z.m123's blog

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Rate the picture above you!

The rules are simple, rate the profile picture above you from a scale 1-10 (1/10)

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Today: Screenie editing

Warnings: Music

z.m123's picture

Woot, art!

Image heavy?

z.m123's picture

A really nice pokèmon quizzz

When you're finished, post your result!

Here's mine;

It fits, my friend approves it xD
z.m123's picture

Embed help?

So, I want to embed a YouTube video in one of my deer's bios. I know how to do it BUT, suddenly I noticed that the embed button isn't there o:
z.m123's picture

How do you {bout CSS}

Round the edges on a div box?
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Don't push me |Zeeze| I'm close to the edge

Read more
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Taking a break from the forest.

I'll wait until this will cool down, before I go in forest. I may come with one of my 'no skull-masked' deer.
z.m123's picture

A cheer up for you guys

Yeah, I dunno' if anybody else had an incredibly terrible tuesday like me, but anyway, something for laughs c:
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