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Twisted Eternity - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Off With Their Heads

Loop blinked fiercely as the harsh sunlight burned her eyes. Swiftkill shook her head and looked around nervously. "Look..."

It was the forest...or, at least, what was left of it. The sunlight was tinged red, and everywhere the trees were burned and blackened with soot. Even the Pond was dried up, and the ground was charred and littered with what looked to be boulders. Hesitantly, the two does approached one. A ray of sunlight hit it as they got closer, and Loop gasped.

It was Quamar's body, charred nearly beyond recognition. Swiftkill looked around wildly, and identified others in a shaky voice. "Walter...21...Trois...what happened?" Loop bit her lip, and tried to sound more confident then she felt upon answering. "Nothing happened. It's an illusion. Theyre'''trying to trick us." She blinked back the tears coming to her eyes and glanced around, looking for a way out. Immediately her eyes went to the Twin Gods statues.

They were gone. All that remained were sear marks and a crumbling stone base. Loop let out a breath and backed up, her ears back in fear. "There's no way this is home," she whispered. "We have to get out, now." Swiftkill nodded and guided her friend's eyes away, towards the crying idol. "Look."

It, at least, was normal, but defecit of the water it usually poured from it's eyes. At the very least, Lieka had been able to pinpoint their escape route. Swiftkill sighed and darted towards it, with Loop following.

But they didn't get very far. Four huge vines shot from the ground and wrapped themselves around Loop, dragging her away. Swiftkill screamed and pounded at the black plants, but within moments the older doe was gone. Swift scrabbled at the ground with her hooves in desperation, but was forced to jump away as more vines appeared. Dashing madly for the Idol, one caught hold of her hoof. Still, the adrenaline in her body was pumping so hard that the doe mad a last, desperate leap -
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Thanks, guys. :3

Fledermaus, Adagio, thanks so much for helping me get my set back. ^^ I've been having wonky thinks happening, and I keep losing it. I really appreciate your help.
fayne's picture


Feels: Cheerful
Is wandering around: The Twin Gods statues
Is in the Forest? No
Is: A wise stag
Is dressed in: Orca pelt, Poppied antlers, Long mask

Feels: Mournful
Is wandering around: The Blue Bowl
Is in the Forest? No
Is: A sly doe
Is dressed in: Peacock feathers, Real Deer mask, and Kirin pelt

Feels: Light
Is wandering around: The Ruins
Is in the Forest? Yes
Is: A happy girlfawn
Is dressed in: nothing

Feels: Longing
Is wandering around: The worlds beyond the Forest
Is in the Forest? No
Is: A lonely boyfawn
Is dressed in: nothing

Feels: Giddy
Is wandering around: A hot place
Is in the Forest? No
Is: A strange girlfawn
Is dressed in: nothing
fayne's picture

New Bios

Name: Aeros
Age: older adult
Gender: Stag
Picto: Here!
How to Remember: it looks like a tree on a ski. 8D
Set(s): Orca pelt, Long mask, and poppies in his antlers.
Build: Small for his age, but with a big chest.
Personality: Aeros is typically calm and quiet. He's not exactly what you would call outgoing, but he does enjoy making friends, and he's extremely polite. He's got a level head and he doesn't like fighting, even going so far as being severely injured because he refused. XD
Favorite Pastimes: Telling fawns stories, or just walking through the forest and looking for beauty.
Favorite Locations: By the Twin Gods or in the Ruins
Other: If he shoves his antlers in your face, he's just telling you to tone down teh silliez. 8DDDD And he loves to tell stories, so if he lays down, he's saying something. Or I might just be taking a break. 0.o
Pictures: The Storyteller
Songs: Never-ending story - Within Temptation

Name: Silken
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Doe (fawn until the 17th of August)
Picto: Here!
How to Remember: It looks a little like Vip's picto, to tell you the truth. 8D Just think of something soft and swirly, or bubbles, or something.
Set(s): Gray pelt, Doe antlers, Real Deer mask
Build: She's got LONG legs, which are also thin. So she can run really fast. And her neck's a bit long.
Personality: Quiet and polite most of the time, Silken's really sweet and loves making friends. She's sensible and caring, but sometimes she can get pretty emotional. She's very curious and a bit young for her age, if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Favorite Pastimes: Playing with Her. ^^ And hanging out with her other friends.
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Annihilation and new life - like 2012! Plus story news and a personal note.

