MagicHats's blog

Personal directory

Absolutely useless

at CSS coding.

I've been looking and fiddling with codes to make a little personal blog/character hub and a somewhat nicer CSS code for my recently adopted character's bio and I'm simply CSS challenged. Can't get anything to work well even with changing the input. I seem to be pretty good at breaking code rather than making code. I think i'll try fiddling around with some of the free CSS codes that are floating around.

Forgive me(Brynja) for being so blind

The new and improved Brynja blog once it's done with testing. It's all under cut. Note that this character is roleplayed strictly in character and if you have a problem with her please contact me privately somehow.

Story/plots and dropbox

I hate to bother the community with these questions but I just want to know if it's okay to do stories/plots for characters without the fancy coding layouts(I'd like coding sure but i'm not adept at that at all. Not asking for it but just out of curiosity really).

And also is dropbox any good? I've been thinking about switching out what I use for my photo uploading and it would be nice to find a good one that;s better than photobucket. Any suggestions for it/is dropbox any good?

Picto deletion

Do you suppose they delete pictograms? Or do they lay around if inactive forever?And what about those that come from invalid email addresses?

I'm just curious since I know for a while there was a problem about there being to many picto's and while i'm not quite asking for picto's to be deleted I was wondering what happens to those inactive ones. I tried to create one more account and the activation email got sent to an invalid email address by accident due to a weird keyboard. Would you suppose M&A would help me resolve that issue if I were to email them about it(the fact that it got sent to an invalid email)?

Bang Bang[Kal'ghai] 'Cause the needle's in the red

Css stuff below cut. May be a mess.Note that this character is roleplayed strictly in character and if you have a problem with him please contact me privately somehow.

Magic's art blog

I shall put my arts here rather than spamming the picture categories. Art is below the cut

Brynja Interaction blog

Since I'd like to get some interaction going for her before the summer's up at least. Her bio's in my signature and it should have at least some useful info for interactions.Bear in mind she's somewhat blind(kinda-sorta), so she's going to be a bit different in how she reacts to others, and she's also a bit shy. I'd really appreciate it if some people could interact with her so I can get her character a bit more fleshed out than it already is. As much as I'd like for her plot/story to start, i'd like her to at least have a decent amount of interaction under her metaphorical belt.

So if you want to RP with me and Brynja , this is a good spot to do it. I'll even put in a few starting paragraphs for her here to work off of(this is taking into perspective that she just appeared in the forest not to long ago).

The dark purple doe sat in the shade of the trees, deep in thought. She was curled up right next to a rather large tree in the shade, and it was close to the pond. The doe almost appeared to be sleeping, but one wouldn't know for sure with the hands on her face keeping her eyes almost completely covered and shut. She sat there pondering about how she had managed to make it to the forest, and to her it seemed like she had just literally ran into it. She didn't know for sure because she ran off in a random direction and then hoped it would have lost her pursuer. She had kept her eyes pinned shut after a few moments of running, causing more uncertainty to arise in her. Was she lost? Either way it didn't matter because she couldn't go home, not after that.

As she laid there she felt quite relaxed, listening to the chirping of birds and the croaking of frogs. Her long but slim tail wrapping around her body like a protective blanket of some sort gave her little comfort. She was nervous.

Other deer games?

Do any of you guys play other games with deer characters? I'm just curious because there aren't many other deer games that I know of besides cervideer and that's still in alpha/beta. And that's for games centered around deer.

Quick question

I can't believe I forgot how to do this but how to you get the screenshots out of the game?(like when you take them how do you get them from there?)
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