Help out your neighbors and they'll help out you!
The object is for your eggies and hatchlings to get more clicks and more unique views so they can grow.
To add your eggies and hatchlings here, you have to use BBCode in the comments. Later on, when you get more eggs to add, you can either edit your comment to add them or post another comment with your new ones. You can also post your scrolls.
(No subject)
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weremoosen#4205 || || http://tinyurl.com/y8lfklj7
ooooh good idea! I'll post
Thank you! x3 I thought it
Scroll link
New eggs~
New eggs~
Scroll Link~
I should add that if anyone
Clicked everything above
or Scroll Link
or http://dragcave.net/user/tanyak
couldn't edit my last comment, decided to add my page/scroll link :/ so yeah done for today
Good idea! Mine are in my
A bump and posting my SCROLL!
And my new egg
Posting a Link to ~My Scroll~
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
weremoosen#4205 || || http://tinyurl.com/y8lfklj7
It doesn't seem you can edit
Good idea! 8D My eggie and
My eggie and hatchie:
My incubator:
And my scroll. :B
Why not
(As Scythe said, I can help some of you who are looking for specific eggs.)
I'd really want an Alt Black
Try to catch a lot of eggs
Gold dragon... possible but it's really difficult to breed them and obtain a gold egg, reluctant dragons >8U
Ohh, I thought you only got
Lol, aww.
Thanks for the info. ^^
Since I'm an overenthusiastic
I read up on some stuff now, left these eggs hidden for a day. Let's hope I'm not as careless with these. B|
@Unplugged a;lksdjf I was
Never tried this before,
@Baal - Welcome! :3 I got
Heh, I am very prone to love
Actually, probably better if I just post this instead: http://dragcave.net/user/LBaal
Figured I'd bump and post an
I took in a little Mint
a new eggie c:
-le bump- and new eggies x3
Here's my scroll c: AND
ALL the eggs!!!
One of your new eggies is a
lolol yeah x3 I found 'im in
z.m123: I just got a two-head
>>Keepiru: Ohh, that'd be so
Btw, how do you send eggs to other scrolls?
There is a breed of dragon
hm maybe I do have luck today
so breeding actually does work! and here is my new little on the I bred
edit: 'nother eggie
>>Keepiru: Ohh, that's cool.
Btw, could you wait with sending it until my Sunstone-hatchie has grown up? So I can fit the new one into my siggy? c8
(No subject)
-clicks all the eggs-
-clicks all the eggs-
S'pose I should post my siggy
Say, does anyone have a favorite dragon and/or gender of the dragon? I must say that I adore the Female Embers <3
-le bump-
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
weremoosen#4205 || || http://tinyurl.com/y8lfklj7
If somebody has a Magma
and if somehow I have a dragon you'd like to trade eggs with, that would be cool too.
My personal favorites are the Two-Finned Blunas (especially the first stage of the hatchlings! It sits there going "meehhhp! feed me!" and ghfohsfffff ;u; so cute! ) and Swallowtails
FishBiscuit: I have a few
I sure as heck can wait! And
And I know what you mean.. my Stripeds are very very fussy like that, too.
z.m123: okay, btw I need your
Bump again with my scroll! I
I just clicked all the eggs!!!
My eggs hatched! Got myself a
Got myself a new batch. Thanks so much everyone who clicked and viewed
Ohh, okay.