Iaurdagnire's blog

Iaurdagnire's picture

II: Ender | Autumn

Iaurdagnire's picture

I: Duty | Autumn

Iaurdagnire's picture

III: Mountain Masquerade | Summer

Iaurdagnire's picture

II: Ignite | Summer

Iaurdagnire's picture

I: Fissure | Summer

Iaurdagnire's picture

It's officially the 16th.

This blog is a birthday gift to me.


Edit: The grand total of 4 birthday cards suck compare to this thread <3 More cake! I don't have a birthday cake in RL :c haha <3
Iaurdagnire's picture

IV: Oblivion | Spring

Iaurdagnire's picture

III: Colossus | Spring

Iaurdagnire's picture

II: Thunderclap | Spring

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