Updates 03/29/11:
Roleplaying/Interactions are allowed on this blog or his Diary linked below. Feel free to RP with him if you desire. Human or Dragon is fine ^^
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The Dragon of Sins and Chaos
General Information
"All Sinners Deserve to Die"
Note: He's a Dragon, Not a Deer
Main Alias: Lord Giygas Alistim
Nicknames:The Black Plague Bringer
The Devil's Sinner
The Sinner of Chaos
Bringer of the Plague
Bringer of the Sins
Sinner of Chaos
The Black Devil
The Black Death
The Blind Devil
The Blind Sinner
Sinner of Hell
The Poison of Plague
Chaotic Devil
Nicknames Granted by Friends: Gigi
Gender: Male
Mate: None
Age: Elder Dragon, Elder, Ancient Being, Ancient Entity
Origins: Black Chaos Dragon, Dragonkin, Elder Dragon
Powers and Abilities:
- Capable of Emitting many Dragon like Sounds
- Capable of breathing Flames if irritated
- Capable of Flight within the forest (Shown by run/jumping around)
- Superior Strength, Stamina and Endurance than a Normal Stag
- Senses are Heightened due to the Lack of visible Eyes
Heritage: The Fifth Generation of Black Chaos Dragons to Rule over the Lyricis Lands
Orientation: Bisexual
The Human Voice: Chris Vrenna - No Fear
The Dragon's Voice: Belloc The Kaiju King from Firebreather

The Truth about the Dragon
They Gave Me Nicknames for a Reason
The Black Death
The Devil Of Dragons
Bringer of Chaos...
I Could Go On
But I Won't...
Your Simple Minds Won't Handle it...
Do You Think you Have What it Takes?
I Speak in Corrosive Tongues (#660099)
The elder dragon has a great sense of pride in himself, while he's not seen often when he is he is often one to let those know that HE is the Elder and that he means business. Territory by nature, Giygas doesn't take too well to other males within his territory... though females can also be the Victims of his flirting and him showing that he is a proper 'stud' for them. When it comes down to it, despite all of these things, Giygas is an extremely wise character with years of knowledge in combat and fighting. He's protective of those he holds dear to him, especially Inthen and would do anything in his power to protect them.
His smaller form in the forest has given him far greater Energy than normal despite his age. Giygas will often be seen Running and 'playing' with his smaller frame enjoying the mobility of it compared to his massive true size. Giygas himself from snout to tail tip is roughly 75' in length with a 150' wingspan from tip to tip. He towers over any man, creature or otherwise while in his true state. So being in the smaller frame of a 'lesser' being is a nice perk for him. So often times if you cannot find him on the ground look up in the trees. Odds are he has perched himself up somewhere high enjoying the view of the 'lesser creatures' down below.
If you ever see him running and then Jumping, take that as him launching off into the air to take flight. The entire 'flight' would consist of him jumping until he either falls or lands atop a tree or somewhere in the air which he has deemed a 'perch' often times he enjoys the higher places because it gives him the Hawks View and he will see the little creatures below him. Take into consideration this however... Giygas has NEVER seen or interacted with creatures like this before and he might do things that wouldn't seem normal for a 'deer' or anything else. When he sees something interesting, curiosity will spark and he will often investigate it.
Giygas in his right mind... well is a Carnivore... and he consumes meat. Now this doesn't mean that he will outright hunt anything in this forest as all things seems to have intelligence to them. However if he happens upon a small 'woodland' creature that lacks such a trait don't be too surprised to see him go right after it for a meal. If you see him rearing and then roaring or pawing the ground, it's more than likely that he was trying to catch himself a bird or dove that flies over head. If you see him rearing and pawing in the water before drinking, chances are he is fishing~

The Dragon
The Dragon and Deer
Set: Unknown, Varies when Played
Will Always Load in full Zombie Set. Zombie Pelt, Antlers and Skull Mask
Will almost always Wear the Skull Mask
Pelt and Antlers Vary and often change often while in Forest
Giygas is huge in terms of Size
He Stands 9' At the Top of his Withers
And is 15 foot from Talon to the Crown of his Head
He takes on this size to 'fit in' with those of the Forest
Giygas' body is layered with many plated Scales, Black in Coloration
His Chest is heavily plated by massive purple sheet scales
Along the lining of the scales lie Yellow, Biolument Scales that act as 'cushions'
His Hind Legs are Extremely Special in Terms of Design.
The Purple within them act like Springs...
For Launching into the air...
Or for Cushioning the Landing.
Giygas has no Eyes, None that your own could See.
A Thick, heavy mane runs down the entirety of his body.
His tail is extremely long, thick towards the body and thin towards the tip.
Tufts of Fur come from the Elbows of his front legs.
Large, Silver Tusks form behind the Jaws.
Often Wears a Brown Collar around his throat and Neck.
Massive, yellow and Curled Horns form above the Ears.
Large, Raptor like Claws on the Hind Legs.
Maintains his wings while in this Smaller Form and is fully Capable of Flight.
The Dragon's Disguise
Giygas Stands a Good 6'9 While in Humanoid State
He Can have the Tail or not, it's his only way of telling what he is
Despite having Eyes, Giygas STILL Cannot See in this form.
He Often Wears a Steampunk Attire, a White Coat is most common.
Giygas has a massive Amount of Hair.
Often wears it back in Two large Buns, leaving the Rest to hang down.
Wears Glasses even though his eyes don't work. Used to Fool others.
Goggles, Always has them on him or with him.
Clawed Hands, four fingers and a Thumb.
Tail is Plated much like his true form.
Thick Mane is present on the Tail as well.
Wears Steel Bottom Boots due to living in a Cavern that had immense sharp rocks.
The Allies and Foes
Relations and Enemies
If you wish to be on his Relations list please feel free to let me know ^^
Not much is known about the dragons Family or much less his Origins. Giygas is known as the Fifth of a Generation of his species but the Father, Mother and whether he has any siblings or not is completely unknown. He bears no mate, Lover or children of his own... at least not within this world. However Giygas has had many Brood Mothers in his past, where he would provide himself with many heirs and minions for his army.
Giygas is easy to approach, however one must show him the respect he desires if they are to truly befriend the dragon. While he is curious about all things in this strange place, he sees everything as a lesser being than himself. Aggression towards the dragon will be taken as a challenge on him and he will often times attack to put the aggressive creature down in it's place. Giygas is a dominant male for the Lyricis, the elder of his clan he sees anything else below him. And bears a great sense of pride. Befriending him, while not impossibly is extremely tricky.
Giygas has had many enemies in his past life, the most noted was Norosis... a massive dragon that was much like him. The two clashed many times in war and at one such event... Giygas found himself locked in this world. While it's not easy to become an enemy of the dragons, it is not impossible. Without being shown proper respect from others, chances are he will slowly begin to loath the one that does not show him respect. And as such, they will become an enemy...
Stories and Story Archs
Fan-Stories and Writings
Fan-Stories and Writings
Coming Soon~
| Fanart and Artwork
{X} - By Cece
{X} - By Dicekitty
{X} - By Dicekitty
{X} - By DiceKitty
-Zips through- &hearts
♥ Officially stalked
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"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Update Bump
"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"