~*~ The Devil's Creed ~*~

Graveyard's picture

PLEASE Read on the Character before Assuming things, he is not THE Devil.
On that note, he is from my personal story which does lie around the ties of Hell but my hell, and your own Hell are likely completely different things. My Hell is not like the Hell that is likely stated and described around on the Internet or elsewhere.

Updates can come from Roleplaying Purposes or from In Forest Content
If you think anything Clashes please let me know ^^
Updates 10/21/2011: Finally added Dorian to his Relations homg ;A;

Roleplaying/Interactions are allowed on this blog. Feel free to RP with her if you desire. Human or Deer is fine ^^

This Bio is still a Work In Progress, Track if you will but be warned for many updates are to come~

Valturez is my creation if you steal him, you will be caught... and it will not be tolerated. Do not take his design for your own, be creative and make your own creations. Sets can be the same (Like there aren't a lot of there wearing same sets) but his Actual design that you see on this page, drawn by me is my own.

Vulgar, lude or otherwise sexual actions done on this bio will promptly have it deleted and reposted. UNLESS I AGREE TO IT!

CSS Help From/Credits:
Unplugged's CSS Help
Haru for the Boxes <3

To Note: People with Google Chrome... Right Click, Inspect Elements = Your Best Friend~

The Grand King of Hell Arises

The Crown of Hell

General Information

The Rise of the King
The Kings Story
No Need for Formalities, he despises being Formal.
Main Alias: Grand King Valturez Midor Creed
Gender: Male/Stag
Mate: None
Age: Immortal, Thousands
Origins: Aviur Demon (Primal), Devil (As in Species) and the Grand King of Hell.
Powers and Abilities: Do not anger him, he has the power to crush ones heart on a whim if desired. His true power is hidden however as he rarely uses it. Upon sitting on the Throne it was seen through the Destruction all but disappearing as the city was rebuilt and restored. He has full control over Fire, and often times can be seen forming objects up (Like his Robes) at a whim. He can also hide his wings from view when desired.
* By combining the Elements of Primal, Acid, Obsidian, Fire and Shadow they can creature a element of 'Life' This can bring back those who have passed on. Valturez has yet to learn about this power yet.
* Life Energy can also be used to save his wife from her death due to the disease of Aviur Demons. However, Valturez does not learn this in time and loses Xezriel in several centuries. Baldemar being his only son from her.

Heritage: Heir of Lucifer and Gishani
Orientation: Bisexual
Voice: From 1:01 - End

One Major thing to note about Valturez is that it takes a LOT of energy for him to travel between Hell and the real world. Coming into the real world will utterly drain him, almost to the point of being put into a Coma. This is because his body, in itself, is not adapted to the Mortal plane. Therefore he must spend his time resting to adapt to it before wandering.

I'm known as...

I Am The Grand King
I Am The Lord
I Rule Over Hell
But I am Neither Cruel Nor Evil
I Take Orders Only From the Elementals
I Have Weakness
Threaten Me And You Are Dead
I Never Seek Anyone Out
I Spend Thy Time On My Throne
Say Anything Ill About My Family And Face My Wrath
Desecrate Anything of Mine and Perish
I Speak In Fire (FFA200)

Fiery Hair
Demonic King
Lives in Hell
Weakened by the Mortal Plane
Four Armed
Royal Robes
Hatred for Humans
Mentally Broken by the Past
Has Seen Many Wars
Wishes to Find the One

Those who seek an Audience with the Grand King merely has to ask. He is very kind and doesn't mind speaking to those that wish to visit him. Do not Approach him without asking first, he doesn't enjoy being approached unless he has given permission to the approacher.

Do not show any aggression towards him, Valturez is very prone to throwing someone away at the mere sign of Violence. He has lived through decades of Violence and condoned many of the cruel events himself and therefore doesn't want to be tied back down to it. Any acts of Aggression used towards him will likely be casted away as an attempt to overtake him, and he will get defensive of his position.

Valturez holds a high respect for everyone, being the Grand King of Hell he has learned to respect everyone rather than turning his nose up towards them. But just because he respects everyone doesn't mean he has to LIKE everyone.

