about the skull Eye helps me out so much!
Sithrim's picture

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: Sithrim.
Name of person I'm nominating: Jacmat.
Name of Character I want drawn: Maia.
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character:
I'm nominating them because: She's an awesome person that barely receives some art, I thought it would be nice <3


I love doing art for players

I love doing art for players I haven't heard of, thanks for the introduction Sithrim Smiling

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: Ashdrau
Name of person I'm nominating: Trigger_mortis
Name of Character I want drawn: Tails
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: Reference
I'm nominating them because: She have saved me already twice! For being such a nice person 8D
Bylah's picture

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: Bylah
Name of person I'm nominating: Kaoori
Name of Character I want drawn: Kaoori
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: here
I'm nominating them because: Because for as long as I've known her, Kaoori has been the most awesome, honest, sincere person in the world.

Another two great

Another two great nominations, I'll add them to the list, but no promises that they'll be done today! Eye

edit: I'm also gonna just use comments to keep track of these, and update the list only when I complete a new picture. Just to keep bumpage to a minimum.
Alecsander's picture

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: Alecsander
Name of person I'm nominating: Kittycatkita
Name of Character I want drawn: Kalpita
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: The adult in this screenshot
I'm nominating them because:
I couldn't find a better friend if I tried. Smiling

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: Deathwing
Name of person I'm nominating: LexFirehind
Name of Character I want drawn: Sora :3
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: {X}
I'm nominating them because: Lex has been around for everyone, and provides for the community. And since Lex snagged Myu on me ;P It was only right to return the favor :3 Plus I adore Lex too much <3
trigger_mortis's picture

You're fantastic for doing

You're fantastic for doing these! *tacklehugs*

Mind if I make a nomination?

Reference= here (though with the grey set, I think that's the preferred one)
Why=Moogie is doing all these amazing animated deer for people and spending a tonne of time on them. They're truly amazing and she isn't asking anything in return! Plus she's simply a nice person and an upstanding member of the community.*loves on her*

Moogie4's picture

!! Thank you for the


Thank you for the nomnomnom-ination. :3 I'd do the same in return, but I see you've already been nommed. xD
Iaurdagnire's picture

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: Iaurdagnire
Name of person I'm nominating: Firefli
Name of Character I want drawn: Oseaan
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: Biography (Includes a description and fan art at the bottom)
I'm nominating them because: She's one of those rare players who plays TEF purely for what it is, so she's always fun to be around and is an all round awesome person!

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: StarBright5000
Name of person I'm nominating: Pinkpaws40
Name of Character I want drawn: Laurette
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: Screenie
I'm nominating them because: I've known her for ages and she is one of the nicest deer I've met. She is so awesome and a great friend 8DD



My account name/display name: Pinkpaws40
Name of person I'm nominating: StarBright5000
Name of Character I want drawn: Raimundo
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character: Screenie
I'm nominating them because: Well.. She's one of my best friends I've ever had in real life, she's always been there to cheer me up and she has a great sense of humor, I can talk about whatever I like to her without feeling silly, no matter the subject. She's one of the greatest people I have ever met.<33
KittyCatKita's picture

My account name/display name:

My account name/display name: KittyCatKita
Name of person I'm nominating: Alecsander
Name of Character I want drawn: Almos
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character:
I'm nominating them because: He is a beautiful deer and Alec is a great friend to me ^^
Kaoori's picture

ffffff I didn't see this and

ffffff I didn't see this and Tera/Bylah.. thank you. ;_;

My account name/display name: Kaoori
Name of person I'm nominating: Bylah
Name of Character I want drawn: Bylah
Reference/bio/screenshot of that character:
I'm nominating them because: She has been quite selfless in offering up her own writing and doesn't get much in return. Plus, as long as I've known her she's been a wonderful friend and always makes me laugh.

Alright guys, I'm not taking

Alright guys, I'm not taking any more until I've finished more of the ones already listed!
Thank you all for your kind gifts, I'm glad this is such a popular idea!
trigger_mortis's picture

D'awww, I love him! *huggles*

D'awww, I love him! *huggles* Thank you!
Alecsander's picture

Could I please decline the

Could I please decline the gift art to me nominated by Kita?

I mean no offense to you or her and am flattered that I was considered, but no thank you.

I feel my name was put up because I nominated Kita first.

I believe that having a train of people nominating their friend, then having that friend nominate them in return because of those feelings of obligation to return the favor defeats the purpose of what you are trying to accomplish with this venture.

Regardless of the good intentions, it just results in the same people getting their and their friend's deer drawn again.

I figure by stepping back it gives a newbie or shy member of the community a chance to get a gift instead of me getting art for giving art.

Ah..hope that made sense I'm pretty tired.
KittyCatKita's picture

That is stupid Alec, I didn't

That is stupid Alec, I didn't notice you had nominated me until afterward and then I was super happy. But if you want to decline I wont stop you..

The choice is yours

The choice is yours Alecsander, I've taken your name off.
Just don't think you're undeserving of a gift or my thanks, your kindness in nominating and general round-the-site niceness are appreciated!

I agree with what others have

I agree with what others have said, don't feel that they are just nominating you because of friendship alone. Sometimes there's more to it than that.

For me, if Myu had not been nominated first I would have more than likely pulled her in as being one of the best friends I've had on this site. There are so many people I wish I could nominate because they are more than just people online to me, but they are like a second family.

I understand the choice to pull out but don't feel that you are only being pulled up because you nominated the person and they are returning the favor ;P

Than you for both Deathwing

Than you for both Deathwing and Tera for drawing Sora...he looks great Smiling

Just like he would look like if TEF was a world in Kingdom hearts <333333
KittyCatKita's picture

Thank you so much for drawing

Thank you so much for drawing Kal, she's beautiful!!
And thank you Alec for nominating her!!! -smothers with hugs- xD
Moogie4's picture

*HUGS* Thank you so much,


Thank you so much, it's beautiful! Smiling Gosh, I'm getting so much fanart lately. xD

lol well that's what you get

lol well that's what you get for offering free stuff, usually you get stuff in return anyway xD

8DD Thank you so much! This

8DD Thank you so much! This is a wonderful thing for you to be doing for the community!
Thank you again, to Terabetha AND to Sithrim <3
Firefli's picture

Aww, she's so adorable! And I

Aww, she's so adorable! And I agree, I just love it when people make art for others on the community, especially something like this <3
Thank you to you for drawing and Iaurdagnire for nominating ^^

He looks so cool, I love him

He looks so cool, I love him 8DDD!
Aww thank you for drawing him and thank you Pink for nominating him<333
Bylah's picture



FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THAT IS AWESOME. <333333333333 TY so much - and more points for taking up the daunting task of drawing him human!

Reyy's picture

I love your art.

I love your art.

Thanks everyone!

Laughing out loud Thanks everyone!