The Diary of Seed, 7-09-10

Seed's picture

I awoke, nude as the sky, in the pouring rain. The world was different: I felt it, the pure, raw, and absolute newness of it rubbing against face. It was like waking for the first time, and everything before it was just a strange dream -- like the world hadn't existed before then, and this was some new thing. I never knew it was possible, for something that has been there my whole life to suddenly not been there before; but I swear the forest is a little different now.

I had unusually good luck recovering my set this morning -- as if the universe were electing to help me along. Of course, as soon as I was done getting my set, I met a deer lacking her set. I aided her with the masks, which, unlike for me, was a painfully slow task. Mask after mask, she tried on in the rain. She eventually found the right one, and I admit, I considered leaving her to her buisness, right then and there. There was so much I wanted to do in the rain today... But then I thought about this stranger: If I left now, I would have helped a stranger, no more, no less. But if I followed, I could learn more about this person. I could maybe find the friend in this stranger, which would be find enough use of my time. I promised I would help until we were done. My nephew Aleit appeared the moment I made that promise, so I decided to make a detour to greet him. To my – not my surprise, exactly, but certainly to my pleasure – he elected to come with me and help. The work went much faster that way, but after we were done, she sort of…bounded off, and didn’t seem to care if we followed or not.

Aleit in tow, I decided to go celebrate the rain. And how to celebrate, but by finding the place where water strikes water, and the sound melts into itself. By which, I mean, we ran out onto the lake water, turning our hooves into raindrops that spread ripples across the surface, distorting the already distorted image of the stormy sky. It has been such a long time since I last ran across the water, too long. The coolness of it, the serenity, the feeling of breaking the world around you as you run, or dance, your hooves bracing against the water without falling through… There’s a poem there. I shall ponder the matter further. But as we danced, a fawn on the shore devout pelted me, startling me away from my dance, and the surface of the water altogether. I shook myself, returned glumly to the shore…and thought about how I had just gotten my set back, my lovely set... I could almost see it in my mind’s eye. And as I saw it, I saw the magic was still waiting for me, clinging to my shadow, hanging in the air like dust motes; all I had to do to reassume it was remember it. I laughed and showed off the magic that, I swear, had not been there the day before. So this is that newness, then? Delightful! Aleit, stripped similarly bare, decided to turn into a fawn and cuddle for a while before departing.

I went to go sit with Virgil for a while, and he pointed out another small advantage of this new magic: I could wear my set as a fawn, if only briefly. Normally it’s lost right away. I didn’t keep him company long, and after I awoke, I found I wasn’t sure where to go. I followed the deer I had aided before (I think it was the same) for a while, but in the end, couldn’t follow her pattern well. I need to get back into meeting new deer, don’t I? I’ve no skill for it, though… Either way, on my own, I decided to sit and watch the rain fall from atop the bridge.


I reawoke to found Oisin near, following after a fawn dear to him. I've always wished I could have seen more of him, so I thought now was as good a time as any. We encountered a deer -- The Puppeteer, maybe? I wasn't sure for a while, until I saw how he treated the fawn with him: he taunted and nuzzled, trapping the fawn between himself and a tree. It looked worrying to me, but as I stepped briefly between the two, in case it needed doing, I saw... I think, that there was... If not nothing to worry about, then nothing I could do. He didn't seem angry at the fawn, besides the taunting, and he didn't seem angry at me, after I backed away. But there was probably...More going on than I think. I don't understand all of this very well. I returned to Oisin, following another fawn. We wandered a little while, until we Payton's sleeping spot. Of all the places he could have stopped and laughed and put on what I saw as a little show for the fawn, why there?

There was no one else in the world to whom that spot meant anything special at all. It's a strange thought, but it was all I could think. He didn't know that just seeing it still makes me feel, all the sudden, very lonely; that it brings me away from all other thoughts but missing her.

I can't let Nevilly hear this, though. She wouldn't understand -- we've talked about it, and she never understood exactly. I have never stopped loving anyone I have ever cared for. I don't think I'm made for it. Even though Payton is no longer a part of my life, even though I have made my promise to Nevilly forever... I would still like to see her again. It wouldn't change the way things are now, I'm certain of that. But it would be seeing her again. And when I see where she slept, I remember that desire.

We eventually left, and wandered around for a while until the fawn said farewell. Oisin and I sat beneath a tree, and were later joined by Kaoori. We sat there, peacefully enjoying the rain. I started nodding off and decided that it may well be best to sleep for the night.

(( Seed and I (and my other deer) are, of course, beta testing the new version: apparently this is just how Seed percieves it.))
arrowdoe's picture

I was wondering how you got

I was wondering how you got your set back like that! Incredible!
I'm a little worried though- if M&A make the new version- that I won't be able to get Aleit's pelt back :c
Seed's picture

That is a little troubling...

That is a little troubling... I wonder if they'll bring some of the old halloween sets back into circulation for a bit this year, to compensate. I think that would be nice.
arrowdoe's picture

I hope so. ):

I hope so. ):
Seed's picture

It's just idle speculation, I

It's just idle speculation, I doubt it would happen, unless it got brought up or something. I bet someone could still cast it on you from an earlier version; Maybe Sluggs, he's cast from earlier versions before.

Also, added part 2.

"Oh...I apologize. I did not

"Oh...I apologize. I did not realize that spot had any meaning to you. I confess I...didn't even notice your reaction...for which I also apologize. My attention was focused on Otis. He is...dear to me, yes. I am also sorry if I seemed a bit...distant. I haven't exactly been myself lately, but I was glad to see you. I know how it is to lose someone close... So I apologize again for bringing back those memories."
Kaoori's picture

I love how words just flow

I love how words just flow from you. You write so well.
Swifttail's picture

S:...wait a second...beta

S:...wait a second...beta version? *fire flares up* Sorry about that, Duskfyre likes to set things on fire when I get my hopes up., I just like fire.

Signature/avatar are WIP.
Seed's picture

No, no, it's quite alright,

No, no, it's quite alright, Oisin. I really... I really shouldn't be so bothered by that sort of thing. I didn't exactly try and make my feelings clear -- you and he looked like you were having a good deal of fun there. I'm not angry, so don't be concerned... So that's little Otis? He seems quite nice. I've met his sister... Poor little dears. Poor you, while I'm at it. *nuzzles* It gets easier. It gets easier. *looks up at above* But it never really goes away, it just...waits. It's like a rock grinding a hole into another rock until it lodges its way in there; it hurts a lot, at first, and then things settle down and the pain goes away until the little rock gets jarred around. Or a wound that leaves a scar, which remembers itself to you when you press against it.
...I'm not sure if that's any comfort.

I...I understand. No, it

I...I understand. No, it helps, somewhat. It does become a little more bearable every day. Even though I still can't think of her without the tears returning... But I know I will be alright with time. Thank you, Seed.
Seed's picture

"I am glad, then, to offer

"I am glad, then, to offer you that little comfort. You were there for me at my weakest, so I suppose this is my best effort to repay that favor."

"Oh...when I was a fawn? I

"Oh...when I was a fawn? I didn't really understand what was going on at the time. I only knew you were sad, and I didn't want you to be sad. I'm sure my father was of more help than I."
Seed's picture

"True, that's to be expected

"True, that's to be expected -- your father has been more help to me than any other... But your actions were your own, and they mattered on their own."

"Ah, you are right, I

"Ah, you are right, I suppose." *gives a small smile* "Thank you. Again."