The Diary of Seed, 8-22-11

Seed's picture

Today, I awoke to find Walter, Gustiro, and Illrose (who I've been seeing often recently; I'm glad to make her acquaintence more) about. To my relief, and to the ease of my heart, Walter was in a good mood, especially when he saw me coming up. I appreciated the welcome, and to see his good side showing. Just like when it comes to drawing, the good side's the handsomest one, if he's curious. We messed around with Gustiro for a bit, before Walter had to go...

And then, as if waiting to lure me out, came Complex. I don't think I've seen her since my wedding -- over a year ago! And, of course, she was completely unprepared for being back. Somewhere along the way, she had lost her set. It was up to Illrose and I to get it back...And what a challenge it was. We had to change places to get the pelt spells from quite a few times. I swear, the forest's magic has its favorites, and my favorite pelt is not one of them. Still, no matter how long it took, we got the set together. She looks very much like her mother before she gets her pelt on... I... I may not have told this story, or perhaps I tell it every time I see her: I certainly think about it. But, on Peyton's doe day...All those years ago... When we were getting *her* set together... We ended up momentarily creating a combination like the one Complex has. That was the moment I realized I loved her, how absolutely stunning she looked in my pelt. And maybe it's because she's as infrequently-appearing as her mother was, but I always think that. It probably sounds a little creepy, but it's a string moment -- a moment that stretches across my body, and every now and then something will pull it taut and send it vibrating, ringing with love, in my soul. It's why, even if I wanted to stop loving someone, I can't. It's part of my living core, the fibers that make up my heart.

After that, we all sat down and eventually Illrose wandered off as Complex fell asleep. There's something so soft and tender, about sleeping dear ones: I love to watch them, the dreams flickering across their faces like shadows before the light of a candle... I never really knew her that well. I have no idea what sort of father I am -- or could have been, anyway... But I felt like I wanted to stay there, and watch her, and nuzzle away all her bad dreams. I wanted to do that for a long time.

Eventually, she woke up and Oisin arrived (I no longer remember the order). We played, (I showed off my sit-dancing skills a little), jumped, and danced, attracting other deer (one of whom had been following us for quite a while) to frolic and dance with us until Complex had to go.

After that, Oisin and I merrilly skipped our way over to Ourania, taking one of the other deer following after. With Ourania, we attracted quite a crowd! We would alternate between dancing in lines and clumps and sitting peacefully between the trees. We even got to see Quad, who of course enjoyed the goofing around as much as the next person.

It then came that I was too weary to keep going, and said farewell to the assembled crowd... After the feelings I've been having, this was just what I needed to boost my spirits. Let's hope for the best, shall we?
Verdalas's picture

(No subject)

<3 It was fun to play with Seed again, since it's been a while. I thought it only polite that Complex make an appearance for her father. Smiling
Seed's picture

It's been way too long. I

It's been way too long. I hope this'll kick off a good trend of running into each other more often. And a little Complex courtesy is always nice.