It should be noted that, while he is a cruel... evil and otherwise mean bastard at times. If he ever does take on another, third lover, then his entire personality around that Lover will change greatly. He's extremely passionate when it comes to his lovers, cares for them greatly and would never want to see anything happen to them like the formers he has had. Hidden to him only, Engima his first lover was brutally murdered by himself... when he was under the infection of the Parasite Dragon known as Ashendale.

Hidden to only himself and the family he once had, Valturez is extremely miserable in terms of thoughts. He has lost everything but his true Father and therefore puts on a false face of happiness. In truth, he misses the Children he had... his Mother as well as the siblings that he despised in the beginning. The most pain comes from the lose of his mother Lucifer... thus, he holds the highest respect for the throne room that he is most commonly found in.

On Wings I Fall

He Walks Amongst You


Really, the days were starting to wear on him... the demonic, multi-limbed stag tracking along through the forest and grumbling silently to himself. To many, it would seem awkward for any deer to be tracking about in what the stag was in... heavy... but gorgeous robes. The boarders of the collar embroidered with Golden designs, Celtic Knots in style as they flowed along the sleeves and the entirety of the black silk that covered his form.

What would likely catch notice for anyone however was that those curved antlers were ablaze with flames. The crackling and snickering in the air as they wafted through the gentle breezes that would slowly blow along. That however was not the only thing aflame as from between orange furred brows was the mass of flames that erupted up in a blaze of glory above his head, flickering and carrying down to the back of his head where it dove off into a brilliant, bright orange silky hair that dangled along the entire side of his neck and hung down almost towards the forest floor.

Bangs drifted up from the side of his face, a few little rooster tails hanging up towards where hair melded with fire. And slowly those blazing, orange and yellow eyes would drift to a side where he would look towards anyone whom would come towards him to give him a greeting.

Set: NOH Pelt, Kirin Antlers/Zombie Deer Antlers, Monarch Butterfly Mask
Alternate: Skull Mask, Crying Idol Pelt, Zombie Antlers/Kirin Antlers

His Size is Larger Than the Irish Elk
Valturez is Lean, Elegant and Flowing but it is Hidden.
He Stands at 7.5' at the Shoulder
At the Crown of his head he would be 8'
His body is littered with Spiritual Markings, but they are Hidden unless his Emotions run high.
The Only Markings Noticeable are on his face, they are Ever consistent.
These markings consist of two Vertical ~ marks directly through his eyes, with an array of Dots that run along both sides, the side closest to his nose runs up to the bridge before sparking out into a series of 'Spike' markings.
Bangs flow out from the top of his head, but at the crown it bursts forth into a thick flame.
This Flame covers both his horns and carries down to the base of his neck, where it once again turns into hair.
Thick Body, forms out towards the chest where the major feature is seen. He has Six legs, and a heavy set of wings.
He has Four, forelimbs and two hind legs. The wings are thick and heavy set, coming above the first set of forelimbs. He is incapable of flight due to heavy injuries within the wings.
Valturez can make the wings disappear at will. And most of the time he keeps them hidden.
His Tail is Long, Thin and whip like towards the last few feet. The tail is equal to twice the length of his body.
Despite all these features, Valturez cloaks himself in Royal Robes.
His most Common Robe being a heavy Black Robe that drags the floor behind him. This robe is embroidered with thick golden lace and designs. The designs are generally that of Celtic Knotworks.
When Valturez is wearing the Zombie Antlers, they Represent his flaming horns.
When Valturez is wearing the Kirin Antlers, the represent when his flames are out.

On my Throne

The 'human'

{X} - Artwork by Z-Mama
{X} Mature (Boobies)

{X} Sketch by myself, Colored by a friend :3

The Images above, namely the First and Last are the best views of him.

This is the Most common form for Grand King Valturez.
He is a slightly toned man in this form.
He bears the Four Arms, Two Legs and Two wings of his other form.
His markings are still consistent on his face and never change.
He has Markings on his shoulders, these are the Markings of his Father.
He Wears his Royal Robes ALWAYS in this form. From the Most Common one to the extremely Regal ones.
One Horn upon his head is broken halfway up, but the flames the engulf it form into a sharp spike like it should.
His hair is much the same as his other form. Thick bangs that form into Flames, however the flames drop off at the base of the neck where it meets the skull and form into hair that flows to the base of his tail.
Hands have only Two Fingers and a Thumb.
Feet are Hoofed, but not your typical Cloven or anything of the like. There are two upper 'claws' towards the ankle and the 'hoof' itself is very pointed and juts out like a spike.
Emotions will make his other markings appear, if he is very lustful, etc. his hidden markings will show forth.
These Markings Glow in a vibrant coloration depending on the mood he is in. The Greater his Mood the brighter they are.

