
As the sun rose on the horizon by the pond, a faint sunbeam pierced the branches of the trees. It landed on the base of the twin gods. Its gleaming white exterior nearly glowed on the hilltop with the sunbeam a diamond sparkle crescendoes then diminuendoes making the many deer nearby turn their head to see what the flash was all about. The same occurred on the back side of the twin gods from the opposite direction except evening sun accomplished it.

Sunrise, sunset dancing in sunbeams hoping for that moment of clarity like a diamond of placed light to happen where all the world becomes balanced then the music of the spheres bursts forth to give energy for the passing of the night. Where that journey takes one only the gods know.

Diamond gateways bring one into the light and a diamond gateway takes a deer out All get a preview for a time at sunrise and sunset so it will not be a surprise.