fayne's blog

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Understanding my deer

-If he shoves his antlers into your face, it's just his way of saying 'tone down teh silleez'.

-She doesn't like buttonmashing, so don't be offended if she leaves a group of deer doing so.
-If she does a lot of running in circles and sad emoting, she's missing Trance. =C

-If she nuzzles/bows/laughs and then nods at you, and then laughs...she wants to have your babies. o.0

-Don't be offended if he acts aloof. That's just how he is.
-If he puts down his sexy antlers, he's telling you that you're in his personal bubble. i.e. BACK OFF MAN.

-She does a lot of laughing. On a good day, you'll see her laughing and nuzzling, and things of that nature. Otherwise...she'll be laughing even more, rearing, and running around randomly. You should RUN.

-If _________ jumps onto the biggest Playground rock, rears, bellows and nods at you, and then jumps down, it's his/her way of saying 'PHOTOSHOOT TIEMZ.'
-If ____________ goes down into the pit at the Ruins or the river and bellows a lot, same thing.
-If any of them do the sad emote over and over or run away a lot, give them a nuzzle. I'm feeling down. =(
fayne's picture

Loop's first Abio!

Because Naire's a faggot, and because Loop needed the skull mask, I decided to bring her into the Abio today. =) Her set wouldn't load, but she got some fantastic Halloween antlers, so it's good. We saw Quamar, Squeegie, Jendeer, Magnet and quite a few others, haha. Afterwards, Loop decided to lay down next to 21 and was immediately attacked by Walter, despite her peacemaking efforts. -_- Grumpy little wart. And now she's asleep next to 21. Great. I'm gonna go eat some spaghetti tacos.
fayne's picture

New friend, set help, and story update.

First of all, please welcome my buddy Maple to the community! She's...a buttface. With an ancient computer. But oh well.
I still need help getting sets! Just two, haha - one for Loop and One for Corsair. If you can help, let me know!
And last, about the story. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get the next chapter in. My friend's gonna be here from 9 to 5 tomorrow, and then we have the pool party, of course. So maybe Wednesday or Thursday morning.
I have a wierd schedule. -_-
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[edit] Okay, could I have some more help? Since Loop likes to camoflague herself, she needs...four more sets, as well as the skull mask for her first one. Oi. XD And Corsair needs his. If you can help me, I'll come onto the Forest and meet up with you.
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Twisted Eternity - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Returning

"Well, what are we going to do about it?"

This was Seele's quiet voice, and not the first of many similar questions. Aeros and Vipin stood in front of the rest of the mob of deer. Many had worried expressions, and those that had known Tabithaaa wore expressions of shock. Vipin was stone-faced, but Aeros spoke out calmly. "We cannot hide from this. If we ignore it, some fawns will eventually cross that barrier, and who knows if they'll come out in one piece?"

Vipin finally spoke up. "It's my opinion that..ehem...we should send out a group to investigate the death." A general outcry greeted this. Taliene, Jared and Rutilus roared in unison to quiet the crowd. Vipin nodded appreciatively as Aeros continued. "Vipin and I have decided not to continue on this venture. However, any other adult deer may volunteer. Are there any who wish to go along?"

Most were silent, but he could pick out a few bellows. Rutilus was the first, his loud call echoing around the Oak. Vipin smiled at him as he stepped forward. Toukan was next, murmuring that he did not want any more of his friends to die. Swiftkill, a younger doe, followed, and Loop trailed after her. "You're my friend, but if we die, I'll kill you,' she muttered. Corsair gracefully slid into line after his sister. Lastly, Aspen stepped into place with her head held high. Vipin's expression turned into a worried one. "Asp - "

"Shut up, Vip. I'm going." She was final. The young stag bit his lip, but Aeros nodded. "Very well. I see that this is all the help we will get...go."

Together, the seven of them sped off into the dawn.
It took them very little time to reach the Triangle, and all were silent along the way. When they approached the three stones, all skidded to a halt. After a moment, Aspen broke the silence. "Oh, this is stupid. We can't just stand here! Come on!"

Together, they stepped inside the borders, and were plunged into blackness.
fayne's picture

Moods and things.

