hmarmstrong's blog

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How's it goin'?^^

I was jus a wonderin what you guys were all up to because I haven't been on in a while. I've been real busy with work in stuff, but I wanna hear what you guys's storys are, besides, i did see some really cool pictures on the front page. How do yu do edits like that, because, its pretty impressive. It probably take me weeks to do one picture with those fantastic edits! I'm just sayin, that's really sometin ya'll are doin there. Just wanted to say hi, oh, and keep up the fantastic ART, because it's AMAZING!!
hmarmstrong's picture

FUN 0_______0

I just thought that i would explain how my weekend was. It was soooo much FUN. Marilasd and Splinters went with me because were really close friends. We went to my grandma's house and we built a fort out of tumble weeds. The reason we made this fort, was because we were playing TEF live, where we were the deer. Splinters and I love to fish, and my grandma lives right next to the snake river. We have our own dock and everything down there, but we didn't have boots to walk through the flooded shore. The water was soooo high, so high that it went up to my knees, even on shore.
hmarmstrong's picture

ooooooOOOOOOoooo...i would like a pic of my deer drawn for me. PLEASE!

:-)I was just a wondering if you could make a pic. of my deer for me. I would love it if trigger made one for me..Or even Kaoori! I just love Kaoori's art! I just a wonderin if anyone could draw me one. I would be happy if anyone would. Thanks!
hmarmstrong's picture

Excited! >3

I really don't know why I am so excited right now. Sometimes I can be really down, but OOOOO! I just figured it out! Christmas Is comming! I am sooooo happy! (sorry, getting off topic a little) < but I wonder, does TEF celebrate christmas? Just curious because I'd like to be playing the game when the partys on!

uuuuuuuuu. I do buddy!
hmarmstrong's picture

Licor's Bio

Licor is shy, temperative, and lovable
When you approach for the first time (when she doesn't know you) than don't expect kindness
Licor gets angrey when you startle her
Don't annoy her.not good thats another thing that makes her really mad (easy to annoy her)
Loves to sleep
Doesn't follow other deer that she doesn't know
She doesn't like to approach any deer (even if she does know them)
Likes to be alone (most of the time)
Loves to drink and eat
Got attitude (sometimes rude)

She may be defensive of her territory
Horrible annoyance problems (may act annoyed)
Brags about beating other deer in fights (self centered)
Stubborn a lot (may not be friends with your deer, even if you act friendly)
May paw the ground (means to follow her)
If you don't follow...then she will be mad, or keep on trying)
Might feel like hanging out with popular deer (laying down with a group) doesn't do often
Gets paws the ground a lot and fights with almost every deer she meets

DESCRIPTION(looks like...)
Licor has a skull mask with a red X on the right side of her eyebrow.
hmarmstrong's picture

3.4 new version mini pelts

How do you save your mini deer's pelt now that we have the new version? I would like some nice steps please!

hmarmstrong's picture


I just got my dream on the endless forest today! This is the first time I've ever seen the BZD in the game before and I am soooooo happy that I finally can have a skull mask! but, does the zombie deer ever get up and walk around? I would find that really cool if that would happen. that was soooooooooo AWSOME!! soorry...sometimes I freak out a little to much about a little thing like this. I just think its soooooo cool! OH I totally forgot! THANKEE chickenwhite for the adoptable! Its so cute and adorable! I'll have it on my account in no time!

hmarmstrong's picture

Everyone needs buddys:)

I am just kinda sad that like, no one ever hangs with me on the game. I was just a wonderin...well...if one of you would treat me like I belong too. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, its just that I would feel a lot better.

hmarmstrong's picture

Totally rad! Totally deer

I just totally love the pic. splinters made me! ITS SOOO TOTALLY RAD! i just had to reply to that awsome WORK OF ARTzzz! anyway I was on the game and this deer was acting really weird and gave me the halloween pelt before holloween, in fact, he or she gave me the whole set to it! I really wanted to thank you for that,

hmarmstrong's picture

How to...UH/?

I just need help knowing how to take pic. s of the game. Like when your on the game. HOW Do you take pic. s of what you and other dear are doing? QUICK QUESTION* tee hee.,m
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