Who I've Met in my Wanderings...

Relations and Enemies

"The Grand King has finally risen, after all hopes have since been lost for the true heir to rise. With Valturez now in power... we are whole and in a time of peace..." - His Followers

Those Encountered

The Grand King has known many things about family, he's ancient... and wise one could say. Family is something that isn't foreign to him, but anymore he's lost all hopes of having a true family due to the wars and chaos he's been involved in. It's possible that with a little coaxing and some mending within this world he might open himself up to the ideas of a new, brighter life. But until then... it's not known what he will do.

Lovers and Interests
It's not unknown that Valturez is a passionate man, he's quite the lover when it comes down to it and is willing to do anything in his power to make the ones that he cherishes happy. When it comes to love with the demonic king, he's caring... more so than it would seem if you met him on a normal occasion. However, no one has seemed to truly catch the ancient kings interest... and his mind is lost from the true world of 'love' due to the things that have happened in the wars he's been in.

Desires to Meet
Catching Valturez's eye is not something that is hard, anything can interest him if given the right circumstances. He's not one to enjoy this... mortal world, but he does find things interesting in it. And while he hates most things human, he's willing to overlook such a thing if it means that it will show him something of interest. Those who often catch the kings interest will often be watched by him from a distance before he approaches.

Alliances, Friends and Acquaintances
Valturez is not opposed to having allies. But his misery often keeps him from becoming more than just an acquaintance to those that get to know him. Any interactions will likely only be done through Roleplaying only. If you want to be added to this list, please feel free to post a Comment if you have met him.

Enemies and Rivals
Those who have become the Grand Kings Enemy will know nothing but pain and suffering in the end. Valturez shows those that oppose him no mercy, and if given the chance he will literally tear their world apart. His manners towards an enemy are strikingly insane, as those the demon has lost his mind. But this does not come as a surprise, since the many years of torture he's endured and the things that he's lost... those who have hurt him before are what drives his actions to new enemies.

The Grand City of Melekure

His City and Palace

The Grand City by DiceKitty

The Grand City of Melekure is the most populated City of Hell. Within the Center of the massive Metropolis lies the Palace of the Grand King himself. Surrounding the palace is the Market Row, in which many of the Aviur Demons sell their wears to the other species as well as barter with one another to carry out a peaceful life. Those within the Market area sell a wide Variety of things from gorgeous cloths and Elegant Robes, to Fresh pelts from many of the species found within hell. They also sell gowns, beautifully crafted Jewelery and many other things.

Popular amongst Lovers, some demons also offer the very alluring Sorrows Gem, this Gem is said to be crafted from the Blood of Adramelech and can be found within Redshore Sorrows. Aviur Demon couples will often present these Gems to the one that they wish to Bond with for life. Outside of the Market area is the general publics housing. Many demons take to the subtle homes that surround the market and nothing of true interest lies here. Save for the occasional bar or anything of that sort. Slowly as one leaves the Public Housing they will fall into the Slums... a place where the dirt poor and injured dwell.

The Slums are a pathetic sight for most of the other Aviur Demons. Anything that dwells in these parts are deemed Unworthy and are almost always treated with Hatred and considered thieves to the main city. Walking through these parts would present one with a true look of death and just what hell is likely seen as some. Beyond the Slums lies the deep valley that was created from the Rise of Ashendale. And Beyond that... well even the Aviur Demons are still discovering the outskirts of their vast cities.

Within the insides of the Mountain it is built upon, is the Dungeons where Ashendale and his parasite kin are kept. Valturez keeps the area hidden and anyone who has opposed him is punished by being sent to the lair. Many demons are sacrificed by the great king in order to keep a supply of the Parasites.

