Dreams come true. Lorque's Diary #5, autoplay included

muesique's picture

Now that he was gone, I had to tell her... to make her feel better.

I woke up late today. The sun had already reached its highest point when I opened my eyes. My first thoughts belonged to Ayanel, as usually. Then I thought of Touraga... how he'd disappeared and how he'd left her all by herself. He'd been a good friend, and him disappearing had hurt me as well.

I wandered to the pond and found her, sleeping. She slept at the spot where he'd vanished not too long ago. Seein her like this... it was unbearable. I sat down next to her until Ayanel woke up. We stood there for a while, mourning silently. It was time to accept Touraga's choice, once and for all.

We left the pond and I decided to cheer her up, even if only for a bit. So I lead her to De Drinkplaats, wanting to show her some of the forest's magic. A while ago, Ayanel had told me that she'd never seen it before.
So we drank from the water there and transformed ourselves into various animals. We watched the scenery as magic happened now and then... Until we got tired of standing there.

I was happy when she decided to play with me and goof around for a bit. It was relaxing to forget about the problems, but this situation didn't last long. Her worries came back fast. She worried about Ice and Wish, her children. How they didn't have a father anymore, how Touraga left her alone with them. I couldn't hold back and offered her to be there, and I hinted at the topic of being a father myself. Regret overcame her, and before I even realized what was happening, she bolted.

I... lost track of her, completely. I searched the pond and other spots, but she wasn't to be found. Finally, I spotted her hiding under a rock, sleeping and trembling.
Somehow, I could not resist to join her, and so I sat down beside her again. I wasn't able to leave her alone like this.
Eventually, she noticed me and we had a long talk. I got sad when she mentioned that choosing Touraga had been a bad choice, and how she regrets it.

After talking to a while, it just.. happened. We came to a conclusion. I knew it was the right time to tell her that I wanted to be her mate.
To my surprise, she accepted and we told eachother how we felt. I finally could tell her how I felt when we first met, and how she amazed me since then.

We played together until we fell asleep together. For the first time, I didn't have to feel a bit guilty about getting too close to Ayanel or enjoying her scent to the fullest. Now, this feeling just filled me with pure happiness, and I had the most pleasant dreams this night...
Seed's picture

Congrats ^^

muesique's picture

Hee thanks XD It was a long

Hee thanks XD It was a long long way~