phantomhelsing's blog

phantomhelsing's picture

Lol, who's really gonna click this?

not many probably................oh well.

hypocrites. Complain about groups in the forest and yet you stick to your own groups here................or maybe I'm just paranoid.

ANYWHO. To the point Cato, remember what you were writing about.........

ah yes. *ahem*


UGH I've been sooooooooooo busy with freaking school. I try to be on here, but whenever I have a free moment is the time when no one else does. So I try to be here and talk to you guys but I barely have enough time or energy to even just pull up the site. I REALLY want back n, but I'm being kept from it. I've been exhausted, I can't even catch up on sleep on weekends because there is always something I have to do. I almost blacked out and slept ON TOP OF A DRAWING I was in the middle of doing for AP Studio. If only it wasn't so dark in there.

I'm really trying to be here for you guys, I want to be here, but can't. Then there's the issues going around that I'm glad I'm missing out on, sorta, a read them but don't have time to respond. So I will now.
phantomhelsing's picture

Gotta love them surveys.............


As part of my homework, I was required to take a political survey to see what my "Political Ideology" was. (lol, thank you AP Government) it was one of those surveys where it says a statement and you have to either agree or disagree with it.

well this one statement was just awesome:

totally true.


these past few, discussion sheets, math work

and sketchbook assignments. UGH I loathe them the most. IT'S THE SAME THING I DO IN CLASS EVERY DAY. ALL DAY. THE ENTIRE YEAR. Then to go home and do the same thing for 3 hours...............CATO NEEDS DIVERSITY.........well it's done now, so I'm good. UNTIL THE NEXT ONE THAT IS 8D
phantomhelsing's picture

Oh deer (ha, get it?)

[EDIT PART DOS] checked in MS Word, this thing is like, 3 1/2 pages long XD thank you all who actually read it for reading all of it <3


bad pun, whatever.

But yeah, since this has seemed to get people all "ohnoesdramamongersaaaahhhhhhhhhD:<"
I think I'll put an end to it since this has gotten to a point where it needs to end.

I apologize up front for any colorful language or if something is hurtful. It isn't meant to be, there just won't be any beating around the bush.

And Cato has been in a cranky mood today for a number of school related reasons.

Usually I am a very laid back, go with the flow, no stress kinda person. Easy to get along with, nice person to be around. You've all known me here, there to comfort when needed, funny and good humored to bring up the community mood if I could.

But here is where you will know the other side of me, one that I am too polite to show the general public. I can be blunt, sarcastic, sadistic, creepy, and a complete smart-ass. And I always abide by the Golden Rule: treat others how you want to be treated. Don't care if you agree with that or not, because frankly, my give-a-damn is effin' busted, and the repairman is being lazy. You can either like my views, or you can disagree with them. but no amount of anyone's arguing and flaming will ever get me to change them, just as I will never try to change yours. Just as the great Voltaire once said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Anywho, back to where I was going with the Golden Rule. Since this topic has been greeted with some rather rude remarks, I'll be blunt back. Just as I will be kind to those who are handling this like mature people.
phantomhelsing's picture

Funny quiz-a-ma-thing

I found this buried in my documents from wherever I discovered it a few months back, and I thought I'd complete it and share the hilarity with you. You may do this if you wish.

Go to Google and type in your first name and the phrase. Copy and paste the first sentence/phrase you get that makes sense. [Or that is awesome. :B]

Q: Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search.
A: “Cato was very lucky to be rescued, as he would not have survived much longer living on the streets with diabetes. Cato’s first vet visit indicated he was a very sick cat with dangerously high blood glucose levels. Because Cato needed insulin twice a day and special food, the MEOW shelter was not the best place he could be. Although the volunteers learned to administer insulin, Cato desperately needed a foster parent. Because of the fear of Cato's needs, no one turned up to take care of him. Thankfully a kind hearted volunteer took him in but unfortunately it did not work out.” (So we finally know Cato’s back story, though they seem to have my gender confused…………..*sings* It’s a hard knock life……X3)

Q: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search.
A: : “Looks like Cato June's real jersey - and at a great price!” (I’m not cheap, but I’m a great value ;P)

Q: Type in "[your name] says" in Google search.
A: “Cato says quit whining about manufacturing decline.” (It’s getting so freaking annoying.)
Q: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search.
A: “Joe Cato wants the use of universal keys to end.” (They are so hard to find! Especially when they get stuck in a black hole.)

Q: Type in "[your name] does" in Google search.
A: “Murdoch illustrates that Cato does not shift exclusively to ‘normal sexual behavior.’” (Why would I want to do that?)