No not really but I want to say something important! I did some thinkin last night and...unfortunately killed Corsair and Naire. OH WELL. They were taking up space. But two more deer are arriving in their places!
These two also have a little short story on the way, after TE is finished. Speaking of which, there are two more chapters to go, and I think I'm going to write one today. Hum. If I haven't added at least one of your deer and I said I would, let me know. (Save for whoever owns Xylia, she's coming up).
Now, on a personal level, I'm going away for 10 days on Sunday. I have to go to New York because my grandmother's getting knee surgery and my mom wants me an my sister to come, for some stupid reason I have yet to understand. My dad's staying. -_- Anyways, I'm not sure if I'll have an internet connection while I'm there. I should at my grandmother's house but after a few days we'll be going to my aunt's, and I don't know what's up there. I'm going to bring my laptop and draw, however. Never fear. C:
Move along.
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Pick a word!

Despite the insanity, this is actually quite important. CB
Fish or Delicacy?
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Twisted Eternity - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Riddles and Tales

Loop opened her eyes to darkness. The groggy doe got to her feet and blinked a few times, shaking harshly. Around her was nothing but blackness, above her, a sparkling blue 'sky'. Though there were no shadows or light, and no bottom to the hole she was standing, she found that she could walk upon the emptiness. When she at last found the strength to speak, she called out, trying not to panic. "Rutilus? Corsair?"




It was Swiftkill that leapt forth from the void and skidded in front of her. "I've been looking all over the place for you guys!", she panted. "Where's everyone?" The older doe breathed an inward sigh of relief and adressed her friend. "I...I've no idea. But we need to find them. I don't know...what's going on." Swiftkill bit her lip, but nodded. "Okay. I-I think this whole place looks the same. I don't know how big it is. But," her voice held false hope, "We'll find them! Right?"

"I sure hope so."
It felt like years before they came upon Lieka.

The Queen of Darkness was sitting amidst the blackness, her eyes closed. A qruesome humming was coming from her lips. Swiftkill's face lit up in a smile, and she tried to bolt for the doe, but Loop held her back. "Hold on. I have a feeling this is her territory. I'll go first." Cautiously she stepped forward, and called, "Lieka?"

The Queen's eyes snapped open, and the air seemed to warm. "Wha - Loop?! What are you doing here?!" Her eyebrows arched in anger. "And who's that?"

Loop winced. "We...fell in here, I think. It wasn't our doing. Where...where are we?"

Lieka flared and jumped to her feet. "You're in MY realm. The Deermuda. And you shouldn't be! Only those who -" She stopped, snorted, and gained control of herself. "Listen. I wish I could help you get out. But I can't...not now." Loop cocked her head, fear creeping into her mind. "Why not? Don't you know how?"
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For some reason, not a single deer in the forest has acknowledged me since I got on this morning. It isn't pleasant. -_- Just venting, I suppose. You can ignore this if you want.
I've had a bad week.
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Abio album!

I refuse to use the letter that comes after O because it will take a screenshot. So I will substitute O for it. Okay, so in Ohotobucket I have an album for Abio oics/1 Go there. DO IT.
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Sets...again. >.>

I seem to have lost Loop's set. -_- My files are wonking up and I think it was 'cause of the Abio, so I need someone to help me get it back, please?
And after that, I might ask for help with Corsair's too. XD I'm so lame.
Loop: Kirin pelt and MG feathers
Corsair: Curved golden antlers and Starry Night pelt
I'll start with Loop. Meet me at the pond! 8D

[edit]Okay, the fags at the pond won't help me, so I'll try again tomorrow. -_-
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