It's easier to keep this in one post. Idea stolen from Her, sorry! D:

Aeros (Music fit for a storyteller)
Is wandering around: Lands beyound the Forest
Is in the forest? Not quite
Is: A quiet stag
Feels: Tired, but content
Is believed to be: A Legend-Keeper
Prefers to be seen in: The Orca pelt, the Long mask, and poppied antlers

Naire (The tune of a self-proclaimed queen)
Is wandering around: A wet log
Is in the forest? Not now
Is: an annoying antlerdoe
Feels: Like she drank too much last night
Is believed to be: A Nuisance with a crush
Prefers to be seen in: The Gray Pelt, the Great Forest Spirit mask, and the Real Deer antlers

Corsair (Cocktail-party songs)
Is wandering around: The darkest patch in the Forest, celebrating with chicks
Is in the forest? Unfortunately not
Is: A handsome stag
Feels: Regal
Is believed to be: A gentleman
Prefers to be seen in: The Starry Night pelt and the Curved Golden antlers

Loop (A fox's lullaby)
Is wandering around: The pond, dancing with Walter and Seed
Is in the forest? Yep
Is: A sly doe
Feels: Exhausted and elated at the same time
Is believed to be: A vixen
Prefers to be seen in: The Kirin pelt, the Real Deer mask, and the MG feathers / the golden MG pelt, the Real Deer mask, and the red elk antlers

Tunafish (Rythm's her middle name)
Is wandering around: My kitchen
Is in the forest? She's in my house, moron
Is: a confused girlfawn
Feels: Bored
Is believed to be: A pirate / artist / writer
Prefers to be seen in: The Orca pelt, the Skull mask, and the MG feathers, when she's full-grown
fayne's picture

Twisted Eternity - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - The First Patrol

Aeros was silent as he led the others to their destination. He walked with purpose, his head high and his ears perked. The deer behind him were nervous. Their ears twitched, and their legs were tense with every step. Quamar was the only one still lighthearted. "It's all a joke," he told them loudly. "That little booger's probably crying with laughter right now at us. And what's worse, we're missing the rest of the party!"

"Shut up, you," Atiq snapped. "You've got no idea if he was telling the truth or not!" Quamar glared at him, but fell silent anyways. Loop rolled her eyes as she passed them. "You two are fighting like a pair of fawns. Cool down." She moved up next to Toukan and Vipin, who were padding along in silence. Toukan jerked his antlers in acknowledgement of her. The doe glanced at Aeros before whispering, "What will we do if Lightfoot was right? If someone's dead?"

Vipin looked at her with a serious expression. "Who knows? We haven't dealt with deaths in the Forest for a hundred years or so. Not even with Walter!" He frowned. "I'm not so sure about this. If this was the Triangle, who's to say it won't..."

"It won't." This came from Toukan. "Lieka won't let it." He sighed. "We'll see."
And they saw.

As soon as they topped the last hill, Atiq let out a terrified bellow. For inside the three familiar stones lay Tabithaaa - or what was left of her.

Vipin, Loop, and Aeros all charged down the hill at once, with the others following close behind. Vipin was the first to reach the doe's body. Biting his lip hard, he circled around her. Most of her flesh was torn away, and the entirety of her skull and antlers were nowhere to be seen. Aeros looked long and hard at the body before trotting off. Loop watched him go, doing her best to comfort Atiq and avoid looking at the body. "What's he doing?", she whispered to Toukan.

"Digging a hole for the body."

fayne's picture

Twisted Eternity - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - In the Eyes of a Fawn

Emiva stopped talking and looked around. "What's that?," she asked. Corsair followed her eyes, and squinted. A dark shape was flying towards the gathering, two candles atop its head. Loop pricked her ears. "I think it's...a fawn?"

Indeed, it was. The little creature's name was Lightfoot, and he was scared out of his wits. Careening to a stop next to Vipin, he let out a stream of terrified noises and garbled speach. Vipin stared at the fawn for a moment. A lightbulb went off in his head, and he nudged the child sharply with an antler. "Slow down! What's going on?"

Lightfoot stared at him in horror. "I-I saw a lady sleeping in the rocks Twenty-one always told us not to go in, and she wasn't there anymore! And when I came back later, she didn't have her head!"

By this time, Aeros had trotted over. He smiled reassuringly at Lightfoot, even though his face was hidden behind his long mask. "Where did you see this...lady without a head?", he asked. The fawn's lip quivered. "At the Playground." Vipin smiled. "Okay, child. You go play with the other fawns here for a while. We'll go look for the lady's head." He grinned and nuzzled the little thing. Lightfoot sniffed, nodded, and ran to join the others. As soon as he was out of earhsot, Vipin's exoression turned grave. "What do you suppose is going on, old one?"

Aeros shrugged. "Who knows. The little one may be playing a game. Then again, maybe not." He glanced around. "You and I will go look in the Triangle. Find atiq, Toukan and Quamar. They'll come with us." The younger stag nodded and padded off. Aeros sighed, then looked around. "Loop!", he called.

The doe was beside him like she had been there the entire time - another little trick of hers. "Yes?"

"I want you to come with us. Lightfoot told Vipin and I that a deer was killed."


He paused. "I think it was in the Triangle."
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Nevermind. XD
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I need to draw but I have no inspiration, poopit. SUGGESTIONS PLEASE? 8DDD
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