Q: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search.
A: “Cato hates it. Heritage Foundation loves it.” (THEY CONTRADICT ME ON EVERYTHING!!! >:[ )
phantomhelsing's picture

I need help deciding...............

what antlers I want for Lier when he grows up.

I know it's a little early but when his stag day is here I don't want to be wondering what to give him because I waited until the last minute.

Lier is based off of one of my personal characters, this guy:

So I wanted to see how well I could match his design in the forest. I decided that the Secretary Bird pelt would be best, along with the Venetian Carnival mask. But I'm stuck on the antlers. Any ideas?
phantomhelsing's picture

Ah screw it I'll join in

Okay I wasn't going to do this because everyone else was............I go against the quiet..................................but I decided, eh what the hay, I'll hop on the bandwagon, however belatedly XD

So, go on, ask me any three questions. About anything, about me, Atiq, any of my other characters that I may have, whatever. I will answer it.
phantomhelsing's picture



leave me in the dark..................I don't think so! I have a generator C:<

..............I'm still mad at you though....................I can't take a shower.................and I'm going insane because of the silence.....................................someone help me find my sanity, I think it ran away :C
phantomhelsing's picture

Cavalier's first day..............

was least to him.

He hung out by the Pond all day, being where his brother left him and told him not to wander off too far. (Atiq's a worry-wart, what can i say?) So Lier actually obeyed for once.

So he lounged about but got rather bored, so he started to wade around in the water. well he discovered that if he went deep enough, he would turn into a frog! So he amused himself that way for awhile. Then he met a group of other fawns and played with them and casted spells with them.

In the midst of all the Frivolity he wandered a little too far and got himself lost. He called out frantically, unsure of where to go. Then he remembered what Atiq told him, that if you're lost, just stay where you are and wait for someone to come find you. Well that someone was 21, she and and another deer found him and led him back to the pond. Where his ordeal was soon forgotten.

He met a nice little fawn named Shyla, who was scared of all the big stags. So he put on his brave face and tried to fend them off. Then a doe named Wyvern came along. Shyla seemed to like this doe so Cavalier felt okay about following her.

Then more big, scary stags. Lier noticed Wyvern fending them off as well so he joined her. Shyla spotted a patch of butterflies and wanted Lier to come join her. He was a little scared though. He didn't want to get lost again. It was just a few steps anyways.

After lots more frolicking and scaring off stags, Cavalier grew sleepy and needed a nice nap.


Cavalier is very new and slightly afraid and wary of the new world around him. He wants to explore but is afraid of leaving the Pond. He really wants Atiq beside him to take him exploring. He probably won't leave until a big, strong adult took him XD
phantomhelsing's picture

The Goings on in Cato's Strange World

well, a lot of stuff has happened all at once, first and foremost being that school started today.


But the freaking school system messed up my schedule real bad. And after a few hours that made me get sooooooooooooooo pissed off at the fact that someone could mess up so horribly and I had no idea, we got something. It actually turned out alright. I get to drop AP Bio (yeah!) and replace it with Photo 1 , and for my A4 class I get to do independent study to supplement my AP Drawing/Painting Portfolio class. Which Basically means, I get to does awesome fun projects in photoshop that I would normally do with my free time anyway. So that turned out awesome.

And also..........................MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!! came up so fast..............I'M GOING TO BE FREAKING 17!!! GAH I FEEL SO OLD. Oh I'm allowed into R rated movies.........I didn't know that but someone felt the need to tell me that.

And also.............Atiq is leaving the Forest. Not for long mind you, don't panic. He just needs a little vacation, see some old friends that he has not seen in a long time. He might pop in every once in a while to say hi, but he's gone for a little bit. He would have said bye himself but he was going to miss his flight and I had school so...................But he told me that he'd miss you and that he'd see you soon.

And that he wanted you to meet his adopted little brother.

Introducing: Cavalier! ...................who is actually based off of one of my personal characters. I just liked him enough that I wanted to bring him over here XD So welcome the little fawn and be kind to him C:

I'll update with his picto later, but he's entering the forest soon, so look for him!


Cavalier's picto is here: look for him please! <3
phantomhelsing's picture

Lacey, here's your screenies and important update


Here are the screenshots. I'm not the best, but I picked out the best ones. Choose what you like and make sure you submit them by tomorrow!

and also, all this week i will NOT be here during the day. I volunteer at horse camp and I will be out from 8 to 5 everyday doing ranch work. I will be home in the evenings but who knows how dead I will be XD

and also, my birthday is only 9 days away! It makes me sad because I will be in school, and i have no friends down here to celebrate with :C So this probably won't be too fun X3 And I'll be a senior, and that scares me........................
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