
Sonata's picture
What is, evil? can you, touch it? define it?

by the dictionary evil is, and quote;
Morally bad or wrong; wicked:

But, how does one define, Morally bad, or wrong, how does one, define, wicked?
Evil is, as held in the eyes of any beholder much like beauty, no one man or woman can define, evil, because, evil is different to most everyone.

And so, the great, winged canid does not think herself 'evil' she does, what she wants, what she pleases, and, in her definition this is not evil, this, is survival, this is life.

Take, for instance, the daily motion of going out, and buying a burger.

This does not sound evil but, to the cow which you are consuming, I'm sure this action could be considered most evil indeed and so, what is the wrong in her eating deer? she must to survive.

A child, upon capturing a frog from a pond, is not in any way considered, 'evil'
of course, that frog is probably very terrified, and may or may not come out of the experience injured from being touched by such dry hands.

And so, she does not think herself evil when she chases shy deer through the wood, for she does not harm them, and upon them stopping in their running she goes on her way, and neither party is, physically, worse for wear.

She considers herself, not evil, but very honest but then, many people would have their vision clouded until honesty becomes evil and lies, because they don't want to see beyond their own ideals, their own rules.

She is not, of course evil.
She merely has her own agenda.
Serenai's picture

You know what I think of

You know what I think of this~ ♥
Icon Art © Beloved
GingerNut's picture

Gaw... I love this @3@

Gaw... I love this @3@
Amazon's picture

I love the perspectives.

I love the perspectives. <3

Sonata's picture

Thank you all

Thank you all<3333
PLK217's picture

'Evil' itself does not

'Evil' itself does not exist.

It's just a word, a label we can use to simplify the perplexity of the reality.
Sonata's picture

Which was, of course, exactly

Which was, of course, exactly the fact that I was attempting to draw attention to with this bit.

PLK217's picture

Yes, that's true and I fully

Yes, that's true and I fully agreed with it.

I just never thought I could use this quote here.