Fan-Stories and Writings

Fan-Stories and Writings

Coming Soon~
Feel Free to Feature Valturez in Any Writings you Want ^^

Fanart and Artwork

By Others
Feel Free to Draw Valturez if you Desire ^^
* - By Z-Mama
* By Hotaru-Sama666

By Myself
6 Mature (Boobies)

Chickenwhite's picture



Mmhmmhmm~! I just read

I just read everything and I have to say... WHAT. A. STUD.
Graveyard's picture

LMAO! What a stud indeed ;P

LMAO! What a stud indeed ;P

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Heeeey, feel like RP'ing

Heeeey, feel like RP'ing sometime? : D
Graveyard's picture

Fffffffffffffff RPing >3> You

Fffffffffffffff RPing >3> You said the magic words 8O

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

I'm good at that!~ What do

I'm good at that!~ What do you feel like? ^w^
Graveyard's picture

Ffffffffffffff Hmmmmmmmmmm

Ffffffffffffff Hmmmmmmmmmm anything you're up for? XD I'm like in an RP mood for Val but I dunno what I want to do with him LOL

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

I feel your pain, dewd, I

I feel your pain, dewd, I feel like either having Crire be bratty or Dorian be paranoid TwT
Graveyard's picture

Ffffffffff Choices,

Ffffffffff Choices, Choices... so hard to pick GAH! XC Paranoid or Bratty... oh man >3

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Inorite? TwT So I'm gonna let

Inorite? TwT
So I'm gonna let you pick! : D Because as fun as Crire is, Dorian's reaction to Val would be pure gold XDD
Graveyard's picture

>3 Then I have to go with

>3 Then I have to go with Dorian, I wanted to RP with him for awhile now and that would just be pure lulz I think 8D

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Oh, really? >w< That's just

Oh, really? >w< That's just awesome, then! >w< What should the setting be, y'think? ^w^
Graveyard's picture

Hmmmmmmmmmm... *thinks* Well

Hmmmmmmmmmm... *thinks* Well Val can go to whatever setting you'd want, just with a few tweeks to make him fit in 8V So maybe something that would be suiting for Dorian Shocked

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Then probably Dorian relaxing

Then probably Dorian relaxing for once... He's been running away in fear in every other RP I've had with him so far, so he needs a time out XD Hmm, him trying to get some food would be a good idea... He's not used to eating grass, so it'd be somewhat of a problem for him XD
Chickenwhite's picture

You there, man?...

You there, man?...
Graveyard's picture


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Sorry about taking SO long to get back to ya. I was having a busy week since I had to get ready to come up to my Aunts the 28th (Will be staying here until the 1st/2nd) so my time online is slim.

Hehehehe, what kinda food 8U Val's not the greatest at bringing things up LOL Or at least, not the guy with the best tastes in the world XD

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

That's okay, dewd, we all

That's okay, dewd, we all have lives, after all >w<

And I think Dorian'd just try and see if he could get used to pinecones and grass... rather a big step for him, being pretty much born confused as it is XD
Graveyard's picture

Hehehehe, Pinecones are only

Hehehehe, Pinecones are only good for their seeds >3> *has had that before* Mmmmmmmm XD *shot* Grass, is hard to get used to I would think LOL! Especially for someone like Val, it'd probably give him a bad stomach ache XD

Yeah, I should have told you sooner, but I was too busy getting everything ready that I forgot @_@

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"

Pfft, it sounds like they'd

Pfft, it sounds like they'd actually understand each other quite well XD

It's okay, man there's no rush, after all ^w^

pfft, fail, wrong account XD;;
Graveyard's picture

O-o Whoa somethings screwing

O-o Whoa somethings screwing around with my CSS... maybe it's that stuff that M&A did... o.o comments are all screwy now D|

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

They look perfectly fine to

They look perfectly fine to me O.o
Graveyard's picture

LOL It was back when M&A were

LOL It was back when M&A were doing things to fix the CSS issue we had with a person whiting bios... they accidentally made the comments funky on us XD Their fine now though <_<

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Oh, I see >w

Oh, I see >w<
Anyways, did ya wanna RP, per chance?~
Graveyard's picture

Sure 8V If joo want too~

Sure 8V If joo want too~

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Of course I do!~ Feel like

Of course I do!~ Feel like making Val and Dorian interact for the lulz? XD
Graveyard's picture

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur I do so

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur I do so badly |D <3 If only because I love the entertainment |3

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Graveyard's picture

I think I'm on a roll with

I think I'm on a roll with the collaboration stories ._.;;;; HAH! Like 3 stories updated in 1 day admittedly one was late on being posted LOL!

