phantomhelsing's blog

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(lol I'm sure no one remembers who this is by now)

How long's it been? meh, I no longer care Sticking out tongue

Just thought I'd be a pain and poke my head in over here to see what's going on. Not much, same stuff.

I probably will not be active on here anymore, I actually haven't even re-downloaded the game on my computer :/ But this place dissappoints me now. Too much has changed for the worst i think, and a good portion of my friends either left or are ignoring me. Maybe I'll get active again when I have the time. Right now, I have a lot to do.

I got invited to join an Original Character Tournament on deviant art, where you basically take one of your characters and beat the crap out of other people's characters in a creative and aesthetically pleasing way. And that's where Lier went. He apparently isn't welcome here anymore and I always had better plans for him. so hah. he wins.

i know I owe some of you some trades, and yes, I WILL keep my word, it may just take awhile. I have college to think about as well and building up my portfolio as a digital artist. It's going to help for when I transfer to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in the summer. not to mention the 11 pages of the tournament audtion that are calling my name >>

If I do become fully active again, I want to start over. and I'll just keep atiq and Silas, because atiq is my baby and silas is interesting. I'll think about Elani. Adel and Lier were failures.

It actually hurts to come back here, because i know that it will never be the same again, because people will be people; they will fight, refuse to reconcile, and generally mess things up. i know they are capable of fixing things, but it's rather hard on the net. I used to not doubt the ability of this place being able to do so, but now I'm not so sure.

i'm EXTREMELY active on deviantart, so feel free to check me out there. and you're always free to e-mail me to chat:
phantomhelsing's picture



For the first time in forever I am posting stuff on the net from my own computer. Everything is finally working like it should and I can actually use the comp to work and fool around on again.

I am finally here to stay T^T

Later on I'll ask to get someone to help with Nocturne's set again and I'll let him in the forest. (yes for the first time in forever I'll be in the Forest)

See ya guys later.
phantomhelsing's picture

So awesome it hurts......

M'kay kidlets, I am back from my trip to New Orleans/Jacksonville and it was soooooo awesome.

When I get some pictures developed I'll upload a few to tell you about New Orleans, but for now I just wanted to let you know that I'm back, feel free to fill me in on anything that I missed.

More good news, in a week I move back in with my parents and hopefully (more than likely,actually) my computer will pick up internet again and I can have the forest back up and running.

But why my awesomeness I fell asleep at the pool and got burned pretty bad, but now it's a rocking tan. But the kicker is that I crashed a scooter and tore my foot open, yay 8D Lol but it was actually kinda funny cuz when I crashed I jumped back up and went, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!.........ow......hey look my foot is bleeding." everyone was all panicky and D8 and I was laughing.......then I was told that I "had some balls" as I bandaged it. It still kinda hurts to walk on it, but it's better. Lol, though I did get some stares at the airport yesterday as I limped around XD
phantomhelsing's picture

Updates 6/29/09 Location change (again) and Art Status

(All the way at the bottom is my art status)

Okay, really quick because the internet connection might die any second:

Last night in a split second descision, I decided to visit my parents at my grandfather's old house in Cumberland, Maryland. This is where they will move into while I'm at college. It's really old and needs fixing, and right now it's completly empty. Nothing......blank. We have an airmattress, a tv, and two camp chairs. Since this was at the last minute at my niece's party that I decided to come, I don't have any clothes or anything. so yeah...but it's not like I haven't had to do worse XD

But the stupid moving company we hired is being retarded and not moving our stuff directly here like they promised, so it's lost in some warehouse where God knows what's been happening to it. That is making me not happy, I have some very personal, very fragile things there, that mean a lot to me. If they do anything to some personal stuff of ours, someone's getting their ass kicked >:C

But I finally got to see my kitty again, though he's pissed because he can't go outside yet, but he enjoys the screened-in porch for now.

The only other thing that got me really mad, was the tenant that we rented this place to. This house is where I practically grew up. I watched as my grandfather built the porch, re-did the outside of the house, and plant the beautiful gardens out back where we would watch the birds all the time. It's very small here, but my grandfather was so proud of it, and him and I were close. He was an artist too, he taught me most of what I know now. I can count the number of times I'd come here and there'd be a new pack of Crayola colored pencils and a sketch pad laying on the table for me to practice in. He'd take me out on the back porch and we'd draw together.
phantomhelsing's picture

Anyone wanna do an art trade?

Cato is bored and needs amusement.......and she has a drawing itch.

But just one trade......maybe later I'll take a few more.

It can be anything, any can sorta do people...they look good enough.......but no machines.....and no really lovey-dovey mushy stuff, I'm not terribly great at that. Other than limits.

Whoever I trade with, for your half you may look through
my gallery and whatever character I claim as my own you may draw and you may reresent them any way that you wish.

You don't need to make it highly detailed, I may do so with yours but that's just cuz I'm bored and I can't help it ^^;

Ready....set....go! first come first serve!
phantomhelsing's picture

Random Updates


uhhh....I guess nothing new is going on. Just trying to be active. Still don't have access to anything that could possibly help me be active >:/ I've gone into art withdrawl.

Today me and my friend spent most of the day playing Kingdom For how old it is, it can be quite amusing. *never got to play it before* But I'm still holding out for Prototype. I went to the mall earlier and passed by Gamestop, and after oggling at the cardboard cut-out advertising it, I went in to stare pathetically at what I cannot afford/ play because I have the wrong console. The fact that it gets released on PC makes me feel so much better.

Oh I also got a book that looks promising: The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks. Can't wait to start it.

Ummm....what else.....tomorrow I go back to my aunt's for awhile. I might be able to use her computer to do stuff until I work on mine, but I'm not sure yet. So if I disappear again it's because I can't access a computer.

Uhh....that's it. Unless you'd like some videos to amuse you? Or some funny pictures? Sorry about letting my random stuff of the week die, I was busy, but I can start it up again. Hopefully it will have made clicking on this semi worth your while.

[center] Okay, first up is the first song from the 10th anniversary "Dream Cast" of Les Miserables, the musical version. I LOVE this enjoy or face my wrath.

phantomhelsing's picture


phantomhelsing's picture

V i r u s

Computer has virus. Cannot get it to load. Can come on office computer for short amounts of time. Slow connection, has trouble handling the site. Not sure when it will be fixed.

phantomhelsing's picture

Random Stuff of the Week

[EDIT] Oops, sorry. Double post ftw.

I know this is also in my updates, but I want to make this a main blog too. Just cause. From now on, these things will stay up from Sunday until Saturday, and I will replace it with a new one. I find all sorts of random and amusing things but I have no one to share them with, so I decided to put it here.

"I'm going to start putting up a random video/picture of the week (or whenever I update)just because we all get in a funk and I find that random, amusing crap will help. I will not put up anything inappropriate or that will scare anyone. Just funny or inspiring things, maybe even a movie trailer or something. So enjoy."

_____Cato's Random Stuff of the Week______
phantomhelsing's picture

Random Stuff of the Week

[bumped........this is an all week thing, having buried isn't going to help now is it?]

I know this is also in my updates, but I want to make this a main blog too. Just cause. From now on, these things will stay up from Sunday until Saturday, and I will replace it with a new one. I find all sorts of random and amusing things but I have no one to share them with, so I decided to put it here.

"I'm going to start putting up a random video/picture of the week (or whenever I update)just because we all get in a funk and I find that random, amusing crap will help. I will not put up anything inappropriate or that will scare anyone. Just funny or inspiring things, maybe even a movie trailer or something. So enjoy."

_____Cato's Random Stuff of the Week______
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