July 10, 2008 - 9:59pm — fayne
Chapter 3 - The First Patrol
Aeros was silent as he led the others to their destination. He walked with purpose, his head high and his ears perked. The deer behind him were nervous. Their ears twitched, and their legs were tense with every step. Quamar was the only one still lighthearted. "It's all a joke," he told them loudly. "That little booger's probably crying with laughter right now at us. And what's worse, we're missing the rest of the party!"
"Shut up, you," Atiq snapped. "You've got no idea if he was telling the truth or not!" Quamar glared at him, but fell silent anyways. Loop rolled her eyes as she passed them. "You two are fighting like a pair of fawns. Cool down." She moved up next to Toukan and Vipin, who were padding along in silence. Toukan jerked his antlers in acknowledgement of her. The doe glanced at Aeros before whispering, "What will we do if Lightfoot was right? If someone's dead?"
Vipin looked at her with a serious expression. "Who knows? We haven't dealt with deaths in the Forest for a hundred years or so. Not even with Walter!" He frowned. "I'm not so sure about this. If this was the Triangle, who's to say it won't..."
"It won't." This came from Toukan. "Lieka won't let it." He sighed. "We'll see."
And they saw.
As soon as they topped the last hill, Atiq let out a terrified bellow. For inside the three familiar stones lay Tabithaaa - or what was left of her.
Vipin, Loop, and Aeros all charged down the hill at once, with the others following close behind. Vipin was the first to reach the doe's body. Biting his lip hard, he circled around her. Most of her flesh was torn away, and the entirety of her skull and antlers were nowhere to be seen. Aeros looked long and hard at the body before trotting off. Loop watched him go, doing her best to comfort Atiq and avoid looking at the body. "What's he doing?", she whispered to Toukan.
"Digging a hole for the body."
The service was short. Atiq was still shaken, and it took Loop a while to calm him down, but Quamar volunteered to help him back to the Oak for some rest. Aeros watched them go, silent, and with an air of grimness. Loop had never seen him to serious. Toukan and Vipin stayed behind. After a while, Toukan asked, "What now?"
"We'll hold a meeting. Everyone, to the Ename Ruins. And hurry."
Sorry for the gore! And sorry that you died, Tabbydeer. ;_;
MOAR Tabi died. ;__;
Tabi died. ;__; NOO
-Feels face.-
OUCH. I died! xD That was really well written -if a little gory. WANT MOAR! <33
lol Atiq is havin' a
Cato: Guess who controls the buttons C:<
I dunno Sarie....I think I want more stone-faced Vipin :3
I haven't gone insane......I've gone awesome.