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Pfft, nice none the less

Pfft, nice none the less XDD
So, we should really get this show on the road, shouldn't we? XD Before we both procrastinate it to death XDD
Graveyard's picture

LMAO! Where did you want to

LMAO! Where did you want to start it? On this Bio? Dorian's? >3>

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

I dunno, I'm indifferent >w<

I dunno, I'm indifferent >w< Here's fine by me : D
Graveyard's picture

Well let's get this party on

Well let's get this party on the road Shocked Did you want to set it up >3> I'm horrid at times with getting settings up LOL

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Sure thing, mate XDD The

Sure thing, mate XDD

The night was dark as dark can be, the stars above doing little to illuminate the pitch blackness that had enveloped the forest.
Dorian was scared.
In his mind he saw thousands of hands grabbing at him, darkness swirling to choke him, horrible beasts only waiting to strike...
But he was too exhausted to run.
He had been running for a week straight now, only stopping rarely, legs aching and frame trembling from dehydration and starvation.
The hallucinations had only gotten worse and now they were at his back, clawing at his mind and making him whimper pathetically as he lay, barely hidden by the bushes he'd crashed under.
He felt so... very... tired...
Graveyard's picture

The demonic king had been

The demonic king had been wandering through the forest, having taken the time to just enjoy it's beauty. Sighing deeply he shifted and listened carefully before moving towards a bush and moving one of those flaming horns of his down and scooping the foliage at of the way... it had caught his attention due to the movement that was coming from it "What in the world is this..." He muttered out seeing the shaking, rather confusing creature there.

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

Said creature was laying

Said creature was laying almost completely still, smelling and looking dead at a glance. But he was breathing, if only rapidly and shallowly.
Dorian whimpered pathetically as he felt the presence of the other being.
"...Please don't hurt me..." He croaked hoarsely, trying to move one leg enough to gain some distance from the other.
He didn't enjoy the close proximity and the reaching hands in his minds made it all worse...
Graveyard's picture

A snort came from the demon

A snort came from the demon as he shifted and shoved the bush further out of his way so that he could see this strange, fragile looking buck "Well I wasn't going to hurt you... I have no reason to. And you are not an enemy of mine..." Shaking his head Valturez looked over how the others breathing was "You're scared..."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

The tiny thing gave a

The tiny thing gave a high-pitched, quiet chuckle.
"Am I? I hadn't noticed!..." It then whimpered as it tried to drag itself away by its one front leg, unaffected as it was by the fatigue from being all iron.
It still collapsed, though, leaving the scared deer panting and whimpering on the ground, body trembling badly from the strain.
"I just... Just wanna sleep..." He sobbed into the grass, the thousands of hands in his mind reaching out for him and making him jerk and give a fearful squeak.
Graveyard's picture

"Then sleep... I am not

"Then sleep... I am not stopping you from doing so surely..." Shifting he shook his head snorting out and sighing deeply watching the strange thing at his feet before moving around and coming from the bush and just pulling it away with one of those horns of his. Pitching the thing to a side, Valturez carefully walked around before flopping himself down on the ground beside the strange thing he seemed to be so interested in "Predators sense fear... while I am not a predator you reek of it though... best lock that fear away. Unless you want the predators to sniff you out here..."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Chickenwhite's picture

The minute deer

The minute deer whimpered.
"I-I can't help it!..." It said, giving a shaky sigh. As Valturez touched it, it just seemed to shiver and tremble even more in fear, skin twitching uncomfortably where the stag's and its body touched. It tried to scuttle away, but yet again, its muscles failed it.
It shivered and whimpered as it closed its eyes, only to immediately open them again, the smell of fear increasing.
"I can't sleep!... They'll... They'll get me if I sleep..." Its speech was slurred as it spoke, telling of many nights and days without sleep.
Chickenwhite's picture

That only took a few months

That only took a